Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 577

He did not fall, she was scared out of a saliva, just unfortunately sprayed on his face.

His half incomplete and half handsome face was covered with countless drops of water.

She was stupefied for half a second, but this goods is a person who is addicted to cleanliness. He must kill her with the water in his face!

He immediately took some napkins from the box on the bedside table and wiped them on his face, "sorry, Ting Ting, they didn't mean to..."

"Is that intentional?" He learned her lines.

"Not really." She wiped his handsome face with a paper towel, and looked at his white shirt, which was also wet with water. "What, the clothes can't be wiped off. Go wash your face and change your clothes."

"No He insisted on her busy little hand and gave a kiss to her lips, "Cheng yingxuan..."


She raised her eyes to see him. His deep eyes were full of strong feelings. She almost thought he was saying I love you!

A hot cheek, waiting for his affectionate confession, even if the break-up, he confessed again it doesn't matter.

Silence for a minute, he said hoarsely, "your saliva on my face, I like it."

She pulled back her hand from his big, thick hand, "pervert!"

He stared at her coquettish expression and laughed, "are you abnormal or I abnormal?"

Pick up the mobile phone, put a video surveillance clip, in the mobile phone, she is licking and licking the scar on his left face who is asleep

“……” She immediately blackened her face, and she howled, "that woman in the video is not me!" Never admit that you are so shameless.

I'm really sorry. I lost my heart that night. I went to lick the scar on his face Oh, I want to scream.

He knew that she was embarrassed to recognize her and did not force her to, "OK, it's not you It's my wife. "

After listening to the first two sections of his speech, she nodded fiercely, heard the last four words, her pretty face changed, "nonsense, who is your wife!"

She was very cute in her breath. His heart was as cold as ten thousand years ago, and his heart was soft. "I didn't say you. I mean the woman in the video is my wife."

"That's me in the video..." She made a slip and was depressed.

He smiles and reaches out his finger to touch her face. "You're my wife. That's right."

She slapped his hands, which he liked to touch. "I'm not. I tell you solemnly, I will not marry you

She's still howling here with all the cards. He felt sorry for her ignorance, and was afraid that she would do something extreme once she knew it. "Don't be so resolute. You'll get married if you figure it out."

"I can't think of it!" Her voice rose eight degrees.

"Established facts," he raised his hand to her chin, his voice icy and domineering, "I repeat, you It's mine

"The devil is yours!"

"That's right. Even if you die, you can only be the ghost of Yan shiting!" He looked at her beautiful face and added in his heart that he would not let her die before he died.

"You She lifted the quilt and went down.

He squatted down and picked up her shoes to help her put them on.

Her body was stiff, "Yan shiting, why are you suffering?" They all broke up. He was so arrogant and arrogant that he even helped her wear shoes! What an incredible thing, a lot of falling prices.

He held her little foot and gave a kiss to his mouth. He raised his head and looked at her with gloomy eyes. His voice was hoarse, "Cheng yingxuan, I love you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!