Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 576

In other words, he could not bear her disappointment, and even the disdain that might arise from it.

I'm really afraid that she will dislike him if she knows.


Yan shiting's gloomy eyes are filled with deep and boundless pain!

Even if Cheng yingxuan doesn't think that he has no fertility, she can't stand her being with him because of her sympathy.

For a while, I can hide it from her.

Two hours later, Yan shiting's mobile phone rang and he picked up the phone.

A professional male voice over there said, "after checking the monitoring of all activities of Miss Cheng yingxuan that day, she basically stayed in Lanshi group. From the monitoring, a female staff member of the personnel department named Zhang Jing accompanied Miss Cheng to the bathroom for pregnancy test. After that, the only person who could access Miss Cheng's mobile phone was Zhang Jing. Zhang Jing's background is also an ordinary female employee. Recently, there is an unknown remittance in her account, which should be doing business for others. "

Yan shiting clenched his hands into a fist, and wanted to directly order Zhang Jing to be chopped into meat paste, but he didn't want to break the clue, "send someone to watch her, and she will certainly have actions."

"Boss, Zhang Jing also left Lan's group today because her mother was ill and needed to be taken care of. My subordinates found that her mother was not ill. "

"I'll find out who's behind the scenes sooner or later! If I am right, she will contact Cheng yingxuan. Long line, big fish. "


Yan shiting hung up the phone, and there was a touch of sinister in the eyes of lacquer sharp.


Cheng yingxuan was almost awakened by a burning sight. She opened her eyes and saw Yan shiting's affectionate and hot sight.

"You are awake." His cold male voice was slightly hoarse, and he raised his hand to caress the hair on her forehead, and his action was particularly gentle.

Cheng yingxuan yawned and glanced at his expression. He didn't wear a mask on his left cheek, and his tender and affectionate eyes in his pupils were not covered up at all. Even the scars on his left face seemed to soften a little.

A fool can feel love in his eyes.

She sat up, and he kindly took a pillow and put her against her back.

"Strange..." She grunted.

"What's the matter?" He rubbed her white and tender face with his big hands.

"You seem different..."

He stroked her cheek with a stiff movement. "Sensitive little thing, what's different?"

She looked at him and stared at him for three seconds. "I was kind to me before, but I didn't like it. Now..." It seems more sincere.

"No, I'm not reconciled." There was a misunderstanding before. He was angry and wanted to strangle her. "How is it now?"

"Now you're in the party." She clapped his big palm open. "Are you deaf? How many times have you said that? Don't touch me

As if he hadn't heard of it, he automatically blocked the second half of the sentence and took a glass of water on his head cabinet. "Do you know me, too? Or let you feel it in person? Well? "

That burning deep eyes, slightly raised the end of the cold sink with doting.

Her scalp was numb by his sight, listening to his voice are a bit intoxicating, "we have broken up, please don't like this!"

"You just woke up, your voice is a little hoarse, drink some water." He handed her the glass in his hand.

She was so thirsty that she took up her glass and began to gulp.

"I don't have the heart to guard against people. Here you are, and you drink it? I put medicine in the water. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!