Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 574

She clapped his hand hard. "Don't touch it! It's just been agreed that we won't go on like this. "

"Yes." He nodded. "We'll fix it again. There's no misunderstanding."

She stood up and said, "who said we should get together with you? I mean, if we break up, we should not be entangled. Let's separate and live well. You also agreed just now. It's really true that you claim "good."

"I only agree that we should be lovers again. As a matter of fact, in my heart, we haven't divided. " His lip corner smoked, the woman is really difficult to coax, even his girlfriend is not willing to do, if you know that she is his wife, will you take a knife to cut him?

"Divided, divided, divided!" She stressed the important thing three times.

"All right, all right." He was afraid that her excitement would be bad for her health.

He finally relaxed, she was satisfied, "I'll go to sleep."

"I'll be with you." He followed her up.

She stares at him, "isn't it divided?"

"Who said we couldn't be together when we were separated?" He added domineering, "you It's mine

“……” "You die!" she said out of her teeth

After walking a few steps, she looked back at him suspiciously, "your head is swollen, just called pain, now it doesn't hurt?"

Just hit him like that. His head is made of iron, and it won't hurt at all. Before is pretends, wants her to give some gentleness, "still ache, or, you rub again?"

She saw that he had put it on and went upstairs and locked the door.

His tall and great figure stood outside the door and was closed.

She didn't let him into the room for three days. She was just like a thief. It was really hard for him.

The "second brother" in the crotch stood upright, missing her. When will the "second brother" go back to his warm, narrow and moist home?

with his mask in his hand, he goes to the study and opens his laptop.

Although in the study of Mujia manor, his laptop is his own. By pressing the power on button, he switches to the monitoring when he takes off the mask in front of her for the first time.

These surveillance images were all taken in the villa room next door.

He wanted to take a fresh look at her real reaction when she saw his mutilated left face for the first time, to see if she really didn't mind his face.

If his cosmetic surgery can recover, at least most of them have not been done, which is a special unknown reason.

To leave a good scar on the face, remember this lesson, remember how cold-blooded that person is!

Every reaction of Cheng yingxuan to see the scar on his face is replayed in the monitoring.

He even recorded the night when he took off his mask in front of her, and he was in love with her in bed, and she suffered endless demands from him

He has been reluctant to delete this video, he watched it quietly many times.

He looked at it and couldn't help it. He thought of how to make her and ask her to combine with the picture. It was very exciting.

Bear not to roll, hold back waiting for her one-time make up!

After watching the video, after love, he kept looking down.

In fact, he also reflected on the monitoring several times before. He saw that he had finished with her, so he didn't look at it any more. After all, he didn't have so much time to stare at the picture at that time, because he spent more time with her. The real person was much more beautiful than the picture in the monitoring.

The time shown in the picture at this moment is dawn. He is deep asleep, but her eyes are still open.

Then, he actually saw her in the surveillance, first raised her little hand to touch the scar on his left face, and then stretched out her tongue to lick the scars on his left face! , the fastest update of the webnovel!