Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 573

She took her little hand and took it to her crotch. She pulled it back. "You are sick. Your head hurts. Why should I rub your bottom?"

"I also have pain and swelling under me." "I don't believe you touch it," he said without changing his face

She slapped him on the back of the head. He grinned and said, "hiss You beat the patient

"Didn't you send someone to throw the patient downstairs?"

his eyes flashed with doubt, and she reminded, "Huabo, lying in the hospital, was thrown down from the third floor by your staff. I heard that he has not been discharged yet."

He looked cold, "that bastard, dare to make your idea, it's not worth dying. If it wasn't for his brother's flower mat, I'd send someone to throw Huabo down from the 30th floor

He glared at her angrily and raised her chin with one hand. "And you, I don't think it's too long to be a Huabo pawn. If something happened, I didn't call me at the first time, but let Mu Yufeng go to the hotel room. If he did..."

Think of that night if it is not their own, if she was touched by Mu Yu Feng, he is still angry to kill!

"If any man touches you, I'll kill him and bury you!" he said

She also looked ugly. "That night, you didn't find a prostitute first. If you don't have a house with a prostitute, I'll... "

She lost her voice when she noticed that she had said something.

His eyes were pleasantly surprised, "so you asked Mu Yufeng to go to the room, was it deliberately angry with me?"

"Go away." She didn't want to talk.

But he recognized the idea, and the cruelty in his eyes softened. "You just don't have a brain. You don't want me to look for other women and be angry with me. Just tell me clearly."

"I don't care how many women you look for."

"What you say is not what you mean." He decided that she cared about herself and was in a happy mood. "Yingxuan, it's my fault. I don't want to look for other women at all. I just want to show you how to make you angry. I really don't want to admit that I will be naive. Just to say, I care too much about you. Care about My whole heart hurts

She was silent for a while and said slowly, "Yan shiting, let's not go on like this."

Is she willing to make up again? He was happy, "OK."

That's a good promise? She took a look at him, and then said, "you let Mu Yu Feng go."


Before he was buckled feather maple, I do not know where to go. I didn't expect to let someone go.

She took his cell phone out of his pocket. "Call now and let your subordinates let go."

He made a phone call in accordance with the word, hung up and said, "Muyu maple is free."

"I got the news and the Mu family agreed that as long as you let people go, you would not investigate this matter."

"Mojia has not the ability to investigate!" His tone arrogant, "even if I killed Mu Yu Feng, can also uproot the whole Mu family."

She knew that he had the ability and didn't want to argue about it. "It's not good for you to occupy the magpie's nest. It's not good to live in the family's manor. It's better for you to move away immediately."

He recognized her language trouble, "don't you move it?"

She wants to see if Mu Yu Feng is OK, "my business, you don't have to worry about it."

"I won't move either." He took her pretty body and didn't want to leave her for a moment.

"Yingxuan, I want you..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!