Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 571

"How can that be done?" Old master Yan was very angry. He calmed down. When he had a great grandson, what should he do with his grandson? The most important thing was inheritance. "It doesn't matter if I don't see him for a year. I want to see Cheng Xiaobao." Thinking of the lovely boy in the picture, I want to take it home and keep it well.

“……” The bodyguard didn't understand what medicine was sold in the old man's gourd? How can I see Miss Cheng's son?

"That's even worse." The bodyguard said, "boss said, you are forbidden to see Miss Cheng and her son again."

"I'm so angry!" Old master Yan suddenly gasped, and his wrinkled old face turned white. "I have a heart attack! Come on Help me to rest in Chuang Tzu

"Take the old man to the hospital at once." A bodyguard squatted down in front of him and said respectfully, "master, you come up, I will carry you."

"I don't have to go to the hospital, I don't have to go to the hospital. I just go to Chuang Tzu to have a rest..."

"I'm sorry Boss orders that if you and Ms. Cen go in one step, we will lose our heads. "

No matter how hard Cen Sufen and old master Yan tossed about, they were blocked outside the Mujia manor and couldn't get in.

Unconsciously, several hours later, old master Yan couldn't bear the old bones, so he had to go back to the RV to have a rest.

In the hall on the first floor of Mujia manor, Yan shiting and Cheng yingxuan are watching TV.

When a servant reported the situation at the door, Yan shiting frowned and said, "OK, what does the old master want to see Cheng Xiaobao for?"

Cheng yingxuan's heart is pounding. Can't old master Yan doubt anything?

"Send the two of them back to the old house of the Yan family." Yan shiting indifferently ordered, "suburban villas here, three kilometers away, forbidden to approach."

"Yes." The servant went down to give orders.

At the gate, they refused to leave. Then old master Yan and Ms. Cen were forced into the car, and the RV left.

Cheng yingxuan's heart is carried, her face serious way, "Yan shiting, I don't want to see your grandfather and your mother again. After all, you know, they are too unfriendly to me

"Good." Yan shiting moved a position and sat down beside her, "I won't let them hurt you again. How do you say it, how can you be?"

A long arm, stretch out his hand to embrace her into the arms, her body a stiff, stiff face, "do not move."

He raised a gentle smile on the corner of his lips, and pointed out the bridge of her nose. "I have this right."

"You don't have one." She twisted her eyebrows.

He really wants to say that he and she are legal husband and wife. If he raped her directly, no one can say anything.

"Cheng yingxuan, what's wrong with you?" He domineering her body, big palm in her soft chest under the grip.

Wang, who has not touched her for several days, really wants her body!

Her face stiffened, and she wanted to give him a backhand slap. He seemed to have guessed her move, and even her arms were pressed together.

"You hate me so much, huh?" He asked as if inadvertently, the bottom of his heart bitter spread, "you think my left face is not good-looking, I can go to plastic surgery."

She looked at him in surprise, "when do I think your left face is not good-looking?"

He glanced at her reaction. It didn't look fake.

With her nature of mind, slapping him for several times, it is impossible to have the leisure to pretend in front of him, that is to say, she really does not dislike his appearance?

He suddenly realized that something had gone wrong! , the fastest update of the webnovel!