Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 570

A bodyguard stopped Yan's way. "Sorry, you can't go in."

"What!" "Do you know who I am?" he said

"Lord Yan."

"How dare you stop it?"

"Yan Shao told me that you and Cen Ladies are not allowed to enter the Mujia manor. " The bodyguard glanced at Cen Sufen's face.

CEN Sufen pointed to herself, "even I can't enter?"

the bodyguard is very respectful, "young master, it means to guard against you two."

“……” Old master Yan and Cen Sufen looked at each other, and they all knew that it was Cheng yingxuan who they had secretly approached, and shiting was on guard.

The old man winked at Cen Sufen's ear and let her break in, "daughter-in-law, you come."

"Father in law, you'd better come." She disagreed awkwardly.

"I am an elder."

CEN Sufen is right, "I'm a lady." It will be very ugly if you try to break in. Wait a minute. In case you want to abuse the street It's better for my father-in-law to act.

Seeing that his daughter-in-law refused to cooperate, he had to fight in person. "I'm Yan shiting's grandfather. My grandson listens to his grandfather. I order you to get out of here!"

"I'm sorry." Bodyguards don't sell face.

"I just want to go in. What can you do with me?" The old master Yan rushed forward in a garrison, and several bodyguards formed a line of people to block them.

The old man simply picked up a crutch to the bodyguard. The bodyguard was in pain, but he didn't let him.

"Get out of here The old man roared.

"I'm sorry." Bodyguards are just three words.

Old master Yan went to the side and walked out less than 10 meters. He was carried back to the gate by a bodyguard.

CEN Sufen took advantage of their inattention, secretly walked along the side of the wall to the inside, and the road was blocked. The other side only said, "madam, please come back."

She saw that the old man had been carried outside and straightened her skirt. "I'm a woman. If you dare to carry me, I'll call it indecent..."

Before she finished speaking, she was forced to carry out by a bodyguard.

"Indecent, indecent!" CEN Sufen really yelled, and when she was put down, she fixed her eyes and saw that the bodyguard carrying her was a woman.

The guard at the door said, "Yan Shaozao expected that you two would make trouble without reason. The female bodyguard will treat you exclusively."

"Cure me?" CEN Sufen's face was like a green vegetable in full bloom.

"Of course I dare not. This is Yan Shao's original words."

"I don't care. I have to go in!" This time Cen Sufen rushed in with the old master Yan, but was still pushed out.

"Yan Shao said that once you break the code, carry it out, push it twice, and throw it directly three times. If you send someone to fight again, then Machine gun fire. "

Old master Yan did not dare to jump this time. He could only put pressure on him, "you are the bodyguards of the Yan Family! You have to listen to me

"The old man is wrong. We are the boss's personal guards. We only listen to him." I didn't give the old man face at all.

Old master Yan was so angry that he puffed his beard and glared at his eyes. He stretched out his head and looked into the gate. The scenery in the wide courtyard was pleasant. He planted a large number of flowers, fruits and other things. He was not in the mood to enjoy it, but he did not see Cheng Xiaobao.

CEN Sufen took out his mobile phone to call Yan shiting, but he couldn't get through. "Dad, my phone number is estimated to be blackened by shiting and can't be called in."

Mr. Yan didn't bring his cell phone with him

"The old master, Mrs. Yan, boss are in the manor." The bodyguard mended the knife at the right time, "he told me that I would not see you in a year." , the fastest update of the webnovel!