Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 556

Then she pointed to a female staff member about 40 years old, "you, talk!"

The woman who handled the divorce certificate nodded, "mu What Mu Shao said is true. "

Looking at the faces of other "witnesses", Yan shiting knew that the staff had not lied. His eyes fell on Cheng yingxuan's face coldly, "if you refuse to marry him, you will not die.". It doesn't mean that Mu Yufeng doesn't have to die. "

She has failed him, he will not feel guilty, no woman dare to betray his love!

Just about to collect the gun

Bang! Cheng yingxuan raised her hand and slapped Yan shiting.

Everyone, including Swat, was stunned.

She How dare she beat Yan Shao!

In particular, the leader of the special police team was most shocked. Did she know who Yan Shao was?

I don't know that Yan Shao's hidden power is too deep to be known. Otherwise, how could he die?

Yan shiting's face was livid, and his fist clenched fiercely. The knuckles of holding the gun turned white. The gun still did not point back to her head.

She was as cold as stagnant water, with hate in her voice, "Yan shiting, you are not qualified to point a gun at me!"

Almost everyone is waiting to see how Cheng yingxuan dies. Some of them are full of sympathy.

Even Mu Yufeng pinched a cold sweat for her, "Xuanxuan, life matters..."

"My business is none of your business." She gave a cold drink.

Mu Yu Feng no longer speaks. Knowing that Yan shiting knows she doesn't want to kill her again.

He is distressed, she is too stubborn, will suffer losses.

He was willing to help her kill all the people who bullied her, but for now, even if he is good at it, he is really powerless.

Mu Yufeng's heart is somewhat disappointed.

In the present situation, he was pointed at by several special police, but she had a chance to seize Yan shiting's gun and rescue him.

However, she did not.

Yan shiting's dignity was trampled on. Even if he didn't have the heart to kill her, he would have killed everyone present!

Murderous anger emanates from his body, and all people are almost frozen into ice by the cold that he sends out.

He didn't let this scene have a chance to be heard. His eyes were full of murders. He thought that Zheng Wei said she liked warm men He didn't want her to think that so many people died for her, which left a shadow in his heart.

He had already decided not to confront her.

The slap didn't seem to be very angry. He was wrong to point a gun at her

He thought she really agreed to marry another He was just mad!

In addition to Mu Yufeng, all the people present held their breath to see how Cheng yingxuan died. One minute or two minutes passed

Yan shiting had no intention of killing her except that his face was blue with cold, like a bloodthirsty Yama.

And then

Sensitive people find that the intense sense of oppression does not seem to have the suffocating smell of blood.

"Cheng yingxuan, you go first." Yan shiting's ruimou radiates a sharp edge. His tone is overbearing and can't resist.

When she left, he ordered to kill Mu Yufeng.

"Let go of Muyu maple." She coldly left such a sentence, picked up her own ID card, household registration certificate on the table, turned out of the hall on the second floor of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Yan shiting looked at her thin beautiful back, so thin, there is a kind of boundless loneliness spread from her body.

At this moment, his heart is as dull as being hit by a hammer.

At the same time, the heart also clearly understood that she was so lonely that no one came into her heart, including him and Mu Yufeng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!