Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 555

She did not want him, now also want to marry others, is to completely abandon him, even give him entanglement, lick a face to let her step on the dignity of the opportunity to take back!

No one understood how painful his heart was at the moment.

His heart is like being gouged out and cut with a knife, and then the whole heart is dug out and scraped!

His heart was empty and painful like a huge blood hole, and the endless pain and hatred almost drowned him!

Why does Cheng yingxuan's heart hurt?

Yan shiting cancelled the proposal in order to comply with the wishes of the elders of the Yan family. He was a deserter and had the face to accuse and kill her.

"I'm blind." Her heart was filled with desolation, gain and loss of color, "more said no intention, pull your trigger!"

He bit his teeth so hard that he almost pulled the trigger. He looked at her more and more resentfully. The sharp eyes of the blade seemed to have poked her two holes alive.

I want to kill her. I want to kill her

His heart is about to lose control.

At this moment, his hand couldn't help shaking a little.

Killing a woman makes you tremble.

He always kills people without blinking an eye, but to her


He clearly realized that if she died, he didn't want to live either.

What if he stood at the top of his life in this life?

Even if he doesn't have an heir, he feels disgusted when he touches other women, even his father who seems to love him most

Without her, he felt that his life was meaningless.

"Ha ha..." He suddenly laughed. At this moment, he couldn't give up her. He squinted slightly and ordered, "kill Mu Yu for me..."

"Hold on!" She interrupts him reflexively. When he is finished, Mu Yufeng is really shot into a sieve.

He used the blood stained hand to hook up her chin, and senhan's male voice was full of threats, "how, subconsciously protect your adulterer? Are you so reluctant to die? "

She turned her head to avoid his touch. "Don't touch me with your dirty hands!"

"I said, except for an accident more than five and a half years ago, I didn't touch any other woman!" He almost burst out of his chest anger, "I said, looking for Miss, just to anger you."

She pursed her lips and chuckled, laughing coldly. "The contradiction between me and you is not this, but missed the proposal, you will not have a second chance!"

"Why miss it? You blame me She doesn't mind. How can he cancel it in anger?

Is it up to her to hook her lips ironically? Because she doesn't like her family?

Even if she said that Xiaobao was his son, his family would also think that she was an orphan and that her family background did not match him!

Mu Yufeng doesn't want to die. When he dies, there will be nothing left. He doesn't want Cheng yingxuan to be hurt. "Yan shiting, I cheated Xuanxuan that a friend was also applying for a certificate in the Civil Affairs Bureau. She thought I would not cheat her, so she came. Before you arrived, even before you ordered someone to turn off the power, she had definitely refused to register with me. I don't have to lie to you. There are so many witnesses on the scene. If you don't believe me, just grab one and ask. "

Yan shiting's reason finally returned to his cage. His anger was slightly lower than that of the huge waves. His cold eyes swept over a group of people hiding behind the counter of the director of certificate.

The two women were held in their arms by two men. They should be lovers.

Everyone was shaking with his eyes as he swept through the clouds. No one dared to say anything. , the fastest update of the webnovel!