Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 554

Cheng yingxuan glanced coldly and pointed at the gun on her forehead. She thought that Yan shiting had learned how to do housework and cooking for her from a young master who could not cook at all. She also thought that he still had the patience to take Xiaobao to school and school because of his grim personality

Thinking of waking up almost every morning in his arms, under his overbearing and possessive gaze

I think of a lot of times when he is domineering but gentle

Now, she can't see half love from his eyes, only a strong murderous spirit!

Everything in the past has already turned into smoke. He really wants to kill her!

"Ha ha..." "I betrayed you? Yan shiting, you really can say it. I have broken up with you. You are pestering me! I have nothing to do with you

"A woman whose heart is not in me, a cruel woman who has changed her heart, is also a betrayal!" His hand became an iron fist, and the thick killing machine in his eyes almost burst into ice.

Mu Yufeng wants to save her, but she is pointed by several guns and dare not move. He can't watch Xuanxuan die. If he is not reconciled, he can only tell him, "Yan shiting, she didn't betray you, she didn't want to marry me."

Yan shiting slightly glanced at the complete certificate on the counter, "hum, you are all dying. Don't help her speak! Don't worry, I won't help you dog and man! Mu Yufeng, you said, I cut off your limbs, dug my eyes, and pulled out my tongue. Will Cheng yingxuan, a realistic woman, still take a fancy to you? "

Mu Yufeng's face is frozen. Now the situation is extremely unfavorable to him. Yan shiting is not a person who will be inspired. If he doesn't, he will answer, otherwise, his words will accelerate his death.

He Mu Yufeng received special training of organization, the fittest survive, even if muddle along.

Yan shiting's lips rose with a sneer, "Cheng yingxuan, have you seen it? The man you like is greedy and cowardly

"He is not a coward, but you take advantage of others." She snorted coldly, "today, if you are counted with a gun on your head, don't tell me you have the ability to be brave!"

"It's true that the adulterer has a deep love for Fu." Yan shiting's naturally cool and thin eyes, with a lofty senhan staring at her face, "Cheng yingxuan, are you conceited that I dare not kill you?"

"Shoot." Cheng yingxuan doesn't want to talk nonsense with him. She has a kind of spirit of death. Her eyes are so cold that she even dislikes one more glance at him.

Yan shiting clenched his fingernails into the flesh, and blood trickled down his fingers.

His face was even more green like the boundless dark hell under the hall of hell.

If in the past, she did not send him the message that let him fall into hell, he would put her in his mouth, afraid to melt her into the bone marrow!

Why does this dead woman still look disgusted with him?

He closed his eyes and slowly hooked his right index finger forward. Cheng yingxuan knew that with a little more force on his index finger, her head would be pierced by a bullet.

She pulled the corners of her mouth, did not expect that she gave so many tasks, did not die in the organization, actually died in his hands.

Well, she was just over nine years old, and he saved her.

This life should be returned to him.

Yan shiting stares at her beautiful face. The more he looks at her, the more he wants her to die. If she died, no one would rob her. If she died, she would not hate him again! , the fastest update of the webnovel!