Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 530

His lacquered pupil noticed the five fingerprints on Yan shiting's right face and burst into laughter, "Mr. Yan, you seem to have had a scratch in your ear? Look at the five fingerprints on your face. They are bright. Who dares to greet you? "

Yan shiting, who can tolerate anyone's ridicule, just about to order Muyu Maple shot into a sieve, Cheng yingxuan coldly glanced at Mu Yufeng, "I."

Mu Yufeng touched her cold eyes and seemed not happy. He laughed at Yan. "Xuanxuan, you are really brave."

"Why, do you think it's funny that Yan always got my ear scraped?" She has a soft, harmonious voice like the sounds of nature.

Feather Maple but listen to the whole body cold, for many years to her understanding, he knows to dare to answer is, do not do well will be her off a leg, "not funny, not funny." Pointing to her pretty face, "Xuanxuan, if you like, please greet me in my face and call me casually. I am a warm man at home. I can't fight back or scold me. It's absolutely safe

"I'm ready to be beaten with a smile," he said

“……” Cheng yingxuan is speechless.

Yan shiting calmly opened his face. His heart felt that Mu's name was too shameless. At first, he felt that he had no dignity in front of Cheng yingxuan. The man surnamed Mu was directly licking his feet.

Thinking of Cheng yingxuan's lovely toes during her nap that day

He found that he was willing to lick her feet

Cheng Xiaobao's small figure moves to the left from behind Mu Yufeng and comes out. His small head raises his head. His eyes look at Yan shiting's face with disapproval. "My mother beats you. You should." He raised his head and looked at Mu Yu Feng's sunny smile, and sighed in his tender voice, "there is no harm without comparison. Uncle mu, you are much better than Yan. "

He stretched out his tender hand and wanted to encourage him to pat Mu Yu Feng's shoulder. His small body was not high enough, so he had to pat his thigh instead, "there is progress.". I'll call you at ninety-nine. Add another 0.1 and I'll give you half of my Xuanxuan

Mu Yu Feng squatted down and asked eagerly, "little guy, how can I get another zero point one?"

"It's not difficult to say that, and it's not easy to say it. Look at my mood. " Xiaobao, small adult like negative hand.

"When will you be in a good mood

"When I think you did that 0.1 point."

"Well, little fellow, I'm not only going to go up to 99.99, but to a hundred." Mu Yufeng is full of confidence. He has been liked by the little guy. He is close to Xuanxuan.

Yan shiting lengsen's eyes look at Xiaobao, the little guy seems to grow a little higher.

Although you can usually see Xiaobao who lives in Mujia Manor on his balcony, he has not been contacted for many days.

Staring at his delicate white and tender face, how cute.

It seems that A little bit like this little guy.

Yan shiting doesn't like Xiaobao giving Mu Yufeng personal Standard Chartered so high score. Bingsheng reminds him, "my score is almost full."

"Sorry, uncle Yan, you have been reduced to zero." Cheng Xiaobao's childish voice is also very cold, that cold tone, almost the same as Yan shiting.

Mu Yu Feng's bright eyes circle Yan shiting and Cheng Xiaobao. The more they look, the more they look like each other. , the fastest update of the webnovel!