Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 529

He lost his sense of reason because of the surging anger in his chest. "You mean woman, do you have any sense of shame?"

Dare to call her cheap, Cheng yingxuan suddenly mad, "pa!" A sound, raised his hand to Yan shiting a heavy slap!

Yan shiting glared at her with a face full of disbelief. There was a strong murderous spirit in his evil eyes, as if he wanted to tear her into pieces. "Do you dare to hit me? Do you know you don't have ten lives to die? "

The look of a dead man made her shiver unconsciously, and her whole body suddenly felt goose bumps because of fear. She stood upright and upright.

She beat Yama!

There is a moment of regret, is really too impulsive, if she was really killed by him, then her family treasure who to raise?

All of them have been hit.

She regretted the mood light in the lung to turn for a while, did not have the shadow, "don't say ten lives, I only this one life, you can't take away."

He suddenly opened his eyes, big palms loose her waist, clenched into a fist, a pair of terrible look to beat her back, so angry that his muscles were stretched into a straight line!

Cheng yingxuan is highly vigilant. If he dares to do it, she will never be beaten. She will fight with him!

With her skill, she may not lose.

However, I have seen him fight with Mu Yu Feng. Mu Yu Feng's skill is comparable to her. He can even fight with Mu Yu Feng, even slightly better than him. She has little chance to win, but she can't eat the loss.

For fear that when dealing with him, his bodyguard would shoot in the back, so she really had to carry it around.

The survival of the fittest, in front of Yan shiting, she was not patient enough. Her IQ was also gnawed by Yan.

After waiting for about a few minutes, the temperature in the box was almost frozen by the cold from Yan shiting.

He still didn't mean to do it.

She could not help wondering whether he was willing to be beaten, or waiting for the opportunity to start?

He took at least 200 bodyguards around Chuang Tzu. With his temper, he didn't have to wait for an opportunity. That was the former.

Even if he was willing to be beaten?

She is not a soft hearted woman.

If you separate your hands, you'll be completely divided.

In the yard, Mu Yufeng's Ferrari sports car stopped, followed by ten black cars, each car down four bodyguards, his bodyguards and Yan shiting's bodyguards pushing and shoving, without the orders of the owners of both sides, nor drawing a gun to fight.

Mu Yufeng looks out of a row of boxes in the corridor of Yan mountain villa. There are two bodyguards guarding one of them. He knows that the person he is looking for is inside. He reaches out to open the box door.

"I'm sorry, Mu Shao. You can't enter here because of Yan's general contractor." The voice of Yan Family bodyguard is cold.

Feng Yu, the two bodyguards, will fight back immediately.

Cheng yingxuan opens the box door and sees Mu Yufeng standing outside the door. He reaches out to open the door handle. As soon as he sees her, he looks worried. "Xuanxuan, are you ok? I've got the news. Yan shiting has tied you to turtle mountain villa. I'll bring someone to rescue you right away!"

"He didn't tie me up. He just offered me a meal." Her tone did not have any ups and downs, see outside the two sides from the dry fight to draw a gun, cold way, "all stop it."

No one listened to her.

"If Xuanxuan told you to stop, stop." Mu Yu Feng raised his hand and ordered a ticket of bodyguards to take the gun. , the fastest update of the webnovel!