Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 519

"I..." Hua Bo is aware that he is missing his mouth and keeps silent.

This morning, LAN Jinchen came and comforted him with good words. He shouldered this matter by himself. He was very guilty. He owed him a lot of gratitude. He was a good friend.

Hua Bo also felt that although he helped LAN Jinchen to pick up girls, he messed things up and made such a big mess. His elder brother had helped him to ask for love from Yan Shaona. Things were all settled down, so he would not pull his brother LAN Zong into the water.

Who is Huaxi? The boss of the entertainment city. When he is old, he immediately understands, "you helped LAN Jinchen carry the black pot? Did he want to sleep with Cheng yingxuan? Did he ask you to put some medicine in Cheng yingxuan's wine? "

Yes. Hua Bo was still extremely loyal and refused to admit, "no, LAN Jinchen was drunk at that time..."

"Come on, LAN and Mu Yufeng went to the 30th floor to find Cheng yingxuan. He was very sober at that time." Flower mat angry, "you don't even cheat your brother!"

"Brother, I don't have it. It's none of the business of general manager lan..." LAN Jinchen is also the son of the mayor of Chenxia. He has already offended Yan Shao. He can't offend the mayor's son any more. Otherwise, how can he get mixed up in the future? He really became the second ancestor in my brother's mouth. He didn't want to be like this.

A bodyguard behind the flower mat couldn't see and said, "second young master, do you know how your life was recovered? He knelt down to Yan Shao. "

"What!" Hua Bo Teng sat up from the hospital bed, his face full of disbelief and said, "brother, you kneel down to Yan, how can you?"

The mat patted him heavily on the shoulder. "You are my brother. Your life is more important than your brother's knee."

"Brother..." Hua Bo was moved to tears in her eyes, "I'm not good, I'm wrong."

Flower mat also can't bear to force him, "blue brocade Chen is not what good thing, you leave him far away. We can't afford to offend Yan Shao. Don't make mistakes again. I can guarantee you once, and I can't save you for the second time. "

"I see." Flower wave surface perfunctory, heart or want to borrow blue brocade Chen this big tree by a side.

"You have a good rest." After Huaxi left with his bodyguard, Huabo's mobile phone rang, and it was Cheng yingxuan's short message, asking him to check in his email.

He boarded the mailbox and heard a recording of LAN Jinchen pushing everything to him.

The relationship between the surname LAN and him is particularly iron, and he will help his brother carry this black pot. Unexpectedly, LAN Jinchen is such a double faced thing!

He was so angry that his three limbs were crying with pain. The rest of his hand was shaking with his mobile phone. He immediately called the flower mat.

"Wavelet, what's up?" Flower mat just walked to the hospital parking lot, while answering the phone and asking.

"Nothing, brother. You should drive safely." Hua Bo originally wanted to tell his brother that Lan Jinchen ordered the medicine. According to his brother's character, he must immediately tell Yan shiting that Lan Jinchen would be finished.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and his mind was full of calculation.

"You've been hurt. You've grown up. You know you care about your brother. It's not in vain for me to kneel in vain Flower mat is always hate iron is not steel, suddenly very moved.

Hua Bo also concerned about a few words, hung up brother's phone, blue Jinchen's phone just called in, "brother, do you hurt better?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!