Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 518

"Thank you." She took the mobile phone from his hand and looked at the phone call from LAN Jinchen. She pressed the key to answer it, but she didn't open her mouth. LAN Jinchen's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone, "yingxuan, are you ok now?"

"I'm fine." She didn't want Mu Yufeng to know what happened last night. She turned out of the kitchen and went to the balcony to answer the phone.

"You were drunk last night, and I was drunk too. I didn't notice that Huabo took you away." His voice is full of guilt, "I asked Hua Bo today, that boy was admitted to the hospital last night, he said you hurt him."

"It's me." She snorted, "Lan Zong really doesn't know that I left the box and was forced to walk by Huabo?"

"I don't know. I asked Hua Bo today, but I didn't expect that boy actually made your idea. It was he who put the medicine into your wine. I really want to slap him. I went to the hospital to look for Hua Bo angrily this morning. I didn't expect that he was pushed down from the third floor by someone In fact, LAN Jinchen knew that it was Yan shiting's hand, but it was not convenient to expose it. "For a man who was half dead in bed, I was not good at beating him, so I had to scold him. I told you to go to the box last night. I'm very sad when something like this happened. I promise there won't be another time. "

"Mr. LAN pushed the whole thing away." Her voice was as cold as water. "Don't you dare say that Huabo didn't put the medicine into my wine?"

"What do you mean, yingxuan?" Blue brocade CHEN Si Wen's voice became excited, "how can I be that kind of person? This is all Huabo's personal behavior."


"Yingxuan, you have to believe me. If I love you again, I will never do anything to hurt you. Hua Bo is not a good boy. He is a friend of mine

"Good." Cheng yingxuan said coldly, "I've recorded your words, and send them to Hua Bo to see what he's doing."

Then he hung up.

Blue brocade Chen facial expression big change, he dials her mobile phone number immediately, discover cannot enter, estimate was pulled blacklist.

Cheng yingxuan finds a business card from her bag. Hua Bo gave it to her last night. She sends a recording to her email address and reminds him to check his email address by SMS.


Hua Bo is lying on the hospital bed with bandages on his three limbs. His two legs are broken. One arm is scratched by Cheng yingxuan, and only one hand is intact.

The parents of the Hua family scolded him bloody. As soon as he left, the flower mat came to the hospital again. The most important thing was to scold him fiercely, "you don't want to die yourself, you don't want to offend Cheng yingxuan. She's Yan shiting's woman. Yan Shao is nobody. Ten flower families can't even provoke others. It's very kind of you. You've got Yan Shao's idea. You don't think the life of Hua's family is too long, right? "

"Brother, I'm also a president. You scold me so..." Hua Bo takes a look at the subordinate nurse sent by his brother. He looks a little too hard to smile, and feels that he is losing his face. "Besides, it's not my idea to make Cheng yingxuan..."

"President, do you mean to say that you have made a profit from the company that your parents have paid for it! Just a worthless second generation ancestor. " The flower mat pulled his tie angrily. Suddenly, he heard something from his younger brother's words, "wait, what are you saying? It's not your idea to make Cheng yingxuan? Who is that? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!