Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 467

"Evolution doesn't go to the next step."

"It doesn't matter." He quickly said, "I'm very happy to be your ordinary friend." Seeing her frown to refuse, he flashed a light in his eyes, "Xuanxuan, it's good to be friends with me for a person like me. If you become an enemy, the consequences will be disastrous. Since you want to live in peace, we get along like friends. "

There was a sharp flash in her eyes, "are you threatening me?"

He was uncompromising, "half and half."

If a friend can't do it, he'll lose half a chance. "Don't forget, you owe me a favor. Yan shiting wants to kidnap Cheng Xiaobao. I saved your son. "

She laughed sarcastically, "Mu Yu Feng, don't forget, six years ago, your life was saved by me."

"It's you who say that you don't need me to reciprocate. Although I really want to make a personal commitment like that in TV series His lips rippling smile, if ordinary girls, already drunk a pool of love, "you said, then don't use saving grace to pressure me. But I didn't say you'd save your son and don't give it back. "

"What do you want?"

"Want you to marry me, will you?" There was a trace of playfulness in his smile, but his eyes were serious.

"No She refused without hesitation.

He had a deep pain in his chest. The pain shocked his viscera to pieces. "Is it because of Yan shiting?"

She shook her head and looked through the glass window of the large living room with balcony, and looked out at the high-rise buildings outside the window. "I will not marry a man I don't love."

Her reply made his heart feel better. He grinned and his two rows of neat white teeth were shining brightly. "Well, we are good friends, not enemies." One day, she will fall in love with him!

Seeing that she didn't speak, he added, "if you don't object, then you agree."

He ran to the door of his own house and brought back the tray that she carried out. "Between friends, we should take care of each other. Come on, it's almost one o'clock in the afternoon. You're hungry. Let's eat first. "

Pulling her to sit on the chair before the dining table, she said in advance, "muyufeng, you don't have other ideas, just friends."

"That is, that is..." I can't. He said with a smile, "it just happened that I only cooked dishes. I don't think you have started cooking. Is the rice cooked?"


He clapped his hand happily. "It's very good. The dishes I cook and the rice you cook are the same as each other. It's very good." Seeing her unhappy face, "I mean, everyone contributes a little, and nobody owes anyone."

He turned into the kitchen and came out with two bowls of rice. He set the chopsticks for her.

She did not affectation, he made so many dishes, he could not eat it all by himself. He took a piece of stewed chicken to compensate.

"How does it taste?" He asked expectantly.

"Fresh but not greasy, the stew is just right." She was not stingy praise, "a master level of cooking."

It's not a compliment. Mu Yufeng's cooking skill is really good, much better than Yan shiting's cooking level.

"The cooking skill specially for you must be of high standard." Muyu Feng's handsome face raised a touch of pride, "I want to compare Yan shiting."

“……” She put down her chopsticks and said, "who let you learn to cook for me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!