Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 466

Head down, sitting on the sofa alone, "Xuanxuan, I'm hurt..."

Cheng yingxuan looked at his aggrieved appearance, a touch of helplessness flashed on his face, "Muyu maple, why do you suffer. You know I don't love you, I don't feel for you... "

He raised his head and fixed his eyes on her beautiful face. "Youdao is a long-term love, which can be cultivated slowly. As long as you give me a chance, I will treat you well, and you will like me..."

"No She shook her head.

His heart bursts of dull pain, handsome face full of bitterness, "you do not give me a chance, how do you know not?" He was looking forward to his bright pupil, "would you give me a chance? Really, only once! "

He will take good care of it and never let her regret it.

"I'm sorry." There was no expression on her face.

His heart sank to the bottom, "why don't you even give me a chance..."

"The long pain is better than the short pain." Her tone is cold, "Mu Yu Feng, you forget me."

"If I could, I would have forgotten you. From small to large, you are almost engraved in my heart... " He laughs at himself, "I love you to death in this life."

She wrung her brow. "You make me feel stressed."

"I don't want to put pressure on you." He stood up, adjusted his mood, and showed a bright smile. He was as amiable as a boy next door. "Xuanxuan, we will be good friends. We are the pro meizhuma who grew up together. Although the years we spent together were unpleasant memories... "

"Stop it." "Those years were not when we were together, but when we had to go through hell training in the same organization," she says with a headache. That's not my wish

His eyes are covered with dense color, "you always say that when you see me, you will think of the hell like life in the past. You don't like it. You are escaping. I used to hate organizations as much as you did, depriving me of my freedom, and even my life was not guaranteed. Now think, at that time, again cruel, again bitter tired, again dangerous, but have you. I'd rather live that cruel and dangerous life with you

"Is it?" Her voice was as cold as water. "I was nine to eighteen In the organization, in those years, you were there. How many years are you older than me? After all these years, you dare to tell me that you have me in your heart. Do you think that's a good day? "

"I didn't show it before because once the organization found out that the killer had feelings, he would die. Not only will I die, but you will be in danger. "

"So Everything is based on the guarantee of life. Otherwise, what feeling is not emotional, all empty talk, cumbersome! " She said coldly, "in the future, don't say some bullshit that would rather lead a dark life in the past. unrealistic. Since the past has become smoke, we are all people who have died many times. Cherish the present. "

"It's because I cherish the present that I want to pour all my love on you. I want to tell you how much I love you from the past to the present, even in my whole life He tried excitedly to encircle her shoulder.

She reached out and pulled off his hand. "I'm going to take a lunch break. Please leave."

He said nervously, "it's ok if you don't promise to be with me. At least, we are good colleagues who know each other best. In the future, we will be good friends, OK?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!