Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 459

"Yes, it's just a joke in a joke!" CEN Sufen helped to echo, "Yan's family is rich, shiting is so excellent, absolutely can't cheap a wild seed."

"Cheng yingxuan is such a damned woman Old master Yan chopped the crutches in his hand so loud that his beard trembled with anger. "If she had been in ancient times, she would have been a witch who had harmed the country and Dazi who had bewitched King Zhou!"

"You flatter her too much. She can't be so powerful."

"Your son has never been moved by a woman. I think she is not only a demon, but also a fox spirit." Old master Yan ate together without being appreciated by his grandson. He was angry and said, "Sufen, I didn't ask you to beat Cheng. Shi Ting broke up with her. Why can't he let her go?"

"Father in law, you don't know. Cheng's teeth are sharp and sharp, and they try to please our family. I can't even say that this kind of fox spirit was born again..." CEN Sufen's half old facial features wrinkled up, "I almost can't fight her!"

Old master Yan slightly narrowed Huang Zhuo but shrewd old eyes, "it seems, I can only do it myself."

After you arrive at the sofa, you are busy beating the sofa

He knocked on his crutch in a big fire. "I have to ask, I must have gone to find the fox spirit surnamed Cheng. This bad son, which day I have to be angry with him into the coffin!"


Cheng yingxuan inspects the supervisor on the construction site of lanyue square. The mobile phone rings. It's Mu Yufeng. She answers the phone. After listening to the other party's words, she immediately curses, "Yan shiting, that damned bastard, wants to kidnap Xiaobao again!"

Mu Yufeng comforted at the other end of the phone, "Xuanxuan, don't worry, I guess Yan shiting may be harmful to Xiaobao. He has always sent bodyguards to protect Xiaobao secretly. Now Xiaobao lives safely in Mujia manor. You can come and see him at any time

"Feather maple, thank you." She said thanks politely for the first time.

"What are you and me doing so politely?" His voice was full of tenderness in the phone, "Xuanxuan, I think Yan shiting will come to you. Do you want me to send a bodyguard to protect you?"

"No, you don't know my ability." Cheng yingxuan said coldly, "I will handle it myself. Xiaobao, please take care of it first. "

"It should be."

She hung up and saw a super luxury Aston Martin drive into the construction site.

All the construction workers looked at the sports car.

With five eight license plates and bright luxury cars, it's very attractive.

When Yan shiting got out of the car, a worker whispered, "isn't that President Yan..."

"Have you read today's newspaper? Mr. Mu and Mr. Cheng live together. Last night, Mu Shao proposed to Cheng Gong with great efforts. It is estimated that Cheng Gong and Mr. Yan have broken up... "

"And this, I didn't read the newspaper..."

Cheng yingxuan glanced at the workers who were talking in a low voice, "don't talk, go to work!"

"Yes, Cheng Gong." Workers continue to work, or can not help but look at her and Yan shiting.

Yan shiting's suit was straight, leaning against the door, and his dignified momentum was not compatible with the dirt on the construction site.

Cheng yingxuan is almost finished, as if she didn't see him, she walked by him.

He took her arm and broke his face. His face was as ugly as a pot of black. "Don't you think you should give me an explanation?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!