Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 458

"Yes." A male servant came forward to drag Romona away.

She was struggling to leave as if in a dream. "Grandfather, mother-in-law, I'm pregnant with shiting's child, and I'm pregnant with your great grandson and grandson Shi Ting wronged me because he didn't like me. You should help me... "

Old master Yan and Cen Sufen were indifferent.

Looking at their faces, Romona knew that they had already distrusted her. "You already knew..."

"Luo cunt..." CEN Sufen was disgusted with her. "You dirty and cheap rotten son, you thought my family's shiting had ruined her face at that time. You were scared to faint, even if you were dizzy. You had an affair with Yan Kai, and now you rely on the wild species outside to my family shiting. You have a real face!"

"I don't have it. The child is really shiting's..."

"I didn't listen to my son. He didn't touch you at all. I've seen the video of you sleeping with a tramp. You're a real jerk. " CEN Sufen took out her mobile phone and opened a video to her to play, "enjoy how cheap you are

The video is not the picture of Luo Mengna sleeping with Yan shiting at the world trade center that night.

Mona stares at it for a few seconds and finds that the woman in the video is her. The man's face is covered by mosaics. No matter from the figure or height, it's not Yan shiting, "ah!"

She couldn't bear to scream.

The maid dragged her away from the villa.

"Son Just let her go. It's cheap. " CEN Sufen stares at the direction of Romona's being dragged away, hating and hating, "she's playing my mother around."

"Of course." Yan shiting put out his half smoked cigar and said without expression, "this rotten product is worth dying for. However, I didn't need to do anything to take her cheap life. She broke Yan Kai's "good thing". Yan Kai was guilty. How could he let her go. If she can't do it, she won't let Yan Kai go. "

"This rotten product will definitely be against Yan Kai's ambitious thing. It's a good show!" CEN Sufen could not help but look forward to it.

Yan shiting coldly lips a corner of the lip, stood up to go out.

"Where are you going, son?" CEN Sufen quickly asked, "your grandfather and I still want to have dinner with you..."

He walked out of the villa door without looking back.

Old master Yan glanced at Sun Tzu's driving out of the villa and cursed, "this son of a bitch! I don't think he can let go of Cheng yingxuan, that wild woman. "

CEN Sufen helped her son to speak. "Yesterday, he planned to propose to Cheng yingxuan. If he hadn't taken care of our ideas, Cheng yingxuan would have stepped into our house."

"We have to find him another unmarried, unborn woman."

"I've selected hundreds of famous ladies for him, but he's not willing to take a look. I don't know what's good about Cheng yingxuan

"He will soon be twenty-nine years old. He can't be willful any more." Old master Yan was so worried that the wrinkles on his face trembled, "when can I hold my own grandson..."

He sat on the high-end European sofa in the living room with his decadent old body, and pulled out a stack of newspapers of the previous days from the drawer under the coffee table.

Many of them are about Yan shiting and Cheng yingxuan. There are also some dazzling headlines about Shi Ting's meeting and seeing Cheng Xiaobao off, which is very good for the future stepson.

"Look, look!" Old master Yan knocked the newspaper discontentedly, "what do these reporters write about? It's a joke to say that shiting regards Cheng yingxuan's son as his own, and that Yan's family will be inherited by a wild one , the fastest update of the webnovel!