Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 449

Someone pointed to the square stage, the LED light source in the middle of the candle also lit up the same words, "this should be the scene of the proposal, why don't you see the hero and heroine?"

"I don't know Guess not yet? Is it impossible? " We look around.

Some people found Yan shiting with sharp eyes. They just saw him standing beside the car coldly and didn't mean to go to the middle of the stage. They can't guess whether the leading actor who is going to propose tonight is he? Or is it just passing by?

It's twenty-seven.

Li Yajing looks around and sees that Cheng yingxuan still doesn't show up. She won't come.

Yan shiting's heart is cold.

That dead woman didn't really come!

Li Yajing thought, at this time Yan brother must be very disappointed, take advantage of the good opportunity to enter!

She took out her make-up mirror and took a picture. The make-up was exquisite.

Before she went out, she specially wore a white skirt, made her hair and carried a small cross bag. She looked like a famous lady in the society.

Stepping on high heels, she pretended to pass by and said hello to Li Ze, "brother, why are you here?"

Li Ze frowned at her.

Li Yajing seemed to have just discovered Yan shiting and said in surprise, "brother Yan, you are here too!"

Yan shiting glanced at her coldly, and his eyes were gloomy without focus.

In fact, Yajing is a little afraid of him. He is always icy and makes her even talk to him more than once.

Because of this, he is more attractive, and she is more eager to get his love, pretending to ask, "what are you doing here?"

It's better for Cheng yingxuan to be absent. Brother Yan proposes to her because he is disappointed.

Yan shiting collected a lower color. His gloomy eyes were not deep enough. He asked Li Ze coldly, "did you let her come?"

Li Ze's face changed greatly with fear, "boss, No. I didn't ask Yajing to come. "

Li Yajing also looks pale, "brother Yan, what are you talking about? I just made an appointment with my classmates to play in the square... " He waved to a girl not far away, "Xiaolan, I'm here!"

In front of the crowd, an ordinary looking young girl saw her and ran over, "Yajing, you are here. I have been waiting for you for a while."

Yan shiting lengsen's pupil went back and forth on two faces and asked the woman named Xiaolan, "have you made an appointment with her?"

Xiaolan was shocked by his eyes, "yes."

"What time was it

"This afternoon." Xiaolan answered truthfully.

Li Yajing's heart beat missed a beat. Does elder brother Yan suspect that it is she who informs Cen Sufen and makes Cen Sufen stir up the proposal?

Fortunately, she didn't do it in person, but let Romona do it.

Yan shiting's eyes fell on Li Ze's face.

“BOSS……” Li Ze trembled involuntarily.

Yan shiting did not speak, opened the door and drove away from the square.

"Hoo..." When Yan shiting's tail was out of sight, Xiao Lan was relieved and asked Li Yajing excitedly, "that man I met on the news just now is Yan Zong of thunder group." Holding her hand, "Yajing, you are amazing. I didn't expect you to know Mr. Yan!"

Li Yajing pulled her hand away. "Xiaolan, let's play."

"Wait a minute." Li Ze's ugly face stopped her, "sister, I have something to tell you."

Xiaolan was surprised, "classmate, is this handsome boy your brother?"

"Well, my brother, he is the special help of general manager Yan." , the fastest update of the webnovel!