Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 448

Think of her saying that if you miss this opportunity, there will be no next time

He was inexplicably afraid that he would lose this opportunity and never marry her again.

Yes, he was afraid.

Yan shiting has always been cold-blooded and ruthless, arrogant, and never put a woman in his eyes. He was afraid that he would lose her, a woman who thought him ugly and he had no fertility. How mean of him!

Li Ze secretly glanced at boss's gloomy face. Listening to his meaning, he must have made a question with Miss Cheng, and did not dare to ask more than half a sentence.

"Send her a text message and ask her to come to the square as usual." Yan shiting ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes." Of course, Li Ze knows that this "she" refers to Cheng yingxuan.

Take out the mobile phone, quickly write a text message sent out.

Yan shiting leaned against the door and waited patiently.

Cheng yingxuan said that she would not deny her willingness to marry him.

He is still willing to marry her now, and she should come with gratitude.

Ten minutes later, Yan shiting still didn't see anyone. He felt anxious and asked, "did you send the text message?"

"It's sent out, boss." Li Ze is busy showing him the mobile page that the message has been sent out.

Yan shiting raised his left wrist and looked at the time. At 18:50, "give her a call and tell her to come right away."


"Tell her that if you don't come, don't come again. In ten minutes, we have to be there! "

"Yes." Li Ze dialed Cheng yingxuan's number, "boss, Miss Cheng is off."

Yan shiting's face was stiff and white, "this dead woman is really shameless!"

He stepped on Yan shiting's face to play!

Time passes by.

Every second passed, Yan shiting's heart felt as if he had been pricked by a needle.

He didn't ask Lizzie to cancel her appointment to meet her in the square at seven in the evening.

With half a silk of hope in my heart, maybe She's coming?

Li Yajing stands in the crowd not far from the side and rear, looking at Yan shiting leaning against the door of the super luxury sports car ahead.

She knew he was waiting for Cheng yingxuan.

Her mother called her and she knew what happened in the villa.

She was really happy that Cen Sufen succeeded in preventing the proposal.

Why, Mr. Yan has clearly said that he will cancel the proposal, but he still has to wait for Cheng yingxuan here?

Where is Cheng yingxuan's cheap woman!

Her heart was full of naked jealousy.

If only brother Yan could give her a look and propose to her.

At 7:00 p.m., all billboard screens showed the same animation. A stiff man in a suit proposed to a woman in a dress on one knee and presented a proposal ring.

At the same time, the subtitle came out: Cheng yingxuan, marry me!

All around the high-rise building exterior wall light source also instantly appears the same word flash source, even in the street shop under the TV screen, are the same subtitle!

"Wow There were so many people on the square that all of them praised the spectacular scene.

"What's the situation?" Some people in the crowd asked.

"Needless to say, it must be some super local tyrant who proposed to a woman named Cheng yingxuan!"

"Almost all the advertisements in Chenxia city have been covered. Who could have done so much? "

"Cheng yingxuan is a familiar name. By the way, it is estimated that she is a senior engineer of Lanshi group. She is not in hot water with Mr. Yan of thunder group. Maybe it is Mr. Yan who proposes to marry him. Besides him, who is so rich?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!