Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 412

"I don't care about my private affairs." Her face was cold.

With his shrewd eyes on her calm and beautiful face, he decided that she must be angry. This is a good time to take advantage of the opportunity to enter. "Yingxuan, I just care about you as a friend."

"I'm fine, Mr. LAN."

He thought in his mind that she didn't even mind Luo Mengna's child with Yan shiting. Did she just take a fancy to Yan shiting's money?

It must be. Romona has come to her door. She hasn't made a lot of trouble yet?

Cheng yingxuan doesn't seem to be sincere about Yan shiting.

"If you have an illegitimate son, Yan shiting will not marry you." He moved his seat and drew closer to her. "Yingxuan, Yan shiting has made other women's stomachs bigger. Obviously, he is not a good man! Are you able to bear all this, your bloodiness and arrogance? "

She frowned in a tone of impatience. "I said it's my business!"

His face was not good, "do you know, now the upper circles of Chenxia city are whispering that you, a new senior engineer in Chenxia City, are going to be Yan shiting's mistress for a little money, bring an oil bottle, and dream of climbing the Yan family."

She stood up to go. He followed him and stood in front of her. Yan Junfu was full of heartache. "Yingxuan, I know you are not that kind of person, but as a senior engineer of blue group, I hope your personal affairs will also pay attention to the influence."

“……” She said without hesitation, "if President LAN feels that I have affected the reputation of the company, I can resign."

"You know I didn't mean that." "If I don't want you to continue working in the company, I won't go to Yan shiting's villa and invite you back to work in person. It's just someone else's idea, not me. "

She gave him a cold look. "It's not someone else's idea. Yan shiting's wife said that she was the third one of her dreams. A few months ago, Yan shiting made it very clear at my sister Cheng angqi's wedding banquet that I was his girlfriend! You must turn this into someone else's idea and affect my feelings with Yan shiting. It's interesting for you? "

His face is stiff, did not expect her to react so fast, so rational, ordinary women must not be lonely and gloomy, embarrassed?

He can comfort her if she is in an awkward and helpless situation. How can things always be different from what he expected?

"If you think so, you misunderstand me." His tender eyes filled with sadness, and he gazed at her painfully and said, "yingxuan, I love you!"

“……” She was not touched at all.

"Just because I love you, I don't want you to be wronged by half. I just stand in the perspective of a man. Yan shiting is with you, but he still sleeps with other women, which makes Romona's stomach bigger. He is definitely not worth your life. "

Sighed, his eyes in pain in a more sour, "trapped in love of women, always do not listen to advice. When you hit the south wall, you'll understand the pain. I won't say anything about Yan shiting. "

He reached out to hold her, saw her frown, before touching her arm, he stopped action, a bitter smile, "anyway, you know, I'm waiting for you, I didn't give up loving you, never." , the fastest update of the webnovel!