Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 411

"So it is." Zhang Jing looked at her enviously, "Cheng Gong, you have great skills, your salary is the highest in the whole blue group. Even if you don't rely on men, your days are not ordinary moistening."

"Well, do your best."


Cheng yingxuan glances at the documents piled up on the desk, and her head aches.

After a few days' rest, the work was piled up, and some of the following time was busy.

She even approved opinions on several basic building schemes. She had seen the data and photos for some technical problems that ordinary engineers could not handle. In order to ensure quality and safety, she had to go to the scene to see with her own eyes before giving solutions.

Ring bell

The phone rings on the desk. It's from the boss's office. She answers, "hello."

"It's me, yingxuan. Come to the office on the top floor." LAN Jinchen's voice rings in the phone.

"OK." She hung up and took the elevator to the top floor.

The door of the president's office was open and she walked in.

Blue brocade Chen's office is very spacious, the decoration is partial warm tone, just as he himself gives people the feeling of warm and gentle.

Jin Chen sat on the imported leather sofa. Before the tea table, he placed two cups of just poured tea. Seeing her, he compared a gesture, "Cheng Gong, sit down."

"Mr. LAN, I won't sit." She stood.

"Well, I need to talk to you about business."

"All right." She sat on the sofa, two people apart from him.

He also really talked about business with her, "some time ago, Fengli power generation project encountered problems in the middle of the night, you went to solve them in the rain, I never told you, it's really not easy."

"You said on the phone that night," she said politely

"I didn't agree to stop work that night, because I was afraid that the quality of some piles that Fengli was building could not be completed in time due to heavy rain. I also cared about the safety of the staff. You gave me two choices. I decided to let the driver take the risk of transporting concrete up the mountain, and I was not willing to affect the progress of the project, instead of narrowly saving money for the company and fearing the company's loss." "You Do you think it's inhumane for me to ignore the safety of transport drivers? "

"For the sake of interests, unscrupulous means are the coordinates of many people." Her cold eyes fell on his face, as if to say it was him.

His face changed slightly, and she continued, "I don't have to worry about what I think."

"It's been so long, I'm afraid you mind It will affect my impression in your heart. "

"Nothing to mind." She was ready to get up. "Is that all you want to talk about?"

He leaned on the back of the sofa and looked at her eyes, showing some concern. "Yingxuan, I'm not just your boss. We can also be good friends. I went to Yan shiting's villa to find you. When I left, I saw Luo Mengna also went to the villa. Did she bully you? "

I thought I could hear her complain, but she just said, "no, thank you for your concern."

"I secretly sent someone to investigate. Luo Mengna was pregnant with Yan shiting's child. She even lived in the Yan Family's old house, and was confessed with the treatment of Yan's future young grandmother." He looked at her with a trace of pity. "I believe that in a few days, Luo Mengna will marry into Yan's family, which will be well known by the whole Chenxia. For this matter, you Don't mind? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!