Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 1050

A trace of huaiying floated up his deep lacquer eyes.

Thinking that Cheng yingxuan is not the real daughter of Cheng Zhengguo and his wife who have been in prison, and that moorsia has a daughter who has been missing for a long time

He couldn't help but wonder if Cheng yingxuan was the daughter of morcia?

This assumption not only did not make him happy, but also made him frown slightly.

He didn't need Cheng yingxuan to have a noble family background.

What we need is the elders of Yan family.

And he never cares what the elders of Yan family think.

Mosia takes Cheng Xiaobao to the rest area of a European villa in Moore Manor. Yan shiting holds Cheng yingxuan and leaves. No one notices that Mu Yufeng is standing at the corner not far away, and sees everything just in his eyes.

With his sharp eyes, he did not miss Yan shiting's suspicious eyes.

He murmured, "it seems that Yan shiting doubted the life experience of yingxuan."

He has to do something about it.


In the master bedroom of jinghongyuan, Cheng yingxuan forced her eyelids to fight and fell asleep on the bed with her feet outside the bed. She didn't even take off her shoes.

Yan shiting looked at her tired appearance, and her face was full of love.

He leaned down to help her take off her shoes and straightened her body. Seeing that she was wearing a cocktail party evening dress, she must be uncomfortable to sleep in this way. So he opened the wardrobe, took a set of her clean pajamas on the head of the bed and patted her arm, "yingxuan, get up and change your sleeping clothes and sleep again."

The evening dress is sleeveless. Once his hand touches her tender skin like clotting fat, the tender and smooth touch makes him not want to move his hand again.

His lower body reacted almost immediately.

Wait for half a minute, see she did not respond, his voice voice slightly hoarse urge, "get up to change pajamas."

She closed her eyes, and her long eyelashes cast two beautiful shadows on her eyelids.

Breathing evenly, she was clearly asleep.

Yan shiting can't bear to sleep like this

Maybe he had other purposes. He tentatively said, "so I changed your pajamas?"

She fell asleep and, of course, did not answer.

When she agreed, the zipper of her evening dress was at the back. He turned her body over and pulled her zipper back

Her snow-white skin burst out, he breathed, his eyes suddenly blazing.

He wanted her so much that he didn't want to take advantage of her drunkenness.

It's not his style.

He had already decided that he would not touch her until she agreed.

Just close your eyes and help her take off all her clothes just by touch.

I glanced at the clean pajamas at the head of the bed.

He did not dare to turn back, because she was lying on the edge without clothes.

I don't want to wear the clothes back to her

Because the more I don't look at her, the more I think about the pictures I used to have with her

"Damn it!" He gave a low curse.

What wind does not style, what disdain to take advantage of the opportunity to enter, go to hell!

He didn't touch her for a long time. He only knew that if he didn't touch her again, he would die of blood vessel explosion tonight!

He turned over and pressed on her soft body. In the long night, the two bodies exchanged CHAN!


The next morning, Cheng yingxuan from a headache to wake up, just move the body, found not only headache, but also the whole body ache, is obviously the sequela of excessive love!

Feeling a heavy arm pressed on her waist, she suddenly opened her eyes, sat up, staring at the naked man beside her, stuttering, "you You... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!