Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 1049

"No, it's my fault." Looking at Cheng yingxuan's beautiful face, moorsia didn't want her to leave. She said, "I think you've drunk a lot of wine tonight, or will you stay at Moore Manor tonight?"

She never likes to stay overnight, which is a great honor for others.

Yan shiting didn't like to stay out and refused, "no, Mrs. Moore. We'd better go back and live."

It is clear that he and Cheng yingxuan are together.

Cheng yingxuan doesn't want to live here, so let him.

"But chief engineer Cheng looks drunk..."

"I'll take care of her." Senhan's male voice broke, and she continued to stay.

Moorsia helpless, bow, eyes fall on Cheng Xiaobao, "little guy, or you stay with me?"

It's not for him to live here, but for his company.

Cheng Xiaobao's tender voice directly refused, "no, I'll miss my mother if I'm not around my mother."

After hearing this, morcia's nose became sour and murmured, "I wonder if my daughter will miss me..."

Cheng Xiaobao was surprised that he didn't know the situation of Moore's family like an adult, "madam, isn't your daughter around you?"

"Alas..." Morcia sighed bitterly, "no She's been missing for years. "

"Don't be sad." Cheng Xiaobao considered for a moment, looked at her sad face, as if under what major decision, "then I stay to accompany you."

Lucia's eyes brightened. "Really?"

"Mm-hmm, Xiaobao doesn't cheat people." Cheng Xiaobao solemnly added, "especially don't cheat women."

"What a cool little thing." Morcia picked up Xiao Bao's small body and gave him a kiss on his tender face.

A big lipstick was printed on the beautiful little face.

Yan shiting has a habit of cleanliness. He can't bear to see the big mouth red mark on his son's face. Poor son!

Xiao Bao's eyebrows frowned together, "Auntie, you kiss me again."

"I just kiss you because I like you and love you. I tell you, your grandmother's saliva is very precious and can't be asked for by others!" Murcia said, and on the other side of Xiaobao's face, she also gave a kiss.

I've decided that if I have a chance, I still regard the little guy as my grandson.

Cheng Xiaobao really wanted to cry without tears, and his childish voice was full of discontent, "all said that my cousin, you are not. I'm not going to reason with the ladies. I'll let you

"Should I be a man?"

"Let my dad beat you."

"Ha ha ha ha!" Marcia was amused by the little guy, and the pain of missing her daughter was swept away.

Yan shiting watched the interaction between Moxia and Xiaobao, and his son didn't reject her at all

It feels strange.

His son's sex is very similar to him. No matter how noble the other party is, he never likes to be close to others.

His sharp eyes looked at moorsia's still charming face for a few seconds, inexplicably familiar.

How familiar is it?

"What's the matter? Is there something on my face Morcia was baffled by him.

"Nothing." He answered coldly, always feeling that Lucia was like a person Like who?

"Let's go, Ting Ting." Cheng yingxuan pulls his hand.

Yan shiting's eyes return to Cheng yingxuan's face, and suddenly feel that she is somewhat similar to Mrs. Moore! , the fastest update of the webnovel!