Forbidden-sex husband, please spoil me lightly

Chapter 7

As soon as the results of the TMM examination came out, song chujue solemnly informed him of the results. She didn\'t know what happened to joer four years ago, that is, after Lin Mutong disappeared. Just from the results of the examination, she had experienced at least two severe injuries, so that the whole immune system was much weaker than ordinary people, so she was so easy to catch a cold.

However, Lin Mutong\'s stomach was only one-third of the original. This news made Mo ziyao suddenly lift his eyes. Recalling that recently, Mo ziyao realized why Lin Mutong\'s appetite was so little. Mo ziyao looked gloomy and obviously unhappy. Song chujue looked at his look and continued: "As for her memory, she may have hurt her brain before, resulting in nerve damage. It\'s estimated that this is not good."

The lost memory can\'t be found again. He is the only one who can linger on the past. His thoughts have just been taken back. Mo ziyao looked at Lin Mutong in his arms and felt a burst of acid in his chest, which can\'t be alleviated


After sleeping along the way, when she opened her eyes again, Lin Mutong was already lying in the bedroom of the mid level villa. She sat up with the quilt, but found Mozi Yao sitting on the sofa not far away, looking at him with quiet and deep eyes, as she had first seen.

But different from that time, at the moment, her eyes were full of pain and regret. Lin Mutong was stabbed by the clear pain at the bottom of his eyes. When he was surprised, he heard his slightly hoarse and low voice: "when is your stomach?"

Lin Mutong frowned: "it should have been four years ago. I don\'t remember. My family said it was the gastric ulcer caused by improper diet. Because it was too serious, it was cut off."

Four years ago... Mozi Yao was silent for a moment and suddenly said, "four years ago, my fiancee Joel disappeared."

Lin Mutong\'s eyes closed in an instant. Obviously, he was very surprised. Mozi Yao got up and came towards her with a photo in his hand. He stood slowly in front of her, his voice was low and dumb: "do you want to see the picture of my fiancee?"

Lin Mutong looked up and looked at him in surprise. I don\'t know why he suddenly mentioned his missing fiancee.

Mozi Yao lowered his eyes and put the pinched and hot photo at her hand. His black eyes were deep. Seeing her looking at the photo, she was stunned at the moment, and the bottom of her heart was desolate

Lin Mu Tong as like as two peas in the picture, she could not restrain her surprise. She felt that the cold sweat was streaming down her back, and the biting cold was like a snake spreading slowly from the back of her back to her breathing.

The girl in the photo has a bright face, tilted her head and hugged the arm of the man beside her, smiling brightly, while the man she held is helpless and spoiled, just like Mo ziyao many years ago. Lin Mutong reached out and stroked the photo. If there is any difference between her and Mo ziyao\'s fiancee, there is only a hairstyle. The girl in the photo has short hair that has not reached her shoulder Scattered, but she has long hair.

She looked up at Mo ziyao and whispered, "how can it be?... is it because I look so like her that I stay?"

Mozi Yao\'s eyes were filled with some deep and repressed tenderness and attachment. He whispered, "no, it\'s because you are her, Joel."

"How could it be? I have my own parents and friends. How could it be her? Moreover, this is my first visit to liberty city. I\'ve never been in the future before."

"That\'s just a fool\'s trick. You said you were Lin Mutong. Do you remember everything four years ago?"

"That\'s because I had a car accident, so I don\'t remember the previous things."

"This is just what they said to deceive you. Lin Mutong did have a car accident four years ago, but she was dead at that time. You were just transferred and survived as her." black Tong twinkled with blood thirsty light, and Mozi Yao was angry. If it wasn\'t for this, why should they be separated for four years.

Mozi Yao\'s words were pearls, but he felt absurd. Lin Mutong shook his head rigidly and wanted to deny: "it\'s not like this, it won\'t be like this."

"If not, why did you move your family after the car accident four years ago, your parents were still working, and all your relatives and friends were in harmony, but you moved your family overnight without saying a word? Isn\'t this to cover up that you are not the real Lin Mutong?"

"Even so, how can you prove that I am Joel? I completely forget the past. Even if I\'m not Lin Mutong, I\'m not necessarily Joel."

Mo-tse Yao seemed as like as two peas in her anger, and smiled slightly, and drew a little lip to her lips. Instead, she put a physical examination report from the table in front of her: "Lin Mu Tong\'s parents are A blood. Lin Mu Tong, if not the A, is the type of blood that can be tested. It can test the true RH negative blood in the report, and the blood type exactly like Joe\'s. do you still want to deny it again?"

Seeing Lin Mutong\'s dull face, Mozi Yao seemed to be scratched in his heart. He faintly felt some unbearable pain. He bent down and parallel to Lin Mutong\'s line of sight: "I\'ll take you to the place where you used to live, and you\'ll know that I didn\'t lie to you."


Lin Mutong had heard servants talk about the forbidden house behind the main building more than once before, but he never thought that it was the place where she had lived before, and the reason why Mozi Yao didn\'t let others stop was just to keep the same as joer lived.

Mo ziyao was allowed to hold hands and slowly step up the stairs. Lin Mutong looked around the strange building in his memory. He had some strange feelings. Mo ziyao stretched out his hand to unscrew a door and sideways let Lin Mutong in.

As soon as Lin Mutong stepped into the room, he was stunned by the full photos in the room. There were a wide range of photos of all sizes, either pasted on the wall or placed on the table. The only thing that was the same was the two lovers snuggling up to each other in the photos.

Mo ziyao looked at photos with loving eyes and missed them: "since you were about ten years old, you suddenly took a camera and told me that every year\'s birthday should be recorded, so every time our two birthdays, you remember to take a picture as a memory."

Lin Mutong looked with his eyes. Sure enough, every photo pasted on the wall had a signature of time. The two people in the photo looked at each other, or one before and one after, in different shapes, but the same thing was the spoil and streamer in the eyes of boys. The time was broken four years ago

The softest place in his heart was suddenly poked, and a faint crisp hemp came. Lin Mutong suddenly asked, "joer, how do you know each other?"