Forbidden-sex husband, please spoil me lightly

Chapter 6

Ji Han was a little stunned, nodded, and looked at the figure of Mozi Yao turning around and entering the room again. Obviously, he was surprised. Although Mozi Yao was dangerous and cold, he was still vaguely depressed, but now he obviously had completely let go, and there was an unbridled evil spirit between his eyebrows and eyes.

Ji Han sighed softly. He was no stranger to Mo ziyao. When Qiao Er just disappeared, he was like this for almost a year. Now that she has returned to him, why would he

When Lin Mutong woke up, he was still a little surprised. He didn\'t know where he was. He turned his head slightly. When he saw the figure lying by her bed, his mind was suddenly pulled back to reality.

Mo ziyao opened his eyes when she came over. His clear and bright eyes looked at the charming person in front of him for a moment. The undisguised tenderness at the bottom of his eyes surprised Lin Mutong. He frowned and moved back. It was obvious that he didn\'t understand his cold and hot attitude.

Mozi Yao lowered his voice as if he hadn\'t seen her escape. "Are you thirsty? Do you want to drink water?"

As soon as Lin Mutong wanted to speak, he found that his voice was very dry and couldn\'t help nodding.

Mo ziyao got up and poured a cup of warm water. He gently helped her against the bed so that she could drink water comfortably.

Lin Mutong took the water and sipped two cups. Then she suddenly felt that her dry throat recovered a little. She coughed gently. Looking at Mozi Yao in front of her, she wanted to speak, but she suddenly didn\'t know what to say.

Mo ziyao took a break when he saw that her face was no longer as red as last night. He just looked at her slightly thin body and frowned: "be careful in the future. Don\'t catch a cold like that night."

Lin Mutong lowered his eyes and rubbed the quilt on his body with his fingers, as if he was not the culprit who took her to the warehouse in the suburbs that night.

But gradually he noticed something wrong. The touch in his hand was particularly silky, and the color was not as soft as the previous powder. It was deep and depressed black

This is mo ziyao\'s bedroom. Lin Mutong\'s eyebrows jumped and suddenly raised his head: "why am I here?"

The abrupt question was a little strange, but Mozi Yao knew what she was asking. He replied lightly, "you have a high fever and sweat. You don\'t have time to change the sheets, so you change to this place to rest."

Lin Mutong nodded stupidly. She was still a little confused when she just woke up, but she still vaguely felt that there was something slightly strange. After watching Mo ziyao walk out of the door, she suddenly came back to her senses. How could there be no temporary change of bed sheets in such a large villa

But the situation seemed to deviate from what Lin Mutong thought. Since she woke up, not only Mozi Yao\'s attitude was strange, but also the servants looked at her with more respect and distance. She vaguely felt that what had happened during her fever and sleep?

Lin Mutong doesn\'t understand. Her presence in the villa is a strange existence. What\'s more, some experienced servants were shocked when they saw her face, but they took it for granted after calming down. After all, she was the hostess of the villa four years ago, but they don\'t understand that joer was no longer joer when he came back and was called Lin Mutong.

Mozi Yao\'s attitude was not very clear until he found her in a coma with a high fever that morning and held her to the bedroom where people never set foot. Some confused servants really understood Lin Mutong\'s position in Mozi Yao\'s heart.

Just after lunch, Mozi Yao sent someone to tell Lin Mutong that someone would come and pick her up. Lin Mutong was a little stunned. She thought that Mozi Yao was going to take her to the warehouse that night to see Zhang Yicheng. She sat in the living room and waited anxiously, but he didn\'t come.

Ji Han\'s eyes drooped slightly. He only looked at her and looked away: "little... Miss Lin, the car is waiting outside. Let\'s go."

The other party\'s eyes dodged slightly. Lin Mutong was surprised, but he didn\'t show it. He just nodded faintly: "OK."

After the car stopped in front of a private hospital, Lin Mutong frowned: "why did you bring me here?"

Ji Hanyan was brief and comprehensive: "Mo Shao has arrived. Miss Lin, please get off first."

Lin Mutong glanced at him and didn\'t speak again. He got out of the car with an expressionless face and walked to the hospital with his silent figure.

Just around the corner, Lin Mutong saw a familiar figure standing in front of the door talking with a doctor in a white coat. The doctor obviously saw her and whispered a few words to Mozi Yao with a smile.

Almost immediately, Lin Mutong saw Mo ziyao turn around and look at her. His eyes were as clear as ever. When she came to her, he stretched out his hand to take her and said to the handsome doctor, "OK, take her."

Lin Mutong was a little stiff. His mind was completely on the hand that Mozi Yao naturally surrounded her waist. When he heard the speech, he looked up and said, "where are you going?"

Song chujue smiled like a fox and said to Lin Mutong, who obviously didn\'t know the situation, "I\'ll take you for a general examination, soon."

Lin Mutong looked at him with some vigilance and didn\'t mean to go. Song chujue looked at Mo ziyao on her side and said with a smile: "don\'t worry, I\'m a doctor and won\'t sell you. Mo Shao told me that you probably have too weak bones, so it\'s easy to catch a cold. That\'s why I dragged me to check you."

Lin Mutong turned and looked at Mo ziyao. He saw that he didn\'t have any expression, but the hand on her waist pushed her forward and motioned her to follow song chujue. Lin Mutong was puzzled, but he couldn\'t think of what he could do with the whole body examination, so he nodded and followed song chujue\'s footsteps.

After taking the chest X-ray, a series of complicated physical examination items were completed. After walking behind song chujue for a long time, Lin Mutong, who had just recovered, was obviously a little tired. After sitting in the car, he leaned his head against the seat and closed his eyes to refresh himself. After a while, Mozi Yao opened the door and sat in. Looking at Lin Mutong who seemed to be sleeping, he whispered, "drive."

The car galloped along the quiet and spacious Boulevard. The bright and extinguished sunshine scattered on Lin Mutong\'s face through layers of branches and leaves and through the window. It seemed quiet and safe. It seemed that he was a little hot. Lin Mutong unconsciously frowned and turned his face to Mo ziyao. The slightly warm sunshine was left behind. Lin Mutong relieved his eyebrows.

Mo ziyao looked at the quiet sleeping face for a moment, stretched out his hand and gently held Lin Mutong in his arms and leaned her head against his shoulder. For a time, she was in a trance, as if she had returned to her appearance four years ago, but song chujue\'s words just now were like a knife, stabbing him one by one, and he was almost paralyzed by the pain.