Forbidden-sex husband, please spoil me lightly

Chapter 5

But Lin Mutong ignored it. He almost blushed and shouted at him: "why do you treat us like this? We\'re just traveling in the free city. It doesn\'t matter to you. Why is it us and why?"

"You didn\'t mean to come here, but he," Mo ziyao raised his eyes and looked at the dying man tied to the frame. He said viciously, "but he deliberately brought you into the free city. You think you are innocent. Do you know that the seemingly affectionate life and death boxing is just a play directed and performed by him."

Lin Mutong was stunned by his words, but he immediately denied: "it\'s impossible. He\'s not such a person. You lied to me! Do you think I\'ll believe you? I\'ve worked hard and even risked my life to send me to you? What am I? I\'m just a female student with no background. Don\'t you think such a reason is ridiculous?"

"How long have you known him, you dare to say that he is not such a person. Do you know what kind of person he is, what his wealth is, what his background is, what he has been doing all these years, and who he has any grudges with?"

Lin Mutong was suddenly stunned. Mo ziyao\'s question was like hitting the nail on the head, tearing apart the original grudge coefficient between her and Zhang Yicheng. Even if she was no longer willing to admit it, she could not deny this fact.

She has known him for more than a year. From the initial strange alert to today\'s dependence and trust, she doesn\'t know that his background is mysterious and complex, but if he doesn\'t say, she won\'t ask. As long as he treats her sincerely, she doesn\'t mind the rest, but

Lin Mutong turned his eyes and looked at Mozi Yao. He said firmly, "I believe he is enough. I won\'t believe a word of what you just said, unless he told me himself that all this is just a conspiracy, just to send me to you."

Mozi Yao\'s dangerous eyes narrowed slightly and quietly looked at Lin Mutong. Suddenly, he smiled with some evil Qi, like Chi Qi and self-confidence: "then we\'ll wait and see if the man you trust wholeheartedly is a liar."

After saying that, he loosened his grip on Lin Mutong, turned and walked out. Lin Mutong glanced at the lifeless Zhang Yicheng and said to Mo ziyao, "you let him go. I promise you no matter what conditions."

Unexpectedly, Mozi Yao bent his lips and smiled. The low laughter seemed to come out of his chest. It was deep and depressed: "this is the second time you asked me for another man."

Lin Mutong was stunned by his strange words. He didn\'t understand what happened the second time he said, but he looked back, his eyes were as cruel and silent as poison, but his mouth was like a knife inserted into her heart: "who do you think you are? Now you belong to me from head to toe, and what qualifications do you have to talk to me about conditions."

There was a dead silence in the long corridor. Lin Mutong\'s face was nearly snow-white and trembled to say something, but Mo ziyao didn\'t intend to listen any more, so he turned and strode away.


The first ray of sunshine in the morning slowly sprinkled on the villa, shining a little angry on the quiet and gloomy villa. However, at the moment, Lin Mutong\'s room was still dark. When the servant who came to get the laundry saw Lin Mutong in a coma on the bed, he was frightened and ran out.

"The cool wind blows at night and she is frightened, which leads to fever. Her physique is very poor. If the temperature still doesn\'t come down tonight, it\'s troublesome."

Song chujue, the family doctor who came to see a doctor, said slowly while packing the medicine box, regardless of how cold the air pressure around the man standing behind him.

Mozi Yao looked at Lin Mutong, who was lying quietly in front of him. Her eyes were tightly closed, her eyebrows seemed to frown because of discomfort, but the tip of her small nose was covered with small beads of sweat. Her hands unconsciously grasped the snow-white quilt, so delicate but so quiet Dugu.

"You stay until her fever goes down."

Song chujue jumped: "Wow, you think I\'m waiting for you to call every day. My appointment is full. At most, I\'ll come and have a look at it in the evening." after that, without waiting for Mo ziyao\'s answer, she took her medicine box and went outside the house: "Ji Han, send me back quickly."

Ji Hanchao, who was standing outside the house, looked at the house and saw that Mozi Yao was silent. Then he followed song chujue downstairs.

After Mo ziyao sent the servant down, he sat down in front of Lin Mutong\'s bed with a hot towel and gently wiped the fine sweat off her face. Lin Mutong seemed to fall into a nightmare. His long eyelashes trembled, as if he was going to wake up, but he never opened his eyes.

The towel in his hand was getting cold. Mozi Yao got up and planned to go to the bathroom to get some hot water, but at the moment he turned around, Lin Mutong suddenly said, "ziyao."

Mozi Yao was stiff, opened his eyes wide and looked back, but Lin Mutong\'s eyes were still closed, but he murmured in his mouth. His voice was very light. Mozi Yao put his hands on both sides of her head, leaned down and leaned against her mouth. Then he slowly heard what she was saying.

"Mo ziyao, I\'m so cold. Why did you leave me, why..."

"Mozi Yao, a big liar."

Mo ziyao slowly raised his head and looked at her close at hand. He just felt that he was stabbed by something in his heart. The pain made him unbearable even to breathe. He gently wrapped her hand hanging on one side of the infusion, but he couldn\'t help grinning on his face. It was a kind of relieved and open smile. He just looked at it, but it was very bitter.

Joel, little ear, after four years, you finally came back to me

He stayed in her bed until the temperature receded a little late at night. Ji Han waited outside the door after sending song chujue away. Seeing this, he hurried forward.

Mozi Yao\'s voice was as low as ever, but his tone was bloodthirsty and dangerous: "send someone to tell Zhang Yicheng that if he doesn\'t speak again tonight at the latest, there\'s no need to speak in the future. Just throw it out and feed the dog."

Ji Han nodded randomly when he felt a touch on his face.

Mo ziyao\'s eyes flashed slightly and said again, "she\'s Joel."

Ji Han raised his eyes. His expression was at a loss for a moment, but then his eyes swept into the room. Suddenly, he was even more stunned: "but I checked her data. There is no doubt. It is Lin Mutong right."

Mozi Yao\'s eyes did not change: "it was probably artificially forged and deliberately erased everything about joer. If you check it again, I\'ll see who it was. I tried my best to change her name and hide it for four years."