Forbidden Love: Angel's Seduction

Chapter 249 - Close Call

Alexa\'s eyes widened and her entire body stiffened at the feel of soft lips brushing her lips. He blinked her eyes several times, wondering whether she was imagining things or not.

\'What the hell is happening right now?\' Alexa screamed in her mind.

Someone was forcing her lips to move. Renz continued nibbling on her upper and lower lip. He ran his tongue over her lips, encouraging her to respond.

Alexa\'s heart pounded so hard inside her chest as her mind finally absorbed what was happening. Renz was kissing her passionately.

If he was just another guy, Alexa would have beat him up by now. But Renz was her responsibility. She was tasked to protect him, not to hurt him.

Besides, she could understand that he was drunk and he was not in his clear mind as of now, that\'s why he pulled a stranger, kissing her as if she was his lover.

\'But he didn\'t have the right to take advantage of me!\' Alexa complained to herself as she folded her arms into fists, trying to control herself from punching Renz.

She wanted to evade his kisses but Renz was gripping her head tightly, holding her in place. She closed her lips, not allowing Renz to explore her insides.

\'Damn! This is crazy. I don\'t know what I have gotten myself into!\' Alexa felt like crying, trying her best to suppress the urge to respond to him.

But Renz was very persistent. He continued nibbling and sucking on her lips as he tried to pry her lips open. He used his tongue to seek entrance.

With his few attempts, Alexa finally gave in as she closed her eyes while parting her lips. She let Renz take charge of the kiss. Then she began to move her lips, responding to his kiss.

The moment she responded to him, Renz pulled her head closer, deepening the kiss. It looked like he craved for this to happen.

He thrust his tongue inside her mouth, searching for hers. She welcomed his tongue by entangling his tongue with hers. They wrestled inside her mouth, tasting and licking each other.

Alexa felt like drowning with the intensity of their kiss. Her heart raced even faster when Renz\'s free hand started to caress her body. One hand found her rounded breast, kneading and fondling on her soft flesh and curve through the thin fabric of her top.

Alexa moaned in between their kisses. Her mind was giving her a red alert signal, telling her to stop or they might end up doing something more than kissing.

Her body was becoming sensitive with his touch. Renz released her mouth for them to gasp some air. Alexa was breathing heavily when she felt his lips move on her jaw, trailing kisses down her neck and collarbones.

\'No! I should stop now! But my body won\'t listen to me,\' Alexa complained inwardly.

She even tilted her neck to give him more access, allowing Renz\'s lips to explore her body. Renz was becoming more aggressive as he bit her neck, sucking on her skin as if he was a vampire. It would leave a kiss mark by tomorrow.

\'Aah! Why does this feel so damn good?!\'

It did not take long when Renz flipped her on the bed as they changed position. He was now on top of her, still kissing the sensitive part of her neck.

Alexa just grabbed onto his head, raking her fingers through his hair as she pulled him closer.

\'I\'m crazy. Why am I allowing this to happen? Why am I allowing him to touch and kiss my body? I don\'t hate it. I don\'t feel disgusted at all. Instead, I\'m enjoying this!\' Alexa was still having an internal struggle in her mind right now.

Renz continued licking and nibbling on her skin, from her neck going down her chest. Before she realized it, his hands already pulled her spaghetti strap top down, revealing her beautiful and soft round breasts that were covered by her black push-up bra.

Alexa had an excellent figure. She was working out every day maintaining her sexy and healthy figure. Her waist was narrow and her stomach was flat. She was sexy and hot with her abs.

Renz began to unclasp her bra as his mouth moved further down. A few seconds later, Alexa just found her bare breast being sucked by his hot mouth.

Another soft moan escaped her mouth. This pleasure was new to her. She didn\'t get too physical and intimate with the other guys, unlike this. Renz\'s charm was too hard to ignore.

Renz didn\'t stop playing on her breasts as his hand started squeezing and kneading the other breast while he sucked the other one. Alexa felt like she was losing her mind because of the overwhelming pleasure brought by him.

She felt her core getting wet and hot as Renz continued to stimulate her body. Alexa\'s gaze moved down, observing Renz as he devoured her twin peaks alternately.

The way he was sucking and licking her crowns was too sensual, making her more aroused. Soon, Renz\'s other hand traveled south.

He slid his hand underneath her pants. Alexa jolted and gasped when she felt his hand rubbing her aching apex.

\'Oh my gosh! He is touching me down there. And it feels so good.\'

Renz\'s finger started to play with her sex, rubbing her slit up and down using his fingers. He could feel her wetness down there.

Alexa didn\'t know what to do. The pleasant sensation was too much for her to handle. She threw her head back, moaning nonstop.

Renz was sucking her breast while pinching her other. Then his fingers felt so amazing as he was touching and caressing her lady part.

Alexa arched her back and bucked her hips up. She even spread her legs to allow Renz to play with her flower bud. She was almost there as her orgasm was building up inside her.

Just when she was about to explode, she heard a knock outside the door. She cursed herself inwardly. At that certain moment, she knew she had to stop this madness.

Alexa immediately pushed Renz away from her body and she jumped off the bed. She hurriedly fixed her clothes. She just finished it when the door swung open.

\'F*ck! That was a close call!"