Forbidden Love: Angel's Seduction

Chapter 248 - Mission Accomplished

Renz and Alexa stayed in their position for several minutes, just letting Renz hug her. She could feel his longing for the woman he loved. He was acting like this because of Selene.

Alexa almost thought that Renz fell asleep since he was too quiet. After a while, she broke the hug, telling him to enter the car. Renz followed her obediently.

When Renz stepped into the car, Alexa didn\'t waste time as she walked to the driver\'s seat. She left the Starlight Nightclub right away.

She would not let Micaela have ways on Renz. He fell asleep during their journey. She brought him to the Chou Family Mansion.

"I\'m so lucky tonight. Now I can enter his room and put some spying devices," Alexa murmured to herself.

She glanced at Renz\'s sleeping figure from time to time. She wondered how many drinks he finished tonight to be so drunk like this.

When they were near the Chou Mansion, she parked the car on the side to search for his phone. Alexa found it in his jacket pocket. She used Renz\'s fingerprint to unlock his phone. Fortunately, he was sleeping like a baby.

Alexa installed a spying app she personally made as a hacker and programmer. Renz would never notice the app. She made it invisible to him.

Since she didn\'t want to invade all his privacy, this spying app was exclusive only for contacting Micaela\'s. Every call and message that would come from Micaela, the spying app would help her to monitor everything.

She could read the exchange of text messages between the two and their phone conversation.

Alexa flashed her satisfied smile when she was done installing the app. She slowly returned his phone, putting it inside his pocket.

Soon, Alexa drove in front of the Chou Family Mansion. They were welcomed by the guards at the front gate.

"I\'m Renz\'s friend. Your young master got drunk so he couldn\'t drive his car," Alexa told the guards.

Upon seeing Renz\'s sleeping figure on the front passenger seat, the guards opened the gate for them, letting Alexa\'s car enter the mansion.

The head butler was the one who welcomed them in the main door.

"What happened to the young master?" he asked Alexa.

"He got drunk. Can you help me carry him into his room? Also, prepare some warm water, I will take care of him," Alexa said, ordering the butler.

Her acting was superb. She was like Renz\'s real socialite friend as she gave the butler some orders.

Though puzzled to see a new face he had never seen before, the head butler followed Alexa\'s instruction. The two of them brought Renz into his room.

They put him down on his bed. The head butler left right away to prepare some warm water as per Alexa\'s instruction.

The butler went back holding a towel and a basin filled with warm water. He knew that this lady would try to wipe and clean his young master\'s body.

"Lady… I think I can take over now. Thank you so much for sending our young master back home." The head butler politely thanked her.

Alexa smiled awkwardly. She was not yet done installing the spying camera so she must not leave yet.

The head butler was aware that Renz was engaged to Selene so it was not a good idea to let another woman stay in his room.

"Hey, no need to worry. Let me take care of him for a while. You know... Selene might scold me if I neglect him."

"You know the young mistress Selene?" The head butler asked her in surprise.

Alexa nodded her head. "Yes, I told her that Renz got drunk. Do you want me to call her so that you will believe me?"

Leaving with no choice, Alexa called Selene informing her about the situation. The head butler even talked to Selene.

"Good evening, Lady Selene!" The head butler greeted her.

"Uncle, let her take care of Renz. She is our friend." Selene supported Alexa\'s claim.

Upon confirming that Alexa was telling the truth, the head butler left Alexa and Renz inside the room.

Alexa didn\'t waste time to install some spying camera in his room. "Argh, I\'m sorry about this Mr. Renz Chou. I need to invade your privacy in the meantime."

She put one under the lampshade on the bedside table. She also installed one camera inside Renz\'s study. Renz\'s room was spacious but she only used two cameras to leave him some privacy in the other area of his room.

"Should I put one in his bathroom too?" Alexa said jokingly. Of course, she would not do that. Renz might sue her once he learned about this. Fortunately, he would never know since she would be careful not to get caught.

When she was done with her task, Alexa went back to check Renz. He was still lying on his bed with his eyes closed.

She walked over, sitting on the edge of his bed. She decided to clean his face and wiped his body using a towel and warm water.

She also made sure to put medicine for headaches on his bedside table, leaving a note. She was certain that Renz would feel discomfort by the morning because of his hangover.

She was done wiping his face, his neck, and his arms. She would just ask the head butler to change Renz\'s clothes. She had to leave now since her task was done.

She smiled triumphantly just thinking about Micaela\'s reactions. She would be disappointed without seeing Renz by the time she came back to the dance floor.

"Good job, Alexa. Good job!" Alexa praised herself.

She was about to leave when a hand suddenly grabbed her. She turned around only to see Renz looking at her.

\'Oh shucks! He\'s now awake!\'

Alexa was contemplating what to do when suddenly Renz pulled her arm, causing her to fall on the bed. She landed on top of him.

Before she could react, Renz\'s hand was already holding the back of her head and his lips were already brushing her lips. Renz was kissing her!