Forbidden Love: Angel's Seduction

Chapter 239 - I'm Your Angel

Eros was caught off guard when Azrael suddenly pounced on him, hugging him.

"Hey, why are you being clingy?" Eros pushed him away right away. He was afraid that Azrael might notice something if he continued hugging him. His entire body felt sore as of now.

Azrael raised his eyebrow as Eros was being sensitive right now.

"Eros, you made us worry too much, do you know that? You disappeared for such a long time! We didn\'t hear any news about you. We even had to request Levi to go back just to find your whereabouts! What happened to you?" Azrael burst out, scolding Eros.

"And by the way, where\'s Levi? Is he not coming back since you are already here?" Azrael added, asking him.

Eros felt guilty for Levi for what he had done. But he had no choice.. It was the only way he could do to go back to Selene.

"Yes, Levi is not coming back. I am here for Selene. A minor problem happened in the Angel\'s Agape Realm that\'s why I was not able to come back soon," Eros said, explaining to him.

He didn\'t inform him of what truly happened to him. Azrael also had his own problem. He didn\'t want Azrael to worry about him.

"Azrael, I heard from Levi what happened here when I was gone. Thank you for saving and protecting Selene," Eros mumbled with a grateful look in his blue eyes. He held Azrael\'s shoulders.

"No need to mention it. I\'m just returning the favor since you protected me as well. Let\'s go downstairs now. Selene and Samantha are waiting for us."

"Eh, wait! It\'s not good for Samantha to see me. She might wonder when I came back. You just go ahead. I will join you if Samantha leaves."

Azrael didn\'t argue further as he left Eros in Selene\'s room. He joined Selene and Samantha for breakfast.

Meanwhile, Eros lay down on Selene\'s bed.  A gentle smile flashed on his handsome face as he recalled what happened to Selene and him last night.

Eros traced his lips using his fingers. "She tasted so sweet. I will never forget this. I will treasure it forever."

Selene\'s scent still lingered on his nose. He closed his eyes and decided to take a nap. He needed to recover fast and regain his strength.

After a while, Eros woke up to the smell of a familiar sweet scent. When he opened his eyes, Selene\'s beautiful face came into his view.

She was sitting on the bed beside him. She was watching him. Eros sat up and leaned on the headrest.

"How long did I sleep?" Eros asked Selene, smiling awkwardly.

"Five hours. It is already noontime. Do you want to eat something? Samantha already went home. Azrael is the only one person waiting downstairs," Selene informed him.

Upon hearing that, Eros pounced on her and pinned her down on the bed.

"Selene, I think I wanna eat you again," Eros said, smiling cheekily at her. He was on top of her, holding her wrists on the sides of her head.

Selene\'s face reddened from embarrassment as she remembered how Eros devoured and ate her last night. Then her heart started to pound crazily in excitement. She felt something getting wet down there.

Selene got aroused by Eros\'s simple words. Now her body was reacting to him. When Selene bit her lower lip, Eros could no longer hold it as he closed their gaps, smashing his lips with hers.

Eros kissed her passionately with so much eagerness. Selene could only close her eyes, enjoying the lingering kiss Eros was giving her.

She moaned in between their kisses the moment Eros\'s hands started kneading her breasts. His hands started caressing her body once again. He loved touching them.

Eros\'s mouth left her mouth and started kissing her jawline going down her neck and collarbones. Eros was biting and sucking her on her neck. Selene\'s moan echoed in her bedroom.

Then she felt Eros\'s hardened manhood rubbing her aching apex. Eros was pressing his body on Selene, rubbing their bodies together.

"Aaah~ Eros," Selene moaned his name. She was drowning in the intense pleasure of their bodies touching each other.

She opened her legs wide, moving her hips upward to feel him more. Their clothes were the only ones separating their sex. Selene hugged Eros tightly, wrapping her legs around his hips as she started grinding herself on him.

Eros let out a loud groan. His manhood twitched under his pants. It was getting harder and growing larger by the second. The feeling of Selene\'s body grinding his body was making him more aroused.

"Aah~ Selene, we should stop or else, I might end up taking you. I could no longer control my beastly desire. I might ravish you here." Eros whispered with his helpless voice.

He didn\'t know if he could still control himself from taking her. He felt like Selene was teasing him by grinding herself and rubbing herself on him.

"Why stop yourself if you want to take me?" Selene asked him as her hand moved down, touching and caressing his crotch.

Eros gasped and moaned loudly when Selene started rubbing his manhood through his pants. He told her to stop but here she was testing his self-control.

"Selene, No! I don\'t want you to regret this. You should only give yourself to your husband," Eros said, trying to stop himself from ravishing Selene.

"Then become my husband and take me, Eros!" Selene declared to him, making him speechless. He stopped what he was doing as he couldn\'t believe what she had just said to him.

\'Is it true? Selene is asking me to become her husband? Am I imagining things? Did I hear it wrong?\'

Eros was still in a state of stupor when Selene grabbed the opportunity to change their position. She pushed him, flipping their bodies so that she could be on top of him while Eros was under her.

"You satisfied me last night. This time let me satisfy you, my angel," Selene said with a loving smile on her face.

Eros hadn\'t recovered yet when Selene lifted his shirt, removing it from his body. She started planting kisses on his jaws and neck while her two hands were exploring and feeling Eros\'s muscles.

\'Shit! She might see the marks of my wounds and the sign that I was punished.\' Eros felt alarmed when he realized it.

Selene took off his shirt so it\'s just a matter of time she would see those marks. Her attention was focused on his neck so she couldn\'t see them yet.

Eros didn\'t know what to do. Selene\'s kisses were distracting him. He was torn between stopping Selene or letting her continue. But he was worried that she would notice the marks on his body.

Selene started kissing him on his chest. That was the time Selene noticed some bruises and purple marks on Eros\'s body. She stopped for a moment, moving her gaze back to Eros.

\'Damn! It\'s too late! She saw them,\' Eros thought to himself as he met Selene\'s questioning gaze. He could see the hint of worry in her brown eyes.

"Eros… what happened to you? Why do you have lots of bruises? Your body is covered by marks," Selene asked him. She felt like crying. She knew that he must have been hurt.

\'Is my dream true? Eros was punished in the Angel\'s Agape Realm.\'

"Eros… is it because of me? Did they punish you because of me? I saw you in my dream. You were tied down inside the cage."

Selene\'s tears started to fall down her cheeks. Eros caressed her face, wiping her tears away.

"No, Selene. It\'s not your fault. It\'s not because of you. Something happened in the Angel\'s Agape realm wherein I had to fight. So I received this injury. I was recuperating from my wounds, that\'s why I was not able to return here soon," Eros said, lying to her.

As much as possible, he didn\'t want Selene to know about the problem that he was encountering right now. He knew Selene. If she learned the truth, she would start blaming herself.

Eros pulled her into a hug. "Hey, stop crying. I don\'t want to see you cry," Eros said, comforting her. He was stroking her hair.

Eros sighed heavily. The wonderful moment got ruined. Selene got sad because of him. Selene continued crying in his chest while hugging him tightly. Her heart was in pain seeing Eros\'s injury.

"Eros, I\'m scared. I don\'t want to lose you. I\'m afraid that something bad will happen to you because of me. If I will cause you troubles, then I should stay away from you."

"No, Selene! Don\'t say that. I think I\'m gonna die if you try to stay away from me. Do you want that to happen?"

Selene shook her head right away. "No! I don\'t want you to die. But I also don\'t want you to get hurt because of me."

"You don\'t have to worry about me. I can protect myself, Selene. I am your angel, remember? I am a powerful being."