Forbidden Love: Angel's Seduction

Chapter 240 - Returning The Favor **

After talking to each other, Eros and Selene just cuddled each other on the bed. Eros sighed deeply as the moment was ruined. He was looking forward to seeing Selene initiating a move on him.

Unfortunately, Selene\'s attention was diverted after seeing Eros\'s wounds. She was worried that he was still hurting from his injuries.

"Selene, I thought you were about to do something to me a while ago. Did you change your mind now?" Eros asked her, putting on a pitiful face.

Selene let out a soft giggle seeing how disappointed Eros was after she stopped what she was planning to do to him. She wanted to satisfy him as well to return the favor. But this was not the right time. Eros was still injured.

"You should recuperate first. I don\'t want to hurt you by accidentally touching your wounds."

Eros shook his head and said, "I\'m not hurting. Your touch will heal my wound faster!"

Eros was giving her a puppy-eyed look, hoping that Selene would continue their passionate moments.

Selene giggled once again. "Liar. I don\'t have the magic power to heal you!"

"No, you are wrong. You are my strength! My Miracle. You will definitely cure my wounds. Just give me your love," Eros said to her meaningfully.

Selene was taken aback when he mentioned the word \'love\'.

\'Is he asking me to love him? But I already love him. I just don\'t know if I should confess my feelings or not.\' Selene thought to herself.

Selene pulled Eros\'s head closer to her. She gave him a lingering kiss on his lips. Eros cupped her face, deepening the kiss. His heart was singing with joy right now. Selene was initiating the kiss first.

When they broke the kiss, Eros asked her expectantly, "Selene… aren\'t you getting mad anymore when I\'m stealing kisses from you?"

"What a silly question is that? Can\'t you tell? I even allowed you to kiss me down-" Selene stopped as she was embarrassed to complete her sentence.

Her face was blushing red as she recalled how Eros kissed and devoured her most precious flower.

Eros let out a soft chuckle. He understood what she meant. She was referring to the intimate moment they shared last night. He kissed and tasted her down there, licking and sucking her until she reached her climax.

"Hmm, Can I kiss you again in that part?" Eros asked her teasingly, moving his hand down as he touched her sex through her shorts.

Selene gasped and moaned as Eros slid his fingers inside her shorts and started rubbing her lady part.

Eros was surprised when Selene\'s body reacted right away. He could feel the wetness in her panty.

"Selene, it seems like your pearl is asking me to devour it again. Can I do it?" Eros asked her. His free hand started to squeeze her breast, stimulating her body further.

"Though I am injured, I can still satisfy you… with just my fingers and my mouth," Eros cooed in her ear.

"Eros, you\'re a pervert!" Selene complained, hitting his shoulder.

Eros chuckled once again. "Only for you."

After saying that, Eros captured her lips with his mouth, kissing her passionately while his hands were still playing with her breast and wet core.

Selene moaned in his mouth. Eros was good at giving her pleasure. Her body was becoming addicted to it. She didn\'t want to stop and she wanted more.

\'Should I tell him about Renz and me? I think Eros has the right to know. Tonight, I will tell him what happened between Renz and me. For now, I want to enjoy this moment with him,\' Selene mumbled to herself.

When Eros released her mouth, Selene caught his hands, stopping him from touching her body.

"Are you sure you will not get hurt if I touch you?" Selene asked Eros with a concerned look on her lovely face.

Eros flashed his charming smile before nodding his head. "Trust me… I won\'t."

Getting his response, Selene pushed Eros on the bed then she moved on top of him. His eyes were glowing with excitement. It seemed that Selene changed her mind again.

\'Is she planning to satisfy me now?\' Eros couldn\'t stop himself from smiling like a fool.

"I\'m doing this to return the favor last night," she mumbled as she lifted the hem of Eros\'s shirt. She helped him take his shirt off.

Selene\'s eyes lingered on his body. She was still sorry for Eros. Seeing his wound, she wished she had the power to heal him and erase his pain.

As if Eros had read her mind, he cupped her face and said, "Don\'t worry, Selene. You can help me erase the pain. Just continue what you want to do to me. I assure you… I will feel better."

With his words of encouragement, Selene started to gently caress his body. Her hands were touching his neck going down. She was tracing his body with snake-like movement.

Every path of her hand, Selene planted soft gentle kisses on his skin. She was swirling her tongue on his skin, licking and sucking him.

Eros moaned in pleasure. He could feel the tingling sensation brought by her tongue. Selene was very gentle as if Eros\'s body was a fragile thing.

Soon, her mouth found his nipples. She mimicked his movement last night, kissing and sucking them alternately.

"Aaah~ Selene, that\'s it… just continue… It feels so good, not painful at all." Eros wanted her to know that she was doing good.

Selene gained more confidence because of his words. Eros was stroking her hair as Selene continued to play with his nipples.

His eyes never left her. He was enjoying every attention she was giving her. He didn\'t waste the opportunity to watch her every movement.

Selene crawled down, licking his abdomen. Her tongue was tracing the curve of his abs and sucking them one by one.

\'Oh my God… how come she is good at this?\'

Eros felt his length getting hard, twitching under his pants. His erection was growing by the second. As Selene moved down, her soft breast accidentally touched and brushed his hard length.

"Aaah!" Eros moaned loudly as Selene touched his hardened rod through his pants.

\'I\'m so hot! She is making me feel so good.\'

Soon, Selene pulled his pants down, freeing his manhood from its cage. Selene\'s eyes widened in both surprise and amazement after seeing Eros\'s thing.

\'He is so big… bigger than Renz,\' Selene gulped hard at that thought. She couldn\'t help but compare the two of them. She saw Renz\'s thing in his scandal video so she could tell the difference in size between Eros and Renz.

"You are bigger than him."

Eros frowned when he heard that. "Huh? What do you mean, Selene? Bigger than who?"

Selene bit her lower lip as she realized her mistake. She didn\'t mean to say it out loud.

To escape Eros\'s question, Selene immediately grabbed his manhood, stroking it with her hands. And just like that Eros\'s attention was diverted and he forgot about his question.

This was the first time someone touched his most precious thing. Damn! It felt so amazing!

Selene moved her hands up and down his shaft. Eros groaned loudly at the feel of intense pleasure. His moan was a motivation for Selene to do more.

Selene moved her face on his towering rod that was standing proud before her. Eros couldn\'t take his eyes off her, anticipating what she would do next.

Eros\'s heart pounded so hard when he saw Selene moving her lips to kiss the tip of his manhood.

\'Damn! She looks so hot. Aaah! So damn hot!\'

Eros rolled his eyes at the feel of her soft lips kissing his tip. She was still stroking his shaft.

"Aaah~ Yesss… more… Selene… lick it more."

Selene complied with his request as Selene started licking his tip. Precum was coming out of his tip and Selene sucked him dry. It did not take long when Selene swallowed his hard length.

Selene remembered Renz\'s video. She mimicked the girl\'s movement on how she gave him a blowjob. Selene bobbed her head up and down, making Eros squirm and moan aloud.

Eros sat up, holding Selene\'s head. He made sure to hold her hair so that it would not cover her face and distract her.

Eros closed his eyes, savoring this moment. He felt that he was about to explode soon. Unconsciously, he moved his hips forward, thrusting in and out of Selene\'s mouth.

She was giving him an amazing blowjob while he started deepthroating her as well. Selene didn\'t mind it at all since she wanted to satisfy Eros.

"Aaah, Selene, stop… I\'m cumming…" Eros made sure to remove his thing inside her mouth before releasing his load. He didn\'t want Selene to gag because of him.

Selene continued stroking his shaft faster. It did not take long when Eros finally rode on his orgasm, releasing his cum. Selene flashed her satisfied smile seeing Eros\'s most erotic expression she had ever seen so far.