Flash Marriage Ex-wife, Don't Flee

Chapter 541

After taking a few steps, she still felt her feet hurt and her legs were numb. Fang Yan groped for the light switch in her memory. She had no help but to rely on herself.

Fang Yan held the wall and walked carefully. Suddenly, she seemed to hear something, very slight, but absolutely.

"What's going on? Is there anyone in the room? "

Fang Yan was surprised. She felt the sounds like footsteps and people's pushing and bustling. However, the movement disappeared when she stopped, just as nothing had happened just now. Everything was so calm. The lobby was still dark and there was no special change.

"It's strange that there was a movement just now. Why not now? Is there a thief sneaking in the lobby? "

Fang Yan believes in her hearing and will never be wrong. Her first feeling was that there was a thief. She knew that the people in the lobby would not joke with her. Even if it does, it's impossible to choose such a time at night. It's too scary. If you can't stand it, something will happen.

She has no way to really determine that her guess is incorrect. The first thing to do now is to defend herself. First, she must protect herself. If there is a thief, Fang Yan is alone and at night, which is very dangerous.

Fang Yan had been running around for a day. Her body was sore as if it was not her own. Now she met this kind of thing as soon as she came back. Her eyebrows wrinkled and her heart shouted bad luck.

At this time, she desperately thought about where there would be something to defend and fight in the inn. She moved step by step. Her action was very slight and slow. She didn't know just now. Now that she knew someone was inside, she couldn't make too much noise. She didn't know whether the people inside found her. Everything still needs hope and think about the good.

In fact, Fang Yan was not far from the door. She could run for her life alone regardless of the inn. But she can't do it. After all, the inn took her in at the beginning, which is a great kindness to her. And Shen Cheng is also kind to her. Even in the face of any danger, she still has to do something to make the situation worse.

Just when Fang Yan had planned to fight with someone, the scene that moved her was so simple. The surprise everyone prepared for her tonight made her unforgettable.

In the lobby of the inn, dim lights came into Fang Yan's eyes. On the side of the lobby, all the people took shaking candles from the back to the front; On the other side of the lobby, Shen Cheng pushed a car out of the back slowly and walked to Fang Yan. There was nothing else in the car. It was a super large birthday cake.

Fang Yan looked at her friends. When the first person came out with a candle, she understood that today is her birthday. No one just made a surprise to her. Maybe one of them accidentally made it.

Everything came out. Shen Cheng asked her to go so far to send things. She was not afraid that others would break things, but deliberately separated Fang Yan so that she could have time and place to arrange these things. At this moment, Fang Yan felt that her position in Shen Cheng's heart was really heavy, and someone was silently watching her.

Her eyes are a little wet. Yes, today is her birthday, but for many years, her birthday has been lived by herself. If it weren't for these people, she has forgotten this year's birthday.

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday! "

Everyone surrounded Fang Yan with candles in their hands. Everyone smiled. They sang a birthday song for the birthday star. The lively lobby also played soft and beautiful music at the right time. The atmosphere of a birthday is perfectly presented. Such a scene makes people intoxicated and envious of people who have a birthday. They can have such good luck. It seems that the halo of the world is concentrated here.

The radiance of the candle perfectly reflected Fang Yan's petite face. I don't know whether it was because of excitement or other reasons. Her face was very red. At this moment, she looked like a princess.

Shen Cheng, who planned all this, stood opposite Fang Yan. His hands were still on the armrest of the cake cart. He kept this posture and looked at Fang Yan. His gentle eyes made people intoxicated and felt like they wanted to rely on. At this moment, he was like a place to live. Point out a bright road to all those who go out, just like a lighthouse, always shining.

"Happy birthday, Fang Yan! Happy every day! This is the party we all prepared for you. Do you still like it? "

After the soft music in the lobby, Shen Cheng watched her say this sentence. It came from her heart and Fang Yan could hear it. It's perfect to say it at this time.

Fang Yan's eyes were crystal clear, matched with the flickering light of dark candles, and now looked very charming. Despite her tears, she smiled and kept saying, "thank you, thank you for your blessings and intentions! I'm really happy and happy. Today will be my happiest day. I will remember you. "

After thanking everyone around, Fang Yan looked at Shen Cheng who was still waiting there. Shen Cheng still smiled gently. Looking at his divine eyes, Fang Yan had a long lost sense of familiarity. At that time, she deeply felt that kind of affinity.

"Thank you too! Shen Cheng, thank you for doing so much for me. I'm very moved and like it very much. I don't know how to repay you. " Fang Yan also looked at Shen Cheng and said, but she finally hesitated about the following words. She didn't know whether to say it or not. Such an atmosphere might be destroyed with her words. Such careful preparation, she wants to keep, this is her memory, one of the best memories.

Fang Yan always knew that Shen Cheng really liked her. In the whole process, she has been playing the leading role. When she applied for the job on the first day, Shen Cheng's Inn was not short of people, but she hesitated for a while and left her.

At that time, it may have been because I felt sorry for her, felt some sympathy for her, and worried that she had no place to go and was in danger. Shen Cheng took her in. But later, she found that Shen Cheng's care for her had already exceeded the limit of the boss's care for employees. That kind of care has risen to the care between men and women. Shen Cheng doesn't treat her as an employee anymore.

Fang Yan has always had a person in her heart. It is impossible to accept Shen Cheng. During that time, she has been hiding from Shen Cheng deliberately. She wants to convey an accurate message to Shen Cheng in this way. I hope both of them don't sink too deep and hurt each other in the end.

Now, Fang Yan feels that she is facing such a choice again. Shen Cheng prepares her birthday so carefully and so many people hold candles, which Fang Yan has never seen before. So she will have some different ideas.

Such a birthday atmosphere made her a little intoxicated. Can be moved to be moved. Once some things cause misunderstanding, the consequences are much more serious than this.

In those few seconds of pause, Fang Yan got rid of her intoxication as soon as possible. She couldn't let herself indulge in joy and lose her ability to judge. She decided to make it clear. It's better for everyone, at least, than making mistakes in love.

"Shen Cheng, I know your good intentions. I will always remember your intention to prepare such a grand birthday party for me. In my heart, I am really happy to make you a friend. I never regret coming here. It's my blessing that I can meet you. "

Fang Yan said it tactfully. After all, there are so many people nearby. Her words can't hurt people too much. Shen Cheng is so sincere to her. Even if she doesn't like him, she can't hurt him completely. She can't do such a thing. Although she hasn't known Shen Cheng for a long time, she is also sincere to him, but the sincerity here is not love.

It was also because she was afraid of hurting him deeply in the end. Fang Yan tried to keep a distance from him and told him that they were not suitable as soon as possible. Just find your love and your partner. This is the best ending.

Shen Cheng also heard it nearby. He always knew Fang Yan's attitude. He also knew that Fang Yan always had a person in her heart that he couldn't reach. If one day, he really wants to see that person and make friends with him.

Shen Cheng understood Fang Yan's euphemism. He simply likes her and is willing to take good care of her. In this way, she stays with her every day. Even if she doesn't like herself, so what? At least, the person who stays with her now is him, not others. He can see her every day, and he is very satisfied.

"Well, Fang Yan, don't say anything. Today is just your birthday. You should have a good birthday. Since you are in my inn now, I am your boss. I am a friend of yours today, a close friend, without any other identity. "