Flash Marriage Ex-wife, Don't Flee

Chapter 540

Although Fang Yan has been in the city for more than a month, she has never gone too far from the inn. She occasionally goes to the street with Shen Cheng.

Now Shen Cheng asks her to go so far alone. She has to find a map and look at the buses and taxis in the city.

The intricate routes on the map and the cumbersome change of buses made Fang Yan resolutely give up the plan of taking a bus and take a taxi on the roadside. Fang Yan asked the other party to take herself to the passenger station.

When the driver heard Fang Yan's place to go, he raised his eyebrows: "little girl, it's far from the passenger station here, and the price is not low. It's better to take a bus."

Fang Yan knew it, but she could only wave her hand and decline the taxi master's kindness: "I'm in a hurry. I'd better take a car."

As the driver said, when Fang Yan arrived at the passenger station, the dial on the taxi showed that it would cost more than 100 yuan.

Fang Yan didn't care how much money she paid. She gave the taxi 20 more, got off and ran into the passenger station. At the money window, she bought a ticket to the place Shen Cheng asked her to go.

After buying the ticket, it's still 20 minutes from the departure. Fang Yan sat in the waiting room waiting for the departure. Looking at the ticket in her hand, Fang Yan recalled what Shen Cheng said to herself in the morning: "I only believe in you".

The sentence "trust you" made Fang Yan feel that she was shouldering a heavy responsibility. This is not only a kind of responsibility, but also a manifestation of living up to the trust of others.

Twenty minutes passed. Fang Yan took the ticket and got on the bus. An hour and a half away, Fang Yan looked at the time on her mobile phone. It was already 10:30.

On the other hand, after Fang Yan left, Shen Cheng closed the door of the inn. There was a "business suspension" sign outside. Today, business is suspended for one day.

After the closed door, the staff of the inn began to dress up every corner of the inn under Shen Cheng's instructions.

The roof is covered with flowers and the wall is pasted with ribbons. There are also various colored light bulbs.

Shen Cheng looked at the room being decorated, took out a phone and called the cake shop. Make sure the cake is ready and wait for yourself to pick it up in the afternoon.

Go to Fang Yan's room, and Shen Cheng decorates her room herself. Sweet wallpaper was pasted on the wall, and there were a few photos of Fang Yan at a distance.

After finishing these things, Shen Cheng looked at the carefully decorated room in front of him with satisfaction. Imagine Fang Yan's expression when she comes back to see all this.

Some guests who lived in the inn watched the staff of the inn decorate the lobby and wondered: "what day is this today, so well dressed?"

Shen Cheng smiled, revealing a shallow dimple on his right face: "today, I celebrate a friend's birthday."

By 1:00 p.m., the inn was completely cleaned up. Looking at the new pattern in front of her, Shen Cheng calls Fang Yan.

"Hello, boss."

Fang Yan just got off the bus when she connected the phone from Shen Cheng. The sun is not as strong as noon. Tell Shen Cheng that they had just arrived. They talked again and hung up the phone.

Fang Yan saw a small grocery stall not far from the stop sign. She walked forward a few steps and bought a bottle of mineral water at the small stall by the path.

She forgot to buy water before getting on the bus. Fang Yan was thirsty all the way. Now she finally bought a bottle of water, which restored her spirit.

The owner of the small stall was a woman who seemed to be in her fifties. Fang Yan asked the woman how to get to Guhe road. The woman pointed to the road ahead and asked Fang Yan to keep going until she saw the town.

After saying thanks, Fang Yan continued to walk forward with her backpack on her back. After entering the town, Fang Yan heard that she was a little messy, so she decided to wait until she got there and ask other passers-by.

Sure enough, Fang Yan saw a small town in front of her after walking for less than 15 minutes. From a distance, there are bustling and lively pedestrians inside.

Fang Yan quickened her pace and came near the town. There were some older old people sitting on the roadside. Fang Yan went up again to ask. However, the old people spoke the local dialect and could not understand what Fang Yan said and tell Fang Yan what she wanted to know. Fang Yan made a mistake for a moment.

"Where are you going, little girl?"

Just when Fang Yan was at a loss, a woman's voice suddenly came behind her. Fang Yan looked back and beamed.

After telling her story to the woman, she followed the woman all the way to the place where she was going. Fang Yan looked at the number on the door frame, No. 28, Guhe Road, which was here.

After thanking the woman, Fang Yan knocked on the door and looked at the door with expectation. After a while, I heard a confused voice behind the door: "who?"

Listening to the voice, it was an eight or nine year old girl. When the wooden door in front of her opened, it was really a little girl with a neat ponytail. When Fang Yan saw someone, she quickly handed the package in her hand to the other party: "Hello, I'm Fang Yan. Shen Cheng asked me to send this thing here."

When the little girl heard the name Shen Cheng, her eyes brightened: "it turned out that you are the one my brother said."

The little girl's words confused Fang Yan. What brother, what's your business?

"Is Shen Cheng your brother?" Fang Yan asked suspiciously.

"Yes." The little girl nodded: "my brother called me this morning and said that someone would help him send something back today."

The little girl put her finger on her chin, thought for a while, and then took Fang Yan's hand: "by the way, little sister. My brother said that you should come here at noon. You must not have eaten yet. He specially called me to leave you for dinner at home. "

Fang Yan wants to decline the little girl's suggestion, but the other party has pulled herself into the small yard behind her. The little girl took him to the room: "the meal has been prepared. If you don't eat, you'll waste it."

Fang Yan followed the little girl and looked around the yard: "are you alone in your family?"

"My grandmother is sleeping in the next room." The little girl said to Yan.

The little girl took out a bowl of hot rice from the pot and a plate of chicken without chopsticks and put it on the table: "little sister, eat."

Looking at the rich dishes in front of her, Fang Yan grew up surprised and said, "have you had dinner with grandma? Don't you come and eat together? "

"No, grandma and I finished. Grandma knew that her brother's friends came and made it for you. " Said the little girl.

Fang Yan looked at the little girl and handed her a chicken leg. The little girl didn't want it at first, but she finally took it in the face of the temptation of chicken legs.

Looking at the little girl's delicious food, Fang Yan chatted with each other: "what's your name?"

"My name is Shen Yu." The little girl said to Yan while eating chicken legs.

Fang Yan looked at the tidy room and delicious food, thinking that such a simple day was also good. There is no high-speed life. In the afternoon, I lie comfortably in the yard and bask in the sun.

"Where are your parents?" Fang Yan asked.

The little girl's action of eating chicken legs was a meal, and her small mouth covered with oil and water pouted slightly: "dead."

Unexpectedly, Fang Yan was stunned and didn't know what to do: "I'm talkative, you eat."

The little girl continued to eat the chicken leg in her hand. Fang Yan was really hungry all noon. At this time, she saw the food on the table and picked up chopsticks to eat.

Thinking of the takeout, the takeout brother said that Shen Cheng liked the dumplings because they were very similar to her mother's taste. At that time, she thought she would like to eat dumplings made by her mother and go home. At that time, she thought too simple, but she didn't expect that the other party's mother had died.

The taste is very similar, just very similar. Can not replace the original taste, and the original people.

After dinner, Fang Yan helped the little girl clean the table and wash the dishes. That's when I left town.

The delivery distance is quite far, and Shen Cheng "specially" instructed when he came. Things are afraid of breaking, so he should be careful to deliver them. Fang Yan spent a lot of time going back and forth. Her car bumped all the way. The sitting posture she maintained for a long time also made Fang Yan feel very tired and uncomfortable. Her bones seemed to be numb.

"It's been a tiring day," said Fang Yan, beating her sore shoulders and standing in front of the inn. She has just come back and hasn't entered the door yet. It's winter. It's late after she bumps down all day. Outside the black hole, there was a cold wind.

Fang Yan shivered, took another look at the familiar Inn, raised her legs and went in.

It was dark outside and darker inside. After Fang Yan went in, she found nothing in the lobby of the inn. There are street lights outside, and you can find your way.

"Anyone? Are you all asleep? It's not too late! " Fang Yan raised her voice a little and shouted, hoping to get a response from others.

After all, it's only more than eight o'clock now. In the past, it was the time for guests to come. Why did it close today.

Waiting for her was an empty space, and no one answered her. Fang Yan frowned slightly and whispered in her heart, "what have people done? There are usually a lot of people at this time. What's the matter today? Why did I disappear as soon as I came back? "

Muttering, Fang Yan gropes for herself and plans to turn on the light. Without the light, she can't do anything.

After taking a few steps, she still felt her feet hurt and her legs were numb. Fang Yan turned to the switch of the lamp in her memory.