Flash Marriage Ex-wife, Don't Flee

Chapter 482

Shuqi stumbled to the bathroom. As soon as she opened the faucet, she rushed the water to her face. She thought she was invulnerable. But I didn't expect that a Liu Feng could make her so panic.

It hurts in her heart, especially Liu Feng's care and tenderness for Yan Nuoqi, which has become a sharp blade. It ruthlessly cuts open her heart and makes her unable to breathe.

Why does she love him so much, but he wants to love others? Why?

Shu Qi asked madly in her heart, but there was no answer. No one could tell her the answer and why.

Her mood gradually calmed down. She opened her bag and took out the prepared things. She wiped her hands with a paper towel.

She specially made a very beautiful fingernail today. It's pink and covered with some shiny diamonds, but Liu Feng won't pay attention.

But it was very convenient for her. She opened the packing box and poured the white powder on her nails. Her long nails covered up the white powder well.

Liu Feng, don't blame me. You forced all this! I don't want to do this to you, but why are you so ruthless? It cruelly broke my last hesitation!

Shu Qi cleaned up everything and protected the nail. Although the powder was only a little, she knew that the medicine was very strong. Only a little could achieve her goal.

She walked out, but different from the embarrassment just now, she was calm and slow, as if Shu Qi had changed her face again after she came out of the bathroom.

Liu Feng was surprised to see that Shu Qi had returned to normal, but his guilt was put down. If he could, he really didn't want to be so involved with Shu Qi, because he always felt that Shu Qi didn't look at him so simple.

But he didn't know what Shu Qi was plotting, so he had to be careful silently.

"Miss Shu, are you okay?" Liu Feng asked politely.

"It's all right! It's just spilled some wine. Just go back and wash at that time! " Shu Qi burst out a touching smile, full of confidence, but always with a touch of calculation, "don't you have something else to do later? Then let's have a drink. In that case, how about it as the end of our dinner today? "

Liu Feng thought there was nothing, so he wanted to pour red wine for Shu Qi. Who knows, Shu Qi stopped, took the red wine bottle and said with a smile: "since today is my treat, let me give you a good toast!"

Liu Feng didn't stop, but just watched quietly.

Shu Qi took the bottle and poured a glass of wine for Liu Feng. Then, when Liu Feng didn't notice, she got the powder hidden in her fingernails into Liu Feng's cup.

"Well, let's have a drink! Then you go to see the person you want to see! " Shu Qi smiled, but there was a trace of sadness in her smile.

Liu Feng thought he just thought too much. How could Shu Qi show a sad expression to him?

"Good!" Liu Feng didn't know that his wine had been added by Shu Qi. He just wanted to finish the dinner quickly and go back to see Yan Nuo early.

Shu Qi saw that Liu Feng had finished the whole glass of wine. When she put down a big stone in her heart, she was a little depressed.

"Then you can go back!" Shu Qi smiled faintly, as if she didn't care at all.

Liu Feng wanted to leave after laughing and saying some scene words, but as soon as he stood up, he felt his head dizzy, as if it was very heavy. He didn't let himself fall down by holding the table.

"President Liu, what's the matter with you?" Shu Qi smiled and looked at Liu Feng who was about to fall in front of her.

"My head is a little dizzy. Maybe I'm in a hurry after drinking!" Liu Feng held his forehead, but it seemed that his head was too heavy to support. Gradually he fell into a chair, and the next moment, he passed out in a coma.

Shu Qi didn't stand up until Liu Feng was completely unconscious. She sat beside Liu Feng and leaned her head on Liu Feng's chest to feel his generosity and warmth.

"It seems that you will be quieter only at this time!" She grabbed Liu Feng's hand. She felt that Liu Feng's hand was full of cocoons. She knew that Liu Feng's past would be very hard, otherwise she wouldn't leave such a cocoon.

"Liu Feng, I really don't want to do this, but I love you so much that I want to have you anyway!" Shu Qi didn't know whether she was talking to Liu Feng or herself. She saw Liu Feng for a long time before she asked someone to come up and carry Liu Feng down with her.

She took Liu Feng back to her apartment. She had already said hello to Ouyang Jin and told him not to come to her today. Moreover, Ouyang Jin seldom comes to her apartment.

She put Liu Feng on the bed and looked at the bright yellow light. Liu Feng seemed to be a beautiful sleeping man. He lay quietly, as if waiting for his princess to kiss him up.

"Liu Feng, I am willing to be your princess! Then will you be my prince? " Shu Qi's hand gently lingered on Liu Feng's perfect facial features. She never knew that someone could look so good.

She doesn't know whether she fell in love with Liu Feng's appearance first or with him. After all, she fell in love with Liu Feng the moment she met him. She doesn't understand why she was so crazy at that moment.

As if nothing could stop her love for Liu Feng, maybe all this was destined by God!

Let them meet and let her fall in love with Liu Feng. Although Liu Feng doesn't love her yet, everything will become better after tonight.

"Liu Feng, who else will love you like me? Yannuoqi can't, nor can other women. It's just me, you know? Just me! "

Shu Qi's kiss gently fell on Liu Feng's eyebrows, eyes and nose, and finally lingered on his thin lips. His lips are so thin. It seems that some people say that the men with thin lips are fickle, but he is not fickle, but he is only affectionate to Yan Nuoqi.

But she hoped that her figure could be in those eyes as bright as gemstones, even for a second! As long as she is now, she can have no future and no tomorrow. As long as Liu Feng loves her now.

But God is not such a kind person. Watching her struggle and helplessness, she finally depends on her own strength to get close to Liu Feng.

"Liu Feng, will I be your princess?" Shu Qi's kiss finally fell on Liu Feng's lips. She was very tender, as if she took care of Liu Feng as a fragile treasure.

Gradually, tears couldn't help falling down and slid down Shu Qi's eyes to Liu Feng's face.

"Feng, you feel sorry for me, don't you? I have to get you by this means, don't I? " Shu Qi couldn't help sneering. She touched her face. Is this tears?

Her tears?

She didn't expect that such a ruthless and indifferent person would shed tears.

I feel pathetic and pathetic! She loves a person so much, but she can't get a response from him. She's really pathetic!

But why doesn't she want to give up? Maybe she knows very well that maybe there will be no such opportunity after tonight. This is a rare opportunity in life. Maybe she can only have it once in her life!

"Feng, I'm sorry. Even though I know you will hate me, I can't help loving you. I really love you, love you very much! " As she spoke, her tears couldn't help falling. Shu Qi never knew she would cry like this one day.

At this time, Liu Feng seemed to move, his eyes slowly opened, revealing his eyes shining like the night sky.

"Where is this?" In fact, Liu Feng's consciousness has not completely recovered. He always feels that the surrounding area is fuzzy and seems to be in a dream. He feels some hot liquid on his face. He knows it's tears.

But whose tears are those? Who is crying? Still crying so sad?

Shu Qi saw that Liu Feng seemed to wake up gradually. She couldn't help being worried and surprised. She knew that now was her chance. She was afraid that Liu summit would leave. She quickly grabbed Liu Feng's hand and said in a warm voice, "Feng, I love you. Don't refuse me. Just one night, just tonight? Let me belong to you completely! I don't want the future, not the future! "

"Who are you?" Liu Feng tried to break away from her hand, but he felt that he couldn't make the same effort all over.

"I'm your Shuqi! The person you love most. Don't push me away. I'm the only one in the world who loves you most! " Shu Qi expressed her feelings affectionately, but she was afraid that Liu summit would push her away, and her tears couldn't help falling.

"Don't cry!" Liu Feng held out his hand and gently wiped Shu Qi's tears. He didn't want her to cry or suffer so much.

Shu Qi hurriedly grabbed Liu Feng's hand to wipe her tears and begged, "is it all right this evening? I only want one night. I love you. Don't refuse me anymore! Otherwise, I will not live! " With that, Shu Qi hurried to look for Liu Feng's lips and bit them hard until there were traces of blood on their lips.

Liu Feng did not respond, but he did not refuse.

This undoubtedly gave Shu Qi courage and confidence. She kissed Liu Feng's lip more gently.

The moon did not know when it had climbed into the night sky and shone into the room.

In this quiet night, you can hear a woman's happy and sweet cry: "Feng, I love you! I love you! "


I don't know where to start. I love deeply. The night may be long, but for Shu Qi, every minute is so precious!

She seems to have put all her enthusiasm, energy and contribution in this confused but incomparably beautiful night, just like moths to the fire. Even if it is going to go up in smoke, she is still willing to give everything at this moment, just for the fire and heat at that moment.

Maybe she was the stone, broken to pieces, just for the Zhuang Li who fell off the cliff.

But just when she thought she was the happiest woman in the world, she suddenly heard the man who had never heard a voice whisper: "Nuo Qi..."

If she hadn't been watching Liu's every move all the time, she was extremely serious. She almost thought what she had just heard was just an illusion, but the fact told her that it was not an illusion, but real.

At that moment, she couldn't help crying. She seemed to be pushed into hell from heaven. Why did she break all her hopes so cruelly when she thought she was the happiest person in the world?

Why can't she have more fantasies?

At least she can imagine that Liu Feng loves her at this moment. She really doesn't want much, but why? Why can't she even meet this little request?

She took a hard bite on Liu Feng's arm. She didn't know whether to vent her hatred or what. She didn't let go of his arm until her mouth was full of blood.

But Liu Feng didn't seem to feel the pain. He was still carrying out fiery action.

She didn't have time to resent and think a lot, so she could only enter waves of heat with Liu Feng.