Flash Marriage Ex-wife, Don't Flee

Chapter 481

Liu Feng was surprised at Shu Qi's low voice, but on second thought, how could Shu Qi be so poor? Must be trying to win his sympathy.

At the thought of this, Liu Feng's impression of Shu Qi is getting worse and worse.

"Miss Shu, if it's not your own idea, no one can force you. You're an adult and still a smart man!" Liu Feng obviously doesn't believe it.

Shu Qi heard that there was a trace of embarrassment and bitterness on her beautiful face. She squeezed her fist and embedded her nails in her palm, but she tried her best to bear it. She suddenly touched her bag.

Why did she forget that there was something in her bag that could make Liu Feng obedient?

When she thought of this, she couldn't help showing a calculating light on her face. Maybe she really shouldn't hesitate. No matter what the process is, as long as she can get Liu Feng, wouldn't it be ok?

"President Liu may have some prejudice against me! I'm just an assistant. Where can I have so many thoughts? " Shu Qi talked quietly with Liu Feng, but she had to think about finding an opportunity in her heart.

Liu Feng saw that Shu Qi's face changed from anger to calm at the moment. Although he didn't know what she was thinking, he didn't have so much interest to understand.

"Miss Shu, you know what you have, and there's no need to make it so clear!" Liu Feng interrupted faintly. He looked at the time. At this time, he should go to find Yan Nuoqi for dinner.

Shu Qi seemed to be aware of Liu Feng's intention to leave and hurriedly said, "President Liu, it's so late now. Let's go for dinner together! Last time you showed me the scenery here, I haven't had a chance to repay you! "

Liu Feng frowned when he heard this. Why is Shu Qi so pestering? But it's not good to refuse directly. Although he really doesn't have a good feeling for Shu Qi, he can't push away directly for the sake of cooperation with Eurasian Group.

"President Liu, is it difficult?" Shu Qi deliberately pretended to be simple, "or does Liu always think it's painful to have dinner with me?"

"You..." Liu Feng was a little unhappy, but he didn't show it on his face. He just hesitated and said faintly, "well, I don't know where Miss Shu wants to have dinner?"

Shu Qi didn't expect Liu Feng to agree to her so easily. Sure enough, Liu Feng still attaches great importance to the cooperation with Eurasian Group, but it's good for whatever reason, as long as the goal is achieved.

"Let's go to a new French restaurant! I heard that the chef there is French, and his food is also delicious! " Shu Qi smiled, but she had made all the calculations in her heart. Liu Feng forced all this. She really can't blame her.

Liu Feng frowned, but he still didn't refuse. He sat for a while before he stood up, settled the account and sent a message to Yan Nuoqi.

"Miss Shu, we can go!" Liu Feng walked in front of Shu Qi.

Shu Qi hurried to catch up. She wouldn't let Liu Feng have a chance to leave her!

"Who was Liu Zonggang sending a message to?" Shu Qi suddenly asked.

Liu Feng's body suddenly gave a meal. His face was not very good. There seemed to be a trace of forbearance on Jun's face. His tall and straight body suddenly stopped. He turned around and said, "does Miss Shu care too much? If Miss Shu always wants to interfere in my private affairs, I'm sorry I can't have dinner with you! "

Shu Qi didn't expect Liu Feng to be angry and wronged. She looked at Liu Feng with big eyes, but she didn't see a trace of her in Liu Feng's eyes.

Is all this just her wishful thinking?

no, it isn't! It must not be like this!

Shuqi gets rid of those anxieties in her heart and tries her best to do ideological work for herself. She is just confused for a moment. She believes she will always get Liu Feng's mood!

"Sorry, I didn't mean it! If you don't like me to ask, then I won't ask! " Shu Qi generously stepped back and said that she knew that the key now was to coax Liu Feng well, and everything else could be ignored.

Liu Feng's face didn't improve much, but at least it wasn't so ugly. As they walked one after another, Liu Feng always kept a certain distance from Shu Qi, neither too distant nor close.

Even if Shu Qi's heart is very crazy and wants to go up and drag Liu Feng and let him take a serious look at himself, she knows that it won't help. After all, Liu Feng still has another woman in his eyes.

At the thought of Yan Nuoqi, Shu Qi's heart filled with a strong hatred, as if a devil's voice came up from her heart, asking her to destroy Yan Nuoqi, so that she can become unique, so that she can monopolize Liu Feng's heart.

But the last plan failed, so this time she decided to start from Liu Feng.

When they arrived at the restaurant, because they had been booked in advance, the waiter greeted them warmly soon.

"Here is the menu, sir and miss. Please take your time!"

Liu Feng took the menu and looked at it at will. He didn't like it very much! Just ordered a dish at will.

Shu Qi looked at it carefully, and asked the waiter about the dishes, as if she was very interested.

"Well, that's all! Thank you! " Shu Qi handed the menu back to the waiter, then smiled and said to Liu Feng, "why don't you like the dishes here?"

"OK!" Liu Feng said faintly that in fact, he doesn't like western food. On the contrary, he prefers Chinese food. At this moment, he misses Yan Nuoqi's occasional Chinese food made with his heart. Although it is simple, he always likes it because of his heart and understanding his taste!

So that his taste seems to be a little picky now!

"I made it myself, and I didn't ask you what you like to eat! It's really capricious! Where are people invited to dinner? Don't ask others! " Shu Qi shook her head as if she had really done something stupid.

Liu Feng won't really blame her. After all, he doesn't want some people who are not very familiar to know his taste.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I can try what French food is like!"

Shu Qi heard that Liu Feng rarely said such a plain word this evening. She was immediately moved to overflow. Her eyes twinkled at Liu Feng.

She seems to have no calculation at the moment, as if she only has Liu Feng in front of her. She believes that no matter what Liu Feng asks her to do at the moment, she will be willing!

The high-end and elegant restaurant is decorated so brilliantly. The beautiful night scenery outside the window and the soothing soft music are playing in a quiet and warm atmosphere.

There are also a pair of handsome men and women. Shu Qi only feels that this scene seems to be in her dream. Now it has been realized.

But the next second, a burst of cell phone ringing broke the peace in front of me.

Liu Feng looked at his cell phone and answered the phone.

"Hello, Noki?"

As soon as Shu Qi heard Yan Nuoqi's phone call, she couldn't help being sensitive. On the surface, she drank wine carelessly, but her eyes floated to Liu Feng.

"Liu Feng, do you have a party tonight?" Yannuoqi's voice sounded weak.

"Yes... I have a friend to meet!" Liu Feng didn't want to hide from Yan Nuoqi, but he couldn't explain clearly at the moment.

"Can you come back early tonight? I have something to tell you! " Yan Nuoqi hesitated for a while before laughing.

"OK, I'll come back as soon as possible! Just wait for me in the hospital! You know, did you eat? " Liu Feng didn't know what Yan Nuoqi said, but he was used to taking Yan Nuoqi's affairs as his own.

Yan Nuoqi seemed to be silent for a while before saying, "I was going to wait for you to come back to eat... But now, don't you still have friends?"

"In fact, I can..." Liu Feng looked at Shu Qi and said in a low voice, "I will go back as soon as possible! Shall we go to your favorite restaurant for dinner today? "

"Then I'll book a seat first!" Yan Nuoqi's voice sounded a little excited.

Liu Feng couldn't help laughing: "with you, I'll go back as soon as possible! If you are hungry, you can order first! "

"OK, then I'll hang up first! Come back quickly! "

After hanging up the phone, Liu Feng's handsome face still hung a smile that had not been taken back.

Shu Qi looked at it and felt very dazzling, especially the inky eyes, which were full of strong affection, which made people want to indulge in it.

How can you treat another woman so affectionately?

"President Liu, is there anything so happy?"

Liu Feng's smile on his face disappeared. He was surprised by Yan Nuoqi's active behavior today, but he forgot that there was another person to deal with in front of him.

"Nothing!" Liu Feng hesitated for a moment and said, "Miss Shu, I have something else to do. I have to go back first! If you have a chance in the future. I'll treat you to a good meal! "

Shu Qi clenched her fist tightly while listening. She didn't expect that Liu Feng would really leave her for Yan Nuoqi. The atmosphere was still so good, but the next moment it became so cold.

Liu Feng, how can you be so ruthless and indifferent. She refused, refused!

But these resentments and pain she can only bury in her heart and dare not vent.

"Well, since you have something to do." Shu Qi held the glass in her hand. The next moment, the glass in her hand slipped. The wine red liquid poured into the white skirt and dyed a piece of red. It was so gorgeous.

"Miss Shu..." Liu Feng was surprised, but when he saw Shu Qi's appearance, he thought that he should have made her uncomfortable just now. He couldn't help feeling a trace of guilt.

"It's okay. I'll go to the bathroom first! If you're really in a hurry to go. Then you can leave now! Anyway, today is just my wishful thinking! " Shu Qi smiled bitterly and stood up. Her body seemed to shake a little, as if she would fall to the ground accidentally.

Liu Feng hurriedly came forward to hold him and said with some guilt, "Miss Shu, are you okay! Although I have something to do, I'd better wait and go! Go to the bathroom and tidy up first! "

Shu Qi listened and smiled: "OK, then sit down first! I'll be back soon! " Shu Qi pushed away Liu Feng's arms and walked tremblingly, as if she were extremely weak.

Liu Feng's heart is very complicated. Sometimes he really doesn't understand how a person can have so many faces? At first I thought she was very simple and kind, but then she did that to Yan Nuoqi. But at this moment, he seems a little soft hearted. After all, Shu Qi is only a woman no matter how strong she is!

She may not be as tough as he thought!