Five Treasure to Find Dad, Mommy Is Super Powerful

Chapter 53: Daddy, please accept me!

Sanbao also looked at Erbao with a puzzled look: "Second brother, who is Dahei?"

Er Bao held his forehead and looked at his stupid brother.

"If I guessed right, it\'s the Tibetan Mastiff."

"No way!"

The Sambo is messed up.

Sambo quickly looked at Mu Jingchen and said aggrieved: "Can I not go?"

Looking at his poor little appearance, Mu Jingchen\'s eyes became milder.

"Yes, but you have to promise me one thing."

"What\'s up?"

"Come with me to do a paternity test."

As soon as Mu Jingchen spoke, not only Erbao and Sanbao were stunned, but Li Zhong was stunned.

What\'s wrong with the eldest master? After so many years, he has never contaminated any woman.

Actually suspect that he has a son?

Er Bao San Bao glanced at each other, Er Bao looked at him lightly: "Do you think we might be your son?"

Seeing Erbao\'s calm and smart appearance, Mu Jingchen became more suspicious.


Sambo was disappointed and looked at Mu Jingchen with determination.

"Although I really want to have a handsome daddy like you, I regret to tell you that we are not your son."

Mu Jingchen looked at the Three Treasures with cold eyes, "Why?"

Sambo scratched his head, he couldn\'t say that they sneaked into the bar last time to give Mu Jingchen medicine, go and do a paternity test secretly?

"We have our own daddy, but he died young."

When Mu Jingchen heard this, his eyes were obviously dimmed.

But it\'s just fleeting, yeah, what is he thinking, he actually suspects that he has a son?

"Um, that, although we are indeed not your own sons, if you don\'t mind, I can be your godson, daddy, please accept me!"

Sambo suddenly ran over and hugged Mu Jingchen\'s thighs. Such a high-quality and rich man, who recognized him as his own daddy, made a lot of money.

Mu Jingchen twitched his mouth. This little kid was too familiar, and he recognized his daddy casually, which was a bit difficult for him to digest for a while.

Er Bao was messy on the side, and he quickly walked to San Bao and dragged him aside to remind him in a low voice.

"Sambo, what are you doing! Mommy will be angry when she knows that you confess daddy randomly, not to mention Mommy and Mu Jingchen have a holiday."

Sambo said indifferently: "Second brother, what are you afraid of? Anyway, he doesn\'t know whose son we are. Think about it, if I become Mu Jingchen\'s godson, I will be rich!"


Before Erbao finished speaking, Sanbao ran directly to Mu Jingchen\'s feet.

He looked at Mu Jingchen pitifully and tried hard to be cute: "Daddy, please accept my son."

Mu Jingchen never thought that one day he would be thundered by a child.

However, when he saw the cute appearance of Sambo, he had a different kind of like in his heart.

"Are you really orphans?"

Two children without parents are really pitiful.

Sanbao nodded heavily, tears still appearing in his eyes.

"Really, we are very poor, since I was a child I wanted to have a daddy like you."

Sambo was born handsome and cute, and the tearful look at this moment is even more distressing.

Mu Jingchen was a little unbearable, but who was he, how could he recognize his son casually?

Li Zhong walked over and reminded me in a low voice: "Master, these two children are unknown, and I always find it strange that they sneaked into Mu\'s house in the middle of the night."

Li Zhong\'s doubts were also Mu Jingchen\'s doubts.

These two kids definitely have a problem.

Perhaps, his enemy was sent deliberately to get close to him.

Mu\'s family has a big business, and it will naturally offend many people in the business field, so it is natural to be more careful.

In an instant, Mu Jingchen\'s eyes became cold and temperatureless again, and he stood up directly.

"Steward Li, send them out, and there will be more manpower to patrol outside the courtyard."

After speaking, he went straight upstairs.

Since they have no parent-child relationship, these two children have nothing to do with them.

The Sambo didn\'t give up and chased after him: "Daddy, don\'t you want me anymore?"

Li Zhong stopped Sambo and picked him up. This little guy actually ran to someone else\'s place to recognize his daddy.

Really speechless.

"Okay, two little guys, I\'ll send you out, stop making trouble, Mu\'s house is not a place where you can play."

Subsequently, Er Bao and San Bao were driven out of Mu\'s house.

Sambo still stood at the door sadly, and looked at Mu\'s house unconvinced.

"Huh! Mu Jingchen, you will regret my such a smart and lovely son!"

Er Bao patted Sambo\'s little shoulder: "Sambo, don\'t cause trouble anymore, Mu Jingchen can\'t afford it. Fortunately, he didn\'t question us about what happened before, otherwise I won\'t be able to eat."

"I don\'t care, it\'s the first time I was dismissed, second brother, I must let Mu Jingchen know that it is his loss to lose such a cute and smart godson like me!"


Early the next morning.

Bai Liyue woke up from the bed. She had a dream just now. When she dreamed that the Three Treasures were causing trouble again, she was immediately awakened by anger.

"It turned out to be a dream, this stinky boy, I really don\'t let my old lady worry."

Bai Liyue spit out while sitting on the bed.

I haven\'t seen two babies these days, saying that it\'s impossible not to want to.

Bai Liyue sighed, she had to find out the truth of her grandfather\'s death quickly, got the ashes of Yubanzhi and grandma, and left here.

Bai Liyue got up and tidied up, wearing a pure black skirt.

Because today is grandpa\'s funeral.

Bai Liyue went downstairs, and Li Zhong was setting up the Mu family\'s breakfast downstairs.

"Miss Bai, why do you get up so early."

Bai Liyue forced a smile.

"Today is my grandfather\'s funeral."

"I\'m sorry, Miss Bai."

"It\'s okay, Uncle Li, I\'m leaving now."

There seemed to be a layer of haze on Bai Liyue\'s face, and she left Mu\'s house in this way.

At this time, Mu Jingchen walked downstairs, and naturally heard Bai Liyue\'s words.

Seeing Mu Jingchen staring at Bai Liyue\'s back, Li Zhong walked over: "Master, Miss Bai is going to attend her grandfather\'s funeral."

Mu Jingchen frowned.

"What to do with me."

Li Zhong stood awkwardly in place, it seemed that he was talking too much.

Just now watching the young master staring at Miss Bai\'s back, he thought...


At this time, Bai Liyue had already arrived at the entrance of the funeral home where the funeral was held.

The sudden death of Bai Jiabai shocked many people. After all, he had some reputation in the business world.

The funeral home is displaying the body of his grandfather. At this time, many old friends of Mr. Bai, as well as the company\'s shareholders, and relatives of the Bai family are all mourning in it.

Outside, there was a circle of reporters.

Bai Liyue was not invited to the Bai family\'s funeral.

Bai Liyue walked in. Many people didn\'t know her. After all, she had disappeared for six years.

Looking at the photo of grandpa in the middle of the funeral home, Bai Liyue felt sore in her heart, she still couldn\'t accept it, grandpa had already left.

"Bai Liyue, you **** still have the face to come to Grandpa\'s funeral! Are you trying to make Grandpa not look down!"

With a sharp and harsh sound, all eyes focused on Bai Yirou behind Bai Liyue.

Finally fell on Bai Liyue\'s body.