Five Treasure to Find Dad, Mommy Is Super Powerful

Chapter 54: When she was dead

The people here know Bai Yirou. At this time, everyone wants to know why Bai Yirou cursed Bai Liyue.

Bai Liyue turned around, Bai Yirou and He Juan was walking towards her, the two of them also wore pure black clothes.

It\'s just that the two of them are still painting delicate light makeup, and there is no sadness on their faces.

Bai Yirou walked to Bai Liyue. Bai Liyue looked a little haggard today. She didn\'t apply any cosmetics on her face, but she still looked so delicate.

Bai Yirou stared at her fiercely.

"Bai Liyue, how dare you come to Grandpa\'s funeral?"

Bai Liyue fixedly looked at Bai Yirou.

"He is also my grandfather, why can\'t I come?"

The two conversations puzzled the people around. When did Mr. Bai have an extra granddaughter?

"Who is this Bai Liyue? How come I never heard that Grandpa Bai has two granddaughters?"

"I remember her, this is the old man who was adopted from the orphanage before, and he likes this granddaughter."

"Yes, that\'s her. I heard that Bai Liyue was dropped out of college because of the chaos in her private life, and her grades in school were not good, and her reputation was very bad."

"But no matter what, Mr. Bai raised her for a while, and she was right to attend this funeral."

The people around began to point to Bai Liyue, but as the granddaughter of the old man of the Bai family, it was necessary to attend his funeral.

Bai Yirou sneered and looked at the people around her.

"Don\'t you know, my grandfather was killed by this woman, and she still dares to attend my grandfather\'s funeral grandfather, and grandfather is afraid that there will be no peace under Jiuquan!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire funeral home instantly became quiet.

As early as when they received the news of the death of the old man, they felt strange. Although the old man was not in good health, but depending on his mental condition, it would be fine to live another three to five years. How could he die suddenly without warning.

At this moment, everyone\'s eyes focused on Bai Liyue\'s body.

This seemingly innocent and harmless woman, who is also the granddaughter adopted by Mr. Bai, would be so frenzied to hurt her grandfather?

Bai Liyue glanced at the people around her faintly, then stared at Bai Yirou, warning her.

"Bai Yirou, today is grandpa\'s funeral. I don\'t want to argue with you in front of grandpa, but you have to talk nonsense again, don\'t blame me for being polite."

Facing Bai Liyue\'s indifferent eyes, Bai Yirou was still a little embarrassed.

Behind Bai Yirou, He Juan saw that Bai Liyue dared to threaten her daughter in front of so many people, and her eyes immediately became sinister.

He Juan walked in front of Bai Liyue, and within a second, some crystals appeared in her eyes.

"Liyue, where did our Bai family owe you? Since you came back, every time you came back, you have insulted and even slapped our mothers. We have to bear it, but since you stayed in Dad’s room for a while that day, Dad I just passed away inexplicably, and I don’t blame Yirou for doubting you. Don’t be angry. If you blame me, please blame me. Don’t hurt my daughter."

He Juan said, protecting Bai Yirou, with grievances and sorrows on her face.

These words really shocked everyone around him.

Everyone has seen stepmother bullying her husband\'s previous wife\'s daughter, but it was the first time that an adopted Bai Liyue who had nothing to do with the Bai family bullied and beat her stepmother and mother and daughter at home.

After all, Bai Yirou is the granddaughter of the Bai family. What qualifications does she have?

What\'s more, what did they just hear?

Bai Liyue stayed in Old Man Bai\'s room for a while. After he came out, Old Man Bai died. Does this fool know what\'s going on?

"Oh my God, this is incredible. This Bai Liyue is too unhuman. At least Elder Bai has raised her. Even if she is not grateful, she actually killed Elder Bai."

"Yeah, there is such a vicious woman in the world who beats and scolds her stepmother and sister at home, killed her grandfather, and is not ashamed. This woman is simply not a human being!"

"This kind of person should be called to the police and arrested. It\'s not an exaggeration to send them to death!"

"It\'s cheaper to shoot her, and her behavior is inferior to a brute."

After hearing He Juan\'s words, everyone around him began to look at Bai Liyue with an extremely resentful look.

Bai Liyue was very upset in her heart. These people didn\'t know the real situation and hurt others with bad words. She really wanted to go up and teach them a lesson.

But today is grandpa\'s funeral, she can\'t make trouble.

Bai Liyue looked at the aggrieved look of He Juan in front of him. This woman seemed to be an old drama player and could act like this.

However, now everyone thought that they had abused their mother and daughter, and her goal was achieved.

Bai Liyue\'s lips curled up: "Aunt He, if I\'m not wrong, you haven\'t married into Bai\'s family yet, what qualifications do you have to call me grandpa?"

Grandpa has always disliked He Juan, so He Juan and Bai Jianguo have never been formally married, nor have they obtained a certificate. Grandpa Bai has never admitted this daughter-in-law to the outside world.

Therefore, He Juan is often ridiculed and criticized in the ladies circle for this.

This is what He Juan cares most about.

Now that Bai Liyue mentioned it in front of so many people, He Juan felt even more disconcerting.

She was already flushed with anger, but no matter how many people watched, she couldn\'t have a seizure.

He Juan could only vouch for her voice: "Liyue, I know you have always disliked me. Although I have not officially married Jianguo, in my heart, Jianguo\'s father is my father."

When He Juan said this, she deliberately pulled the corner of Bai Yirou\'s clothes with her hand, and motioned Bai Yirou to look outside the door.

At this time, a group of reporters were stopped outside the funeral home.

Bai Yirou immediately understood her, she glanced at Bai Liyue, and walked out directly.

He Juan continued to look at Bai Liyue and increased her volume.

"Liyue, today is your grandfather’s funeral. There are some things I shouldn’t say. The doctor said, your grandpa did not die naturally, but died of suffocation. Since you left grandpa’s room, grandpa passed away suddenly. Aunt He will ask you today, did you do it?"

Bai Liyue hadn\'t spoken yet, and everyone around was boiling.

"Does this need to be asked? The old man was killed when she went to the old man\'s room, but who else was there except her."

"Yeah, the wife of the Bai family is so kind, not to mention being bullied by a picked-up child, she is so patient to reason with a murderer."

"Yes, such a good daughter-in-law, I really don\'t know why the old man didn\'t accept her when he was alive."

The words of the people around made Bai Liyue feel ridiculous.

When He Juan was alone with her, she was not in such a compromising appearance. Now she is acting like this for the people around her. It seems that she wants to make herself a target of public criticism and a target of rejection by everyone.

But when she Bai Liyue was dead?