Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 902

Not that barren land of rubble.

At the entrance, there is a huge plain, with some buildings like "fortresses" looming high. You can even see some shadow like castles, ancient palaces and other buildings springing up here.

"No?" Lin Feng was completely stunned.

I never thought that I would encounter such a situation in the "thousand snake cave".

Break through 100 palaces and come to a "small town"?

What the hell is going on!

Heart, complete shock.

But the contrast is too great.

It seemed that he was still fighting desperately, and suddenly he was happy. Suddenly, Lin Feng\'s eyes burned, and a different green crystal appeared in his hand. In the crystal, there is a familiar energy with here, as if echoing each other.

In my mind, the frog skin freak suddenly appeared, and I was awestruck in my heart.

"Yes, his appearance on that day seemed to penetrate a layer of space, feeling..."

"It\'s a bit like my \'space gate\'."

Looking straight ahead, Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled.

Perhaps the answer lies in this quaint \'town\'.

"If you come, you will be at ease."

"Go and have a look."

Nodding, Lin Feng was not afraid.

The body was like a flash of lightning, which sped out in an instant.

This is confidence in one\'s own strength.

Similarly, it is also an "empirical" judgment.

"If the frog skin freak can survive unharmed in this\' small town \', then I can too." Lin Feng thought in his heart. This is a very simple calculation. Perhaps, this seemingly calm place is not simple, but with their current strength, in addition to the saint level strong

I have nothing to fear.

Gradually step into the scope of the town.

The whole town is filled with a strong atmosphere.

And this breath, Lin Feng is quite familiar, even very familiar.

"As like as two peas and 100th palaces, I have the same sign of the constellation as I can see here!" second.

"If I\'m right, this must be the key secret of qianshe cave."

Continuously benefiting from the flame absorption of "guarding the serpent", I can\'t be clearer about the power of this mysterious ares constellation. Now the power of constellations stored in the Phoenix chart is vast. If you can break through the advanced star domain level, your strength will be greatly improved.

It was in my thoughts that I suddenly——

Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up, and suddenly he saw another "human".

Purple skin, thin face, purple pupils, and sharp corners like bamboo shoots on his forehead.

Like the frog skin freak, it is also "strange".

As soon as his eyes burned, Lin Feng suddenly stopped and fell.

Star master level, and it is the peak of star master level!

The purple pupil freak also found Lin Feng. He just came out of an ancient stone house. They looked at each other. Lin Feng was cautious. After all, the frog skin freak saw his first thing in the palace that day, that was his intention to kill!


"Hmm?" Lin Feng was stunned.

The purple pupil freak just looked at himself curiously and turned away.


no Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. Like himself, this purple skin freak has far more strength than himself, and he can definitely fight with himself. But he unexpectedly avoided the war, which was completely different from the frog skin freak he met for the first time.

At that time, the frog skin freak knew that the strength gap was still World War I!

Quite \'weird\'.

"Well..." Lin Feng whispered indecisively.

In my heart, there are countless questions, but there is no answer.

However, there is at least one good news right now, that is, he is not alone in this "small town".

It seems that there are not many people, but there is also bad news.

"It seems that no one looks\' normal \'." Lin Feng smiles bitterly and shakes his head.

Everything you see is weird.

feed one \'s sight on!

Lin Feng really enters the area like a "small town".

At this time, I found that the "Purple pupil freak" and "frog skin freak" I had seen were not too strange. In this small town, I saw all kinds of strange beings, including tauren, stone giants, and even strong dwarfs who were not tall enough to be on my waist.

There are all kinds of races here!

The only thing that doesn\'t exist is——

Humans in tianwu.

Their own strength level is still above the middle level in the small town. There are many strong stars in the star domain level, but there are none in the saint level. There are not many "people" in the town. Along the way, I only see a dozen "people". I feel very rare in this huge "town".

But none of this matters.

The most important thing is

"Language barrier." Lin Fengpo was distressed, with a slight cluster of eyebrows.

I have tried to communicate with several \'people\', but the language is completely different. It seems to have its own language here. Whether Tauren or stout dwarves, they seem to have different races, but they all speak the same language.

I felt as if I had left the fighting spirit world.

Enter a new continent.

What should I do next?

The forest wind was suspended in the air and was distressed.

Language barrier means being limited everywhere. I once entered several stone houses and got nothing. It seems that there are many special spaces here, the array of carved patterns, but many places can\'t break in at will. The most fundamental problem is the inability to communicate.


"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

In the distance, a antler Freak is coming out of an ancient temple. It is one of several huge castles in this small town. It is quite a spectacular spectacle. I saw the light door shining, and an orange crystal shining in the hand of the antler freak. With the dim color of the light door, the orange crystal also darkened and disappeared for a moment.

Soon, the antler freak left.

"Crystal..." Lin Feng whispered and his eyes lit up.

Myself, too!

The energy in the crystal has something to do with this\' town \'!

Could it be that

"Maybe it can bring me something." Lin Feng was thoughtful and glanced at the crystal flashing light green light, but he still had a bit of rejection with himself. The power of the constellation was instilled, but it suffered a strong rebound. This\' crystal \'is not simple.

"Try it." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

The figure was like electricity, and suddenly ran outside the "ancient hall" where the antler freak had just gone in and out.

The huge castle and ancient hall, with a shocking feeling, seems to have been for many years.

Lin Feng didn\'t change his look and felt the huge pressure coming.

But he is fearless.

"Pa!" reaching out and touching the light curtain, a powerful energy blocked himself out.

"Sure enough." Lin Feng said softly, but he didn\'t give up, and the green crystal in his hand suddenly popped out.

This time, the change began!

The crystal glittered with bright light, echoing with the light curtain, as if inserting a key into a big lock. Lin Feng\'s heart moved and looked forward. He saw that the light curtain in front of him felt suddenly different, just like "red Ling" entering the light curtain space.

Open the door completely!

"Step on!" Lin Feng stepped in in an instant.

A huge palace!

Majestic, atmospheric and magnificent.

This "ancient temple" is a prominent building in the town. Lin Feng\'s eyes are burning and looks straight ahead. It is a statue dozens of meters high. A man only dressed in broken cloth clothes has a big snake wrapped around his hands and body, which is domineering and powerful.

"What a strong momentum!" Lin Fengxin was shocked.

That big snake gives people a terrible feeling. It is more than ten million times stronger than the "Guardian snake" they have seen.

The monstrous eyes and frightening scales are like a terrible snake that can devour the sky.

But what\'s more terrible is the man in rags!

The arms don\'t look strong, but they firmly grasp the scale snake. It\'s a feeling of \'control\', a feeling of manipulation! This scale snake is completely under the control of the man in rags. His body, especially strong, is full of strong explosive power!

This is

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and an answer finally fell in his heart.

"Ophiuchus!" Lin Feng whispered softly, and suddenly understood the origin of this "God of war constellation".

I have read many ancient books, and I am very clear about the constellations of 88 constellations. This picture in front of me is the constellation of Ophiuchus! It is known as the existence of the twelve constellations closest to the kingly way——

The thirteenth constellation, Ophiuchus.

"Thousand snake cave, Ophiuchus." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

I seem to know something about myself.

"This seems to be a constellation that controls the power of the \'Guardian snake\' and fights." Lin Feng thought.

Although I\'m not sure, the "frog skin freak" I saw was like this. Relying on the "different snakes" to fight, he gave full play to his strength beyond his own strength.

However, this is not always the case.

"This is a constellation of Ares."

"If you only rely on \'different snakes\' to fight, won\'t it become a branch of the heavenly soul division?"

Lin Feng said softly in his heart, but he was determined.

Relying on "different snakes" to fight should only be one of the "skills", or an integral part.

But I can\'t see how it really is.

After all, I\'m not Ophiuchus.

But think about it, this powerful existence known as the "thirteenth constellation" is by no means ordinary.

"Hmm..." Lin Feng nodded, looked away from the huge statue, looked around, and was preparing to \'explore the truth\'. Suddenly, the light curtain behind him was shining again. Lin Feng gave a light sigh and turned his head.

The light curtain flashed and a human shadow appeared instantaneously.

It was almost the same height as himself. It looked very thin, but it was particularly strong, as if every inch of the body muscles were made of steel. With black hair and yellow skin, Lin Feng was stunned as his face became clear.

In fact, the visitor was also stunned.

"Little sword?"

"Lin Feng?"