Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 901

One, another.

As if climbing mountains, the forest wind kept insisting.

From the fiftieth palace, the strength of the palace to guard the serpent has become more and more terrible. Almost every time, Lin Feng is dangerous and dangerous to avoid disaster. With the increase of "experience", he can really avoid a little danger many times.

For example

"Whoosh!" Lin Feng led the strange snake around the palace.

This move was learned in the 60th palace. From different snakes to different boas, and then to different dragons and different dragons, it takes time to wake up. Often, the later the snake is killed, the later the python appears, round after round, forming a stable "procrastination" cycle.

Most importantly, as long as the last alien dragon is not killed, the terrible "palace Guardian snake" usually rarely attacks.

The frequency and density of attacks decreased greatly, just like a cat playing a mouse, attacking several times from time to time.

Difficulty, much less.

However, as the red silk keeps swallowing the eggs of different snakes, the attack of the palace guard snake will become more and more frequent. It\'s like being spiritually aware that his "children" are swallowed up, especially in the last few light curtain spaces, the attacks become more and more intense and terrible.

At this time, whether to kill the alien dragon or not is no longer important.


The "snake gall" of Yilong can\'t be wasted.

"Wow!!" the Dragon screamed fiercely, and a glittering snake gall appeared with the fire light.

"The one hundred and fifty." although Lin Feng\'s face was a little pale, a satisfied smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. Not counting the snake gall of different boa constrictors and different Jiaos, but only the snake gall of "different dragon" at the star master level, he has obtained as many as 150.

Quite amazing!

In every palace, some have only one dragon, others have two dragons, and even three dragons have appeared.

It seems that there is no law.

However, for myself, the more the better.

Now, close to the star level, the snake gall of ordinary different boa and different Jiao has little help to improve their physique, not to mention the snake gall of different snakes. Only the snake gall of "different dragon" can help them greatly improve their physique.

"If all the 150 can be refined..." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Heart, full of expectations.

Your body will reach an unpredictable level.

Extremely strong!

And now——

"Zheng! Zheng!!" a fierce light shone like lightning.

Lin Feng clenched his teeth and waved the Amethyst gun in his hand, trying his best to resist. But the chest was like a bad thunder, blocking one of the sharp lights, but the other came out through the chest, bleeding like a flood. However, Lin Feng did not stay for a moment. Although he was seriously injured, he still escaped as fast as possible!

Whoosh!! It\'s like the wind galloping away.

Behind, the sparkling wind sounded again, and the fierce light reappeared.


"Goodbye." Lin Feng\'s eyes surged and drank suddenly.

The body, passing through the light, rushed out of the palace.

Pop! All induction, all fracture.

Every palace is like an independent space. As long as you find your own exit, no matter how the "Guardian snake" of the palace leaves the rage, it is useless. His attack was confined to the palace and beyond the reach of everything outside the palace.

"Hoo ~ Hoo ~ ~" gasped, and Lin Feng was quite pale.

His hands covered his chest, and the wound was painful, but he slowly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

These "skin injuries" are only "pain" and are nothing. Lin Feng\'s memory of the terrible attacks of "poison", "corrosion" and "magic", especially the "magic", is still fresh. The loss of the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil has indeed had a great impact on himself.

Every palace, every kind of snake, has its own "talent".

"I hope the next palace will be better." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Now he has not discovered the secret of the "thousand snake cave", and he absolutely cannot give up.

There is a feeling in my heart that the more I go deep into the "thousand snake cave", the closer this secret is to myself, and many things will slowly surface.

For example, the frog skin Freak is one of them.

"Continue!" Lin Feng straightened up.

The wound has healed, and the war spirit is growing again.

march forward courageously!

The hundredth palace!

"Ha ha, finally!" Lin Feng smiled happily.

His eyes were bright and filled with great joy. After many days, he finally waited for the strange snake with the talent of "fire" again. From the second palace, I was looking forward to it. Although I met the strange snake with the talent of "fire" in the 37th and 71st palaces, but

One fire has great poison, and the other is mixed with burst attack.

I can\'t absorb it at all.

But this time, there is no "additional" attribute, only the purest fire of origin!

A powerful flame compared with sky fire!

"Jiong!" "Jiong! ~" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

The fire of swallowing constantly absorbs the brown flame. At the top of the palace, the big brown eyed snake is staring at himself. The amber like exquisite eyes release hot light. Intense flames gather around and wish to burn himself to ashes.


Instead, make yourself better!

"What a powerful force, more than several times stronger than the second palace!" Lin Feng was shocked and his eyes were bright.

"Comparable to the flame of sky fire, the \'quality\' of flame can be compared!"

Lin Feng became more and more curious.

Where do these strange snakes come from?!

One thing is certain that they are absolutely rare and unknown to the fighting spirit world!

You know, Tianhuo, the famous family of heavenly dogs, is already one of the five top bloodlines of Warcraft. It is proud of the demons in the accomplishment of fire, but the "strange snakes" here can be compared with them. It can be seen that it is general!

Others may not be clear to themselves, but they are quite transparent in their attainments in fire.

"This is the 100th palace." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

There are also 101 and 102. The strength of different snakes will be steadily improved.

How strong will the next "strange snake" be? If they really belong to Warcraft, I\'m afraid a single race can be comparable to the demon family!

Strange snake, too mysterious!

Crazy absorption.

Lin Feng controls the rebirth fire with one hand and the devouring fire with the other.

But the brown flame is too fierce, which is far more terrible than the poisonous fire. It is only the fire of swallowing. Even if you try your best to absorb it, you still can\'t catch it. Only by sharing the fire of rebirth can we maintain a "state of balance".

The fire of swallowing is\' swallowing \', strengthening itself.

The fire of rebirth is only \'consumption\', which consumes each other with the brown flame.

Although it is a pity, it is a helpless move.

Time goes by.

A quarter of an hour, an hour, ten hours

Soon, it was 12 hours beyond the second palace, but the explosion of brown flame did not slow down. On this level alone, we can see the difference between the two palaces\' guarding the snake, and a rough comparison of their strength.

More than one win.

However, there are advantages without disadvantages!

"The more, the better!" Lin Feng\'s eyes burst.

The swallowing flame is growing, and the speed of refining and swallowing is also increasing.

Although it is still far away from the fourth heavy star technology, at least every time it is absorbed, the refined constellation power is constantly stored in the Phoenix chart. As like as two peas in the palace, the brown flame contains the constellation strength, not only the essence but also the strength of the second.

For martial artists, it\'s priceless!

Nature is that more is better.

The fifteenth hour.

The 25th hour!

The 35th hour!!!

"Weakened, finally began to go downhill." Lin Fengwei smiled, but felt a faint pity.

I wish his strength was stronger and I could absorb more. After all, it is rare to encounter such a good opportunity next time. Not to mention whether other flames can be absorbed, it is unknown whether higher-level palaces can reach and withstand other flame forces.

"The fire of rebirth has been vaguely felt."

"But, still almost."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are light, and he has a clear sense of his own strength.

The advanced "Tao" of flame is mainly "application", not consumption.

Just like the "swallowing" of the fire of swallowing, it can deeply understand. The best way to realize the rebirth fire is to "refine the instrument". The best way to realize the rebirth fire is to use the rebirth fire with accurate control and perfect application. Now such consumption only makes us closer and closer to each other with the help of the Tao of "devouring fire".

However, there is still some way to break through.

Little by little, little by little.

Perched at the top of the palace, the brown eyed snake became more and more "tired" and its eyes dimmed. The vibration of the earth gradually eased, and everything was so familiar that it was almost the same as the second Palace at that time. Lin Feng smiled calmly, felt the pressure of the devouring fire getting weaker and weaker, and exhaled deeply.

Finally, it\'s over.

"Boom!!" the devouring fire erupted completely.

Swallow the last Brown flame and declare the victory of this\' protracted war \'!

The earth, return to peace.

Raised his head and looked at the big brown eyed snake at the top. At this time, it seemed petrified and lifeless. Lin Feng shook his fist with satisfaction. The strength in his body was filled with a strong sense of fullness. He was extremely energetic. He began to suffer from the end of the second palace. Now

Finally had a meat dinner.

"It\'s really good." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Feeling that the bird of red Ling wanted to try at the moment, he couldn\'t wait. He couldn\'t help laughing, "this little fellow, I really can\'t feed enough."

I had a good meal. Now it\'s Hongling\'s turn.

Half an hour later.

After Hongling had a good meal, Lin Feng came to the exit.

The 100th palace, complete conquest!

"Wow!" the light flashed in front of him, and Lin Feng left the palace guarded by the brown eyed snake.

But this time, the picture is completely different.

Lin Feng was stunned.