Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 861

That is a young man in white, elegant childe.

Wearing royal clothes and holding a light blue book, he shook his head and looked funny.

The sound came from his mouth.

"Beiming ocean?" Hua Wei\'s eyes lit up.

Zeng Ren\'s eyes flashed a different color and didn\'t speak.

Lin Feng nodded gently.

Those who can make Hua Wei and Zeng Ren show such expressions are by no means idle people.

The "Wizard of Oz" is indeed a place of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. It has too many wizards, and the world of fighting spirits is boundless.

Wu Bufan is angry.

Originally, he was frustrated again and again and accumulated a lot of anger. Now he was completely angered by beimingyang\'s three "mistakes" in a row. Wu Bufan roared, "little white face, what did you say just now? Have the guts to say it again!"

Wu family members immediately surrounded the Beiming ocean and were united.

If you don\'t agree, you have to fight.

However, Beiming ocean is half fearless.

Xinran came, and beimingyang murmured all the way, "the disaster of blood, well, I actually have the disaster of blood..." the God said, beimingyang looked in a trance, as if talking to himself, frowning from time to time and crooked head, but Lin Feng smiled.

The young man in white is very "eccentric".

But Wu Bufan obviously didn\'t think so. He was very narrow-minded. He immediately stared angrily and clenched his hands.

The thick starlight flashed, Wu Bufan almost couldn\'t help but clench his teeth, "how dare you, little white face, curse me for blood!"

At this time, beimingyang finally recovered, raised his head and looked at Wu Bufan, saying, "no, you misunderstood. I said I had a bloody disaster."

"You\'re right!" Wu Bufan\'s eyes were cold, but he was worried and had nowhere to vent his anger. For a moment, his right foot suddenly took a step. The black star was shining brightly. Wu Bufan\'s thunder broke out and drank coldly, "fist of shining stone!!!"

The fist style is fierce, and the fist strength is full of blasting power.

The power of this fist is quite profound when it is displayed with extraordinary physical quality.

Enter the boxing realm, second!

However, Beiming ocean was not flustered.

The blue book in his hand shook and turned into a water curtain.

Beiming Yang retreated slightly. He seemed "mediocre", but his strength was quite good.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Seeing the move, Wu Bufan was completely led by the nose.

The attack of the Beiming ocean was like a splash of water. It tilted from east to west, making Wu extraordinary completely lose his rhythm and be controlled by others. It\'s like a butterfly dance exploring flowers. It\'s like a soft cloud passing by. The power of moves and the connection of skills are full of softness.

"Powerful." Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

Beiming ocean feels like a soft cotton.

It seems that no matter how strong the power is, it can\'t beat him half a point, and the characteristics are very distinctive.

If Shi Zhixin\'s defense is based on her powerful constellation power, then the defense of "Beiming ocean" is based on his move skills. Each has its own advantages, but in terms of absolute defense and real strength, the gap between Beiming ocean and Shi Zhixin is still great.

But even so, it is enough to turn Wu Bufan around.

It is not a grade at all.

Turn! Turn again!!

The Beiming ocean turned around Wu Bufan and attacked.

The blue book in his hand seems to turn into a fan, light the extraordinary body, mixed with a light blue water light. Circle after circle, Wu is extraordinary, but also unlucky. He first provoked Shi Zhi\'s heart, and then Zeng Ren. Now there is another Beiming ocean, which is unfavourable.

"Pour." Beiming Yang said softly.

After a while, Wu\'s extraordinary body seemed rigid and his face was very ugly.

His mouth was wide open and he was speechless. His body stumbled. His extraordinary feet seemed petrified. His twisted upper body made his body lose balance and immediately fell down.

"You really misunderstood." Beiming Yang whispered and had to explain, "what I said just now is not for you. I am the one who has the disaster of blood and light, and you......" the sound of Beiming foreign dialect suddenly turned and sighed, "the Yintang is dark, the heaven is pale, and your death is coming."

Shaking his head, it seemed quite a pity. Beimingyang turned and left.

He left his body as if it were petrified, and his face changed dramatically, but with his mouth open, he could only make a "whine" sound, as if he had been subjected to some kind of magic.

"Hello, four." beimingyang nodded slightly.

"I\'m sorry to keep you waiting. The celestial phenomena of the wizard of Oz are strange, so I spent some time divining." Beiming Yang\'s eyes showed a worried look, sighed, didn\'t say more, but slowly stepped on the only remaining white aperture.

The light wall that just blocked Wu Bufan seemed to exist at all.

It seemed to be integrated with the blue book in Beiming Yang\'s hand, and Beiming Yang immediately entered it.

"Wow!" the white aperture glows brightly.

Make the original four-color light into five colors, forming a huge circle.

Like a whirlpool, it rotates rapidly.

And then——


Boom! Boom!!

The closed five-color gate seemed to have a huge movement.

The extremely strong light flashes and shines on each other. At that time, Lin Feng and his five people only feel a strong wave of consciousness, and the light in front of them blooms. In an instant, it dissipated in an uproar, and the five-color aperture returned to normal, but it had no luster.

Gradually, it turned into nothingness light, smashed and disappeared.

Leaving a pale Wu Bufan and stunned Wu Jiawu, speechless.

They seem to have missed something.

WOW! The light flashed.

Lin Feng, Shi Zhixin, Hua Wei, Zeng Ren and beimingyang appeared.

Five people with five halos, eyes flashing bright light, appeared almost at the same time. When he regained consciousness, Lin Feng stared around. There was a faint faint luster. There were pieces of ancient stone walls around, as if

With a number of young people.

I should have entered the palace.

"Sure enough, there is a \'water\' missing," said Hua Wei.

Zeng Ren\'s face remained unchanged and he still looked around cautiously, but he was more delicate than anyone.

Shi Zhi\'s heart was clear and clear, and her voice was pleasant and clear: "that big stupid cow is not a water constellation."

Lin Fengqing, with bright eyes, "the five-color aperture contains the pure power of each department. If it is not the warrior of the constellation of this department, it will be impossible to enter." Wu Bufan is an Indian constellation and one of the two ares constellations in the twelve constellations in the south, and he is naturally unqualified.

"The five elements mine moves, and the five elements hall rises."

"You guys, we are all predestined friends."

The blue book in Beiming Yang\'s hand flashed and smiled.

The voice hasn\'t fallen yet. Zeng Ren, who hasn\'t said a word, galloped in an instant and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

He was originally a lone ranger. Since he came to this "treasure land", it\'s meaningless to waste time. Carefully observe all the environment and make sure there is nothing wrong. Zeng Ren will start first.

Chance doesn\'t wait.

"It\'s cunning." Hua Wei\'s eyes brightened.

"Three, each has an opportunity to leave." Hua Wei nodded.

After saying that, he immediately left after Zeng Ren.

In the blink of an eye, only Lin Feng, Shi Zhixin and Beiming Yang smiled at each other.

"Who laughed with you, bad man? You\'ve done many evil things. I\'ll judge you!" Shi Zhi\'s heart frowned gently and hummed.

Lin Feng lost his smile. He thought the little girl had forgotten. Unexpectedly, she had a good memory.

However, her so-called "trial" does not look very good.

"Miss Zhi Xin\'s words are so bad." beimingyang moved the indigo book in his hand, which was as smooth as water, and looked straight into Lin Feng\'s eyes. "Although you have a strong heart to kill, you are righteous and not a traitor and villain." with a slight frown, beimingyang looked at Shi Zhi\'s heart and said slowly, "there may be a misunderstanding."

"Anyway, he\'s not a good man." Shi Zhi\'s face changed a little, as if he was told by Beiming Yang.

Lin Feng looked at Beiming ocean and his eyes flashed.

He seems to have a big background and speaks with great weight.

Even Zhi Xin, who has a deep prejudice against himself, is very convinced of him.

"Hello, brother Beiming." Lin Feng smiled and felt good for the young man in white. He stretched out his hand, "Lin Feng, Lin family in qianluo district." he reported his name and origin. It is a signal of polite communication in the fighting spirit world and regarded him as a friend.

"Beiming aristocratic family in Beihe District, Beiming ocean." Beiming ocean smiled and held his right hand.

"Really polite." Shi Zhixin muttered, but her hostility to Lin Feng obviously decreased a lot.

Lin Feng nodded gently.

Although I don\'t know the strength of Beiming aristocratic family, Beihe district is one of the nine districts.

Looking at the strength of this man\'s speech and his innate refined temperament, the "Beiming aristocratic family" must have a big history. Just like this "Zhixin" lady in front of her, she has the seal of Aries and has unimaginable strong strength. Behind her

Must have a more terrible backstage.

If you are careful, you can actually "see" a lot of things.

"Brother Beiming seems to be familiar with this place?" Lin Feng asked curiously.

"No." Beiming Yang shook his head. "Only people can enter the five elements hall. I just take advantage of it."

Lin Feng thought deeply and said in surprise, "how do you know that the five elements mine moves and the five elements hall rises?"

This remark was just uttered from the mouth of Beiming ocean.

Combined with the five major mineral veins dug by myself, the sky fell a vision, and I vaguely understood a lot.

If there is a predestined person, maybe it is yourself?

"He is a great stick, so don\'t believe him." Shi Zhixin\'s face, which was carved with powder and jade, twisted and hummed.

They seem to have a little "past".

In his eyes, Lin Feng smiled.


"Oh?" Beiming Yang was stunned and his eyebrows coagulated gently.

For a moment, the indigo light in his hand flashed, and the book immediately opened, like a fan, floating in the air, and suddenly seemed to become much larger. Lin Feng\'s eyes are slightly open, with some curiosity. Yu Guang glimpses Shi Zhi\'s heart, but she is more curious than herself.

Obviously, he has a lot of trust in the Beiming ocean.

He murmured to himself. Beiming Yang looked very dignified. He turned his body in place and stared at the wordless book.

Time, very long.

Shi Zhixin seemed a little worried.

Instant, \'PA!\' With a sound of, the book returned to one.

Beiming\'s foreign face is rare and dignified. He stares at Shi Zhixin, and his voice is depressed. "Miss Zhixin, with all due respect, soon..."

"You will have a big disaster!"

(second change ~ ~)