Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 860

"Open your eyes." Hua Wei\'s eyes brightened.

The Shura Tu in his hand vibrated gently, and there was a sense of war.

Shizhi\'s heart has become stronger again!

Stronger than when he beat him a year ago.

Zeng Ren\'s dark eyes floated like a shadow in the night. No one knew what he was thinking.

"It\'s really powerful." Lin Feng praised wholeheartedly.

The strength of Shi Zhixin has reached a level beyond the reach of all the people if he can easily defeat the 51 extremely powerful Wu family warriors. The only thing she lacks, I\'m afraid, is a real "war spirit" and on-the-spot experience against the enemy.

Besides, it\'s perfect.

At her age, it\'s incredible to have such strength.

"Twelve constellations of the kingly way." Lin Feng whispered softly in his heart, but he felt unfathomable.

This is the power of Aries, strong control and defense. Shi Zhixin didn\'t need to fight like other heavenly masters. From beginning to end, she didn\'t even move half a step. It was the same when she fought with Wu family warriors and herself.

Only, was pushed back by Yu Miao and xingqiong Tong for more than half a step.

"The twelve constellations of kingcraft are known as the strongest constellations in the fighting spirit world."

"But what about the rare five emperor constellations?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were tiny and curious.

I have read many files and highly praised the twelve constellations of the kingly way.

However, the emperor\'s sign, which is thousands of times more rare than the twelve zodiac signs, has not been mentioned. Will it be stronger than the twelve zodiac signs?

None of the books mentioned it.

"Yes or no, wait until the God of war is separated to complete the inheritance."

"Nature knows."

A light flashed in Lin Feng\'s eyes.

His God of war power is one of the five emperor constellations——

ursa major.

Wu Jiawu soon "returned" to normal.

In fact, Shi Zhixin\'s "trial" is just a small punishment and a big admonition.

Because she doesn\'t have any killing heart at all. It should be said that for Shi Zhixin, there shouldn\'t be all kinds of killing in the world. How could a girl who was born in a famous family and was only 15 years old, like a piece of white paper, know the word "kill"?

However, Wu family martial artists are completely "afraid".

No one dared to come forward, it was Wu Bufan, also a twitch of his cheeks, and his face was very ugly.

I didn\'t notice this girl like a porcelain doll before, but I didn\'t think she would have such "anti heaven" power.

"Young master, she should be Lin Feng\'s helper." Wu Zhuo whispered in Wu Bufan\'s ear.

Wu Bufan frowned tightly, looked at Shi Zhi\'s heart with a little fear, and fully believed Wu Zhuo\'s words.

With the strength of young girls, let alone killing 29 Wu elites, it was only a small effort to kill them just now. Fifty one wujiawu were like unarmed children in front of her. They were trampled by others, but they lost their face.

"I\'m not the helper of this bad man!" Shi Zhi\'s heart snorted.

No matter how light the voice is, it can\'t escape the ears of Shi Zhi\'s heart.

But this denial is of no use. The Wu family only treat the two people as a close fight.

Lin Feng smiled calmly, neither admitting nor denying it.

Fifty one Wu family fighters unite, and they are not opponents.

He has neither the extremely ghostly body method of Zeng blade, nor the powerful field control ability of Shi Zhixin. After all, the fire of rebirth is still in the growth stage. The only way to kill Wu\'s 51 warriors is to break them one by one.

But this is not the right time.

"Well, put aside personal grievances for the time being."

"Don\'t waste time, you pick someone." Zeng Ren stood coldly with the a low voice.

Wu Jiawu was stunned.

Wu Bufan couldn\'t react. He didn\'t understand what Zeng Ren said.

Hua Wei\'s eyes flashed, but he understood Zeng Ren\'s meaning. The longer it takes, the more martial artists will be attracted here by the vision. I\'m afraid they will have to fight at that time. There will be blood and blood, and there will be chaos with Shi Zhi\'s heart.

We must make a quick decision!

"That\'s right." Hua Wei took a step forward and pointed to the rear palace, "I don\'t beat around the Bush and come straight to the point. It seems that five people must enter this five-color palace together. There are four of us here, and one is still missing."

Simple and easy to understand, Wu family people immediately understand.

Wu Bufan\'s eyes are bright, with a strong desire.

Naturally, he knew that this was an excellent opportunity. Just now he saw a vision, he came in a crowd in an attempt to seize a favorable advantage with the number of people.

But I didn\'t expect to suffer a big loss.


Wu Bufan looked at Lin Feng and felt inexplicably angry in his heart.

"OK!" Wu Bufan replied, with deep eyes and fingers pointing to Lin Feng, "but we have two people here and kick him out!"

For a moment, Zeng Ren, Hua Wei and Shi Zhi all fell on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

Wu Bufan is quite cruel.

Taking themselves as chips, they separated and forced Zeng Ren and Hua Wei.


Wu Bufan is too "overestimating" himself.

"Shen!" a cold light flashed through Zeng Ren\'s eagle like eyes. The sharp blade of his right hand came out of the scabbard, shining with the cold dark cyan starlight. The thick murderous spirit could not stop the leakage, "I repeat, pick a person to come here in three seconds."

"Otherwise, I\'ll kill all of you."

The icy chill was raw and cold. Shi Zhi\'s heart showed a frown and a small mouth tooted.

The Wu family\'s martial arts suddenly felt as if they were naked. They were glimpsed by the devil\'s eyes and couldn\'t move at all.

This is a real killing star!




Zeng Ren opened his mouth coldly, and his anger burst again.

The dark cyan light can\'t stop leaking. Zeng Ren is not kidding.

He, I\'m afraid, is the only warrior in the field who is not afraid of releasing Zhi\'s heart.

"I, I!" Wu Bufan clenched his teeth and stood up.

In the name of Zeng Ren, he knows that the murderous devil can do what he says. Originally, Wu Bufan was full of confidence in the Wu family\'s martial arts, but now he has been badly beaten and has no confidence in his heart. Since a little girl can easily defeat the people of the Wu family, this murderer No. 2

How can you not do it!

Like a resentful woman, Wu Bufan is very reluctant.

Although it was a good opportunity, he lost a big face in front of the Wu family.

It feels like being \'forced\'.

Lin Feng smiled slightly.

It is clear that Zeng Ren is not trying to "protect" himself.

Standing in his position, the five people entered the unknown five-color palace together. If Wu Jiawu occupied the second, it was bound to form a group, which would be unfavorable to Zeng Ren. Moreover, how can such a "arrogant" top assassin accept the "threat"?

It\'s extraordinary. It\'s stupid.

Face is given by people. Face is lost by yourself.

Five people, standing outside the five-color aperture.

Obviously, everyone hesitated slightly, but they were not sure what would happen.

"Hum, you are so good at sharing good things with others? I\'m afraid it\'s a trap." Wu Bufan glanced at Lin Feng from the corner of his eye and said coldly.

Lin Feng smiled calmly and did not argue.

It doesn\'t make much sense.

Eyes staring at the five colors of gold, green, white, red and yellow, without hesitation is to step on.

Red aperture!

"Boom!" a strong red light suddenly lit up and startled the people.

It was almost a reflex retreat. In front of Shi Zhi\'s heart and body, she had coagulated the starlight wall in an instant and made a good defense.

But Lin Feng didn\'t do anything.

Standing still in the red aperture, he looked calm.

"Hoo ~ ~" take a deep breath, and Lin Feng feels refreshed.

The body is like entering a starry sky. The strong fire elements are immersed in the whole environment, making the birds of your heart move.

The red light shines and condenses, which isolates the outside world and does not hinder the line of sight.

"Good courage!" Hua Wei\'s eyes were bright like a lion.

Stride proudly, look at the other four-color aperture, and hesitate slightly.

In an instant, the sword in his hand sounded softly, as if pointing the way for his master. Hua Wei smiled and stepped on the golden aperture. In a moment, as like as two peas of Lin Feng, the strong golden light is transmitting the pure constellations, wrapping Huawei into the eyes, and the eyes are bright.

Almost at the same time, Shizhi\'s heart also entered it.

The earthy yellow halo shines a strong light, which firmly wraps Shi Zhi\'s heart.

Red, yellow and gold, three rays of light converge and are extremely bright.

Wu Bufan glanced at Zeng blade. The latter\'s eyes were like a knife and cold like an eagle. Wu Bufan\'s heart trembled, but he didn\'t dare to speak. He looked at the remaining two circles, one green and one white. He hesitated, but he thought that there was nothing wrong with Lin Feng\'s entry just now, and his courage gradually grew stronger.

Step in, into the white aperture!


Change, in an instant.

"Bang!" just like hitting a thick light wall.

Wu Bufan\'s body faltered for a while, his chest was sore, and he stopped only after retreating three steps.

"Hateful!" he lost his face again and gnashed his teeth.

The black star in his hand was shining and roared straight to the light wall.

However, he did not see the scene of Shi Zhixin.

"Peng!!" rebounded violently.

The fiercer the attack, the stronger the rebound force.

Wu Bufan fell and ate shit. He was dizzy and confused.

Lin Feng looked at Hua Wei. The latter\'s eyes were bright and seemed to understand something. Shi Zhi\'s heart covered her mouth and smiled. Looking at Wu Bufan\'s embarrassment, she was in a good mood, but she didn\'t care. The cold light in Zeng Ren\'s eyes flashed, and his heart moved slightly. His right hand slowly went deep into the green aperture, and there was no \'resistance\'

Whoosh! Zeng Ren suddenly entered it, and the strong starlight bloomed and completely wrapped him.

The five apertures, except the white aperture, are all successfully lit up!

But let the Wu extraordinary lying on the ground turn red.

Why, the only failure is him!

"Ah!!" shouted angrily, and Wu Bufan rushed to the white aperture again.

The black starlight is accompanied by crazy brute force. Wu Bufan can\'t afford to lose his face. He wants to enter with his life, but

But it\'s like being locked in a cage. I can\'t fly out.

Many things are doomed.

At this time——

"Wrong, wrong, wrong!" a loud voice suddenly sounded.

Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly gathered.

(first change ~ ~)