Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 837

It was like a pulse.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and looked down at his chest. A crystal was shining and full of proud luster.

It is the crystal formed by the task of "Desert King".

50 battle star mission!

For a long time, this highest level task has no hint, but now it shines. What does it mean? Lin Fengxin\'s bird ran smiled with a rustling smile. The opportunity he had been waiting for finally came at this moment.

"Desert King, that\'s what I meant..." Lin Feng nodded and fully understood.

To defeat all the forces in this desert and become the master of the desert!

Demon clan, human warrior, and the most hidden


"Wow!" Piri! ~ "the crystal took off from the War Star suit.

As if he had life power, Lin Feng\'s eyes were full of sparkling light and looked ahead.

There was no movement, just watching.

I don\'t need to do anything.


"Whew!" the crystal broke into the air.

Like a sharp arrow, Lin Feng was stunned.

Before God came, the crystal was shuttling, and even the shadow could not be seen.

"I\'ll give it to you, Yi." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and shouted. He heard the voice of Yi\'s confidence. Lin Feng didn\'t hesitate. He immediately followed the crystal and left. The Houtu witch clan here is just a small test of ox knife for Yi.

With his strength, more than enough!

Gallop in the long yellow sand.

The speed of crystal is not fast, but it is very "dazzling".

"Chi!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning, and the Amethyst gun in his hand ran through the chest of the "sneak attack" coming from the front. The latter looked stunned, but he looked very similar to Every warrior who died. He was deceived by Lin Feng\'s name of "one star general", not just him?

Pop! Add six war stars to the War Star clothes.

However, Lin Feng didn\'t care at all. It was like a fast wind that immediately followed the speeding crystal.

"The first test is to uncover the mystery of the \'Desert King\'."

"Now, is this the second test?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are deep and fast.

Along the way, the task crystal created a lot of trouble for itself.

Wu zhe doesn\'t count how many demon Warcraft are attracted. The most troublesome thing is

They are all in groups!

"I want to see..."

"What\'s going on with this\' Desert King \'mission."

His eyes are bright, but Lin Feng is also an expert in art. He is bold.

Here, what can make you afraid?

A incense stick.


Half an hour.

In a short time, Lin Feng killed more than the previous day.

Mission crystal naturally has a "hate attraction". Not only martial artists, demon families, but even rare wood spirits in the desert are attracted. Those cactus, camel thorn, Populus euphratica, red willow and so on all seem to be "helping the tyrant to do evil" and can\'t get along with themselves.

"Fortunately, my star power is exhausted."

"If not, even the strongest strength, I\'m afraid I can\'t stand it."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and felt luck.

But this is also a good experience.

At least they can test their ability to fight continuously and how to face unknown enemies.

All types can cope!

Right now——

"PATA!" a crystal in front of Lin Feng\'s chest moved. Lin Feng\'s eyes changed and his heart was slightly surprised, "come again?"

The first "rebellious" mission crystal has not been processed. How can you bear the second mission crystal again? Just when I was thinking, the crystal was bright, and Lin Feng\'s eyebrows wrinkled slightly, but in an instant, his complexion was a slow, turning worry into joy.

"Ha ha, I\'m lucky to live up to my life, boss." a familiar voice sounded in my mind.

He is his life and death partner and the most reliable helper!

Lin Feng\'s left eye and eyebrow flickered, as if there was another layer of huge power in his body.

The wings have returned.

Houtu witch clan, kill!

"Peng!" the crystal blossomed.

It is like a fragment, but it turns into a bright war star and integrates into the War Star clothes.

For a moment, the War Star clothes, which were already golden, were even more icing on the cake, full of the ultimate beauty, and Lin Feng smiled slightly.

The only witch, the first task is completed.

The return of the wings adds to the fighting strength.

But Lin Feng did not rely on the strength of the wing, but continued to fight alone.

This is a good experience.

A batch of demons and Warcraft came head-on, as if they could not be killed. One by one, the martial arts attacked madly. Human nature was undoubtedly exposed. The weak were always bullied. A battle star in front of Lin Feng\'s chest undoubtedly marked the identity of the "weak", which attracted other contestants to die one after another.

It turns out that there are too many stupid people.

"They don\'t use their brains. If a \'one star general\' can live to the present, how can he not have two brushes?" Lin Feng drew calmly at the corner of his mouth.

He followed the crystal without delay. He had no sympathy for those who died in his own hands.

In the war zone, there is still a chance of resurrection, but in reality

The law of the jungle is more cruel!

Oasis camp.

"Damn, it\'s overcast!" a thin man gnashed his teeth.

"I\'m so angry. How could this\' one star general \'be so strong? Did he cheat!" a man in black armor frowned.

"Brother, you were also killed by the \'one star general\'?" the thin man turned back and said in surprise.

"Yes, a young man in totem star armor." the black armor man\'s eyes were burning.

They belong to martial artists with a fairly good family. They have worked hard for many years and have a little savings.

10 Xingjing can still take it out, but it is undoubtedly quite "meat pain".

"Me too, completely cheated by the \'one star general\'!" a woman with heavy makeup floated into the air, her angry eyebrows standing up.

"Still want me!!" not far away, a skinny man came over with his teeth clenched.


Lin Feng killed a large number of fighters in a short time and finally detonated the whole oasis camp.

In the past ten days, Lin Feng didn\'t attract people\'s attention because the interval between the killers was long. But now it\'s like a strong wind, which can\'t be covered up. The warrior who has just died and immediately "resurrected" can choose to return to the nearest battle camp.

At this point, a righteous indignation!

"This guy pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger. It\'s abominable!"

"You\'re pretty good. He killed me here twice in a row. I\'m so angry!"

"Shameless scum, who has no martial virtue at all, should use this trick to kill people!"

"Yes, it\'s invincible!"


Everyone\'s anger erupted when you said a word and I said a word.

That\'s the deep resentment accumulated in the bottom of my heart. Now I vent it all. In fact, Lin Feng doesn\'t know why. He has become the "vent".

"I know him. Lin Feng in qianluo District doesn\'t have any backstage. You see, how about we form an alliance to encircle and suppress him?" the speaker was a young man in white who didn\'t look amazing, but his words hit the nail on the head and resonated with everyone.

"I agree, I can\'t swallow this tone!" the "unlucky man" who was killed twice by Lin Feng agreed.

"I agree, too. I want revenge!"

"Count me in!"


The crowd rose enthusiastically, and anger flashed in their eyes.

Most of them are not short of money. After the young man in white provocation, they soon formed a "reliable" alliance.

There are dozens of people. The strongest has nine star generals and the weakest has three star generals.

Such strength, even if the ten star war will see, I\'m afraid we have to hide.

"I recommend young master Li as the commander in chief." the young man in white turned his eyes and cleverly diverted everyone\'s attention.

"Yes!" "I agree too." the crowd echoed.

Li Xiong, the young master of the Li family, is not only the strongest among these people, but also a NINE-STAR general. The ability of networking is also second to none. Compared with Fang Jin, the young master of the Fang family who was killed twice by Lin Feng, his family background is only a little inferior, and he should be kind.

"OK!" Li Xiong\'s thick eyebrows showed and shouted, "since everyone is so proud, I don\'t hesitate."

"Come with me and kill that son of a bitch, Lin Feng!" Li Xiong shouted violently.

"Kill him!"

"Go, fuck him!"

The mighty team set out at once, but the other fighters in the oasis battle camp were stunned.

One star general Lin Feng has aroused public anger?

Immediately after the big team, the young man in white showed a proud smile on his face that no one had seen, and his eyes twinkled, "if this is successful, young master Lin fan will be rewarded. Although he knows that Lin Feng and I are in the same theater, he didn\'t expect to let me meet. It\'s also luck."

"Master Lin Fan paid us to kill you in the war zone. Lin Feng, blame yourself for being too publicity."

"Don\'t think I\'ll give up my brother\'s hatred that day!"

The young man in white showed anger in his eyes, but he shared the same voice with other martial artists.

If Lin Feng is in, he will recognize him. He is a member of the apprenticeship workshop, Jia Fei\'s eldest brother——

Jia Xiang.

Lin Feng doesn\'t know what happened in the oasis camp.

It should be said that even if you know, you won\'t take it seriously. How many storms can a group of mobs cause?

Can they compare with a "Houtu witch clan"?

"Slow down." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

I followed the crystal day and night.

The number of killings is quite terrible. The task of "demon natural enemy" needs to kill 10000 demon Warcraft. Now it is almost completed. The amount of killing on this day can almost be compared with that in the previous ten days. You can imagine how compact the killing process is.

Moreover, we can\'t delay half a minute.

Otherwise, the crystal of this task would have gone without a trace.

"Seems to have reached the destination?" Lin Feng felt a little expectation.

After waiting so long and chasing so long, the task of "Desert King" finally has a chance.

I am quite interested in the reward of "nothing".

And then——

"Pa!" the mission crystal finally stopped.

With the crystal stopping and falling, the forest wind also stands in suspension and is not close.

Experience tells you that you can sail with care for ten thousand years. His eyes were shining at the task crystal. At this time, it was bright, just like the stars in the sky. Lin Feng\'s eyes widened slowly. Under his gaze, the light suddenly became great!

The sky changes!

(there will be another shift later. The sickly November is almost over. I have a terrible bad luck. I have caught a cold twice, cut my finger once, and see blood once... In December, Xiaoxiao will resume the update mode in October. I hope you will forgive me a lot.)