Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 808

The Lin family, the dark tide is surging.

Internal strife and external strife are always the invariable laws of the big family.

But for Lin Feng, these are just passing clouds. After obtaining the status of guest Qing, Lin Feng has completely possessed the "right to freedom.". Perhaps he still can\'t enjoy most of the power of Keqing, but just "freedom" is enough for Lin Feng.

At least he can live in the garden house for 10000 years if he wants.

No one will disturb.

Seventy sets of raw materials.

It can refine 70 sets of "heart of colored glass".

However, after all, this is only a Jiupin Xingbao. The most important thing is that the price of raw materials has risen to 16.37 million doling coins because one star of medium-sized \'glass crystal\' is used instead of one star of inferior \'glass crystal\', which far exceeds the cost of ordinary Jiupin Xingbao.

If refining becomes a "medium" grade, it will even lose money.

Refining is a "superior" grade, and each one only earns 3 million fighting spirit coins.

Refining 70 sets is not a mistake for Lin Feng. He can only earn 200 million Dou Ling coins.

For other martial artists, this is an astronomical figure, but it is far from enough for Lin Feng, because he will be in ten days——

Earn a set of four star armor.

easier said than done!

"We must find a way to enter the \'self state\' and successfully refine the \'top\' grade." Lin Feng\'s eyes were light.

Only by refining the glass heart of the top grade can I have the opportunity to achieve my goal.

A top-level glass heart, worth 450 million doling coins!

It is far beyond the top grade of 20 million.

"Well, is there a trick?"

"Or can we only make mistakes like last time?"

Lin Feng\'s heart was dark and he carefully recalled the last process.

In Yu Mo\'s refining room, he refined for two days and one night, refining 40 "hearts of glass".

Finally, inexplicably enter the self state.

"Forget it."

"It\'s no use thinking more."

"Trying is the right way. I hope I can find that feeling early."

Lin Feng nodded and whispered in his heart.

"Exhale, inhale ~ ~" take a long and deep breath, and Lin Feng instantly enters the state of refining utensils.

The flame is portable and feels unusually clear.

In my mind, scenes of refining the "heart of glass" suddenly emerged.

But this time, being alone is different!

"So clear!"

"It feels so profound."

"What\'s going on?!"

Lin Feng was shocked, and the picture in his mind was clearer than ever before.

The self in the self state, every action and every detail, seems to be constantly enlarged in front of us. Every detail, technique and even the change of flame are replayed in the mind like slow motion. The familiar feeling strikes again, making the body\'s heart beat faster.

"Thump!" "thump!" "thump!"

Lin Feng seemed to hear his heartbeat.

Very clear, very bright, the mind is completely immersed in that wonderful feeling.

Once again, the deep understanding is clearer and more free than ever before. It feels like refining the "heart of glass" on the spot. Lin Feng stared at the refining of light and shadow, reviewing the old and knowing the new.

This time, it\'s not "self-state".

But a new understanding, a new feeling, understanding and profound learning.

Every detail is more delicate. Each action is more concise, lively and accurate. It\'s like an ordinary craftsman and a craftsman refining a star treasure; One technique is a little rough. Even if it is more delicate, it can\'t compare with the master of refining utensils.

This is the case with today\'s Lin Feng.

Deep understanding state!

Time, minute by minute.

Lin Feng\'s understanding is still continuing.

Even though the \'heart of colored glass\' has been refined many times, now it has a deeper understanding.

Thirteen hours of deep understanding!

"Shua!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

Shining, full of extreme self-confidence.

"I see."

"The so-called \'self\' state gives play to a deeper level of power, which is actually the excitement and concentration of the spirit, so as to drive the hidden power of the body."

"Refine the details of the original refining, so the \'heart of glass\' will improve the product level."

"But now..."

The corners of Lin Feng\'s mouth began to draw calmly and confidently.

There is no need for "self-state". You can also refine the "heart of glass" and make it "refined".

Every step, every action, I have mastered it perfectly!

"烀!" 烀! "His hands blazed.

Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

Refining, start!!

Lin family.

As the rosefinch challenge is about to open, all the people are gearing up.

This once-in-a-century grand event, accompanied by the collection of the eyes of the whole zhuquezhou, makes everyone look forward to it. In the inner and outer urban areas, almost all virtual and real spaces are overcrowded, honing their fighting skills, and everyone is eager to win.

Pass the qualifying, then pass the qualifying, and break into the preliminary!

It is not only an honor, but also a considerable reward, which promotes everyone.

Without the participation of star level fighters, anyone is qualified to win the qualifying and qualifying competitions, and there are quite a lot of places to break into the preliminary competitions.

This is a great opportunity for every martial artist!

"Last time, I was on the verge of success in the qualifiers. I will never lose again this time!"

"I\'ve been practicing hard for a hundred years, just to get revenge today!"

"I must be famous!!!"


Every ethnic group, do their best.

It doesn\'t need too much encouragement, let alone too much mobilization.

Because this is the biggest event in zhuquezhou.

Lin Dadi mansion.

"Dad, you want to avenge the child!" Lin Fan clenched his teeth and trembled.

His eyes were covered with thick gauze. At the moment, Lin Fan looked very excited and clenched his fists.

"What\'s the revenge? I\'m jealous of being beaten, but I don\'t think I\'ve lost enough face?" Lin\'s eyes were cold and smiled.

Lin Fan\'s face was red and his teeth were clenching.

But until now, he didn\'t know how to lose. He just felt that when his consciousness collapsed, he had lost consciousness.

"Dad, don\'t you let Lin Feng be at ease? I, I have become a laughing stock!" Lin Fan trembled all over. He thought that this matter had been widely publicized and magnified in the family. At the moment, he was "famous far and wide", and Lin Fan felt a deep shame.

He has never tried to be so ashamed!

"That\'s what you asked for." Lin Zhe\'s voice was indifferent. "Face is given by people, and face is lost by yourself. If you want to find the court, go to Lin Feng to settle accounts. If you want me to avenge you, you don\'t feel ashamed, and I feel blushed."

Lin\'s voice, with a touch of disappointment.

However, he is the only son and hopes to put it all on him.

To be fair, Lin Fan\'s qualifications are not bad. His blood is inherited from him. Having a second-class pupil, Bai Mu pupil, is even more icing on the cake.

Only this character

But like his mother, not like him.

"Dad!!" Lin Fan blushed and said urgently.

"That\'s enough! If you lose the game and go home crying, do you think you\'re still a three-year-old!" Lin\'s voice suddenly amplified and shouted coldly, "if you\'re my son, you\'ll participate in the qualification competition in six days, and then participate in the qualifying competition, and enter the preliminary competition with your own strength. Who dares to underestimate you in the future!"

"A year later, it\'s not too late to recover Bai Mu Tong and revenge again."

"Now, put all your heart on the rosefinch challenge. Don\'t make trouble again!"

"With solid performance, earn back your face!"

The sound is sonorous and clanging, and the words are pearls, and there is a sound on the ground.

Lin Dadi\'s eyes were bright and white, and he looked calm. With a cold hum, he immediately brushed away.

Lin Fan was left standing in place with a red face.

It is getting closer and closer to the rosefinch challenge.

In the garden house, Lin Feng was concentrating on refining the "heart of colored glass" and his eyes flashed.

The awakening of xingcang pupil, Lin Feng\'s horsepower is fully open!

Not only has a stronger understanding strength, the star dome pupil is also a full level of improvement.

Today\'s Lin Feng can be called abnormal qualification!

Top grade!

Top grade!

Or top grade!

There is no mistake. The first refining is the top grade. Lin Feng has fully refined 60 glazed hearts by giving full play to the most exquisite refining and simulating every detail and every move of his "self state".

All of them are top grade.

Every refining, I feel more refined.

Again and again, doing the same thing, the technique is more and more skilled, and the action is more and more skilled.

The feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

The more excited the spirit is, the more completely concentrated the mind is.

Unknowingly, Lin Feng entered the "self state" again, and some hidden feelings in his body burst out again.

Clearer, more violent!

"Here we are."

"This feeling comes again."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and his body can be controlled at will.

But the heart is calm to the extreme.

Self state, with the strongest ability to play.

烀! 烀! The fire is ferocious.

Lin Feng doesn\'t even need to see it. He can feel deep familiarity. It\'s a perfect memory of his body.

From the heart.

"The feeling of Tao and the change of rhythm are very clear."

"That\'s it."

Lin Feng refined it clearly, again and again.

The same top grade, but there are subtle differences.

It\'s like two equally perfect stone carvings, but one of them is more delicate and the look of the stone carvings is more beautiful. There is an unspeakable feeling that it seems to have come back to life. Now Lin Feng\'s refining is like this. The top grade also has a feeling of "flying".

Again and again.

Sixty three.

Sixty five.

Sixty seven.


Materials, constantly running out.

In the blink of an eye, there was only one left.

At this time, the technology will be exquisite to the most perfect moment. In Lin Feng\'s mind, it seems that there is a state of understanding of Star Technology and the drawing of "Tao" at that moment. There is an unspeakable feeling that permeates my heart, making my techniques and techniques

It seems to degenerate again.

(second change ~ ~)