Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 768

Time passes slowly.

One on one guidance continues.

Lin Yumo believes that Lin Feng is only outstanding in "controlling fire", and other aspects may be just ordinary.

But it turned out that she was wrong.

She was very wrong.

Every basic ability of the tool refiner, Lin Feng, is perfectly up to the standard and 100% up to the standard.

As long as she does any refining action once, Lin Feng can do it without any difference and understand the principle. Lin Feng still needs seven days to run in the basic "fire control" technology, but Lin Feng has never mastered the other basic technologies for more than an hour!

Amazing and terrible learning ability.

Ten days later.

Lin Yumo suddenly found that Lin Feng had left the school.

She has taught Lin Feng all the basic knowledge and skills of the smelter, and Lin Feng is also 100% perfect, even

the students surpass the teacher.

At this time, on the first floor of the apprenticeship workshop.

"Boom!" "boom!" all kinds of flames keep coming out.

A group of weapon refiners and apprentices clenched their teeth, constantly practiced various basic skills, and frantically pursued Lin Feng as the goal. With unprecedented passion and hard work, people naturally don\'t want to lag behind Lin Feng. Lin Lengmo is quite satisfied with such benign competition.

But they suddenly did not know that the forest wind at this time had left them far away.

On the road of the weapon refiner, if you count it, they can\'t even see Lin Feng\'s back now.

Already, not on the same level.

Full marks!

Full marks!

Full marks.

Looking at one amazing achievement after another, Lin Yumo felt speechless.

Lin Feng scored ten "full marks" in the basic examination of a tool smelter. His impeccable performance took only 16 days——

Complete the training.

Unimaginable achievements.

"Again." Lin Yumo looked at Lin Feng and stretched out his index finger.

"I\'ll only demonstrate this seven star Lingbao \'Shengjiao\' of the Defense Department once. How much you can master depends on your own understanding."

With a quick smile, Lin Yumo couldn\'t help shaking his head.

But it was not her demonstration. One star Lingbao, two star Lingbao, three star Lingbao

Until the six star Lingbao is the same.

Every time, Lin Feng can perfect refining, so far——

Never made a mistake.

The skilled craftsman is not like a craftsman apprentice who has just learned to refine utensils, but a human level craftsman who has experienced refining countless times and is already familiar with it. It seems that Lin Feng has no difficulty in refining these Lingbao.

Will he fail?

Lin Yumo had an idea in his mind, but he also felt funny.

"You can start, mentor." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

Looking closely at Lin Yumo, his eyes were bright, and he was already ready.

Lin Yu Mo nodded, his beautiful eyes slowly closed, and the whole process of making the Seven Star Lingbao "Shengjiao" of the defense system suddenly came to mind. It was as simple as flowing clouds and water, but it was a "simulation" often used by weapon refiners every time they refined.

In your mind, briefly simulate it in advance.

When refining, it will save a lot of trouble and be more stable.

Not to mention Lin Yumo, even Lin Yan, who is now a master of weapon refining, still maintains this good habit.

Careful, careful, the pursuit of perfection.

Although unlike the engraver, the whole engraving array should be drawn at one go. However, the refining process of the refiner also needs to be quite careful. Perhaps the error of a step, the deviation of a detail, or even the release error of a fire stop, I\'m afraid——

Will fall short.

"Wow!" suddenly, Lin Yumo\'s eyes lit up.

The flame of both hands rises instantly. The refining of the Seven Star Lingbao "Shengjiao" of the defense department begins!

At the same moment, Lin Feng\'s eyes were also shining.

Enter, copy status!

Different from previous replication.

Today\'s Lin Feng, the replication process is a process of understanding.

Lin Feng is already familiar with the refining device. He can clearly "analyze" Lin Yumo\'s every action and every release of flame for what purpose and because of what principle. Before, it was just copying, but now it is real learning.

"My pupils, although they can be copied."

"But the most fundamental condition is based on my ability."

Lin Feng knows this very well.

It\'s like two carved arrays in the mushroom house.

One is the ten fold "time engraving array" and the other is the two fold "star gathering engraving array".

But I can only "copy" the "array of time engraving" at a ten fold rate. Because the time engraving array contains the way of time, which is planned with a specific pattern and track and the power of the engraver. Just like painting a picture, the method of painting can be copied, and the artistic conception of painting can be understood.

However, the double rate "array of gathering stars and engraving patterns" is different.

I can\'t understand the artistic conception of this painting.

The same is true for the smelter.

If you understand the essence of "refining tools", you may be able to copy the refining of various spiritual soldiers and treasures.

But what about the next level?

The way of refining utensils is the existence of a "way".

According to Yu Mo, this "Tao" really exists in the "Star Technology" of Phoenix.

It\'s like cultivating star skills. What you understand is the power of the constellation and the Tao of the constellation. Copying just provides you with a better and more direct state of cultivation, but it doesn\'t mean you can use it at will, especially when you don\'t have enough strength.

Time passed quickly.

Lin Yumo\'s refining is coming to an end.

The refining of Xingbao and Xingqi is the most complicated and refined, but it also takes the fastest time.

Lingbao, the same is true.

In a quarter of an hour, Lin Yumo was finished.

"Peng!" with the integration of the last exotic crystal and Lingbao, there seems to be a light blooming in the void, and a magnificent dragon rushes up into the sky with a clear outline. The whole dragon has a panoramic view. It is very domineering and makes people look at it.

Device elephant!

The image of spirit.

Intended to \'become an instrument\'.

"Wow!" Lin Feng\'s eyes also recovered their brilliance.

The memory in my mind is very clear, and each step is a deep understanding.

"It\'s not difficult."

"Only a few more steps than the six star Lingbao just now."

With an indifferent smile, Lin Feng knew it well.

Today\'s self is no longer a novice who only "imitates" when he was assessed that day.

It\'s all about mastering all the basic techniques of refining utensils. You don\'t have any problems refining such ordinary Lingbao.


"Yu Mo, will the density of the second fire stop be one degree higher when the first step is\' shaping \'?" Lin Feng flashed the whole picture in his mind and asked.

Lin Yumo\'s pretty face is a rare reddish, but it was her "low-level" mistake just now.

People are not machines, even the earth level smelters will make mistakes, not to mention Lin Yumo\'s age is still light. Although it is not difficult to refine the Seven Star Lingbao "Shengjiao" of the Defense Department, after all, Lin Yumo has not refined "Shengjiao" for a long time. The most important thing is——

Just now, she was distracted.

"Well, I made a mistake." Lin Yumo said frankly.

She was not coy. If she did something wrong, she had to admit it. Naturally, she was not so small.

Lin Feng nodded gently and his eyes flashed.

The picture of Lin Yumo\'s whole refining just now came to mind, with clear and free rhythm and flowing clouds and water. Only when I was "shaping", I stopped for a moment and disturbed the original rhythm. Otherwise, I would really be hard to find. After all, this is only a "small defect" and does not affect the overall refining.

For example, the most suitable flame density is\' 5.677 \'.

In the refining vessel, the sixth degree is generally used, which is rounded to the whole number. However, Yu Mo has just used the fifth degree, and the effect is almost the same.

If not, the final "image" will not show "superior" quality.

From the clarity and fuzziness of the image, we can distinguish the quality of "utensils".

It is also the Seven Star Lingbao "Shengjiao" of the Defense Department, which is divided into inferior, medium, superior and top. If it is vague, it is inferior; if it is hazy, it is medium; Yu Mo\'s "utensil image" has a clear outline, and its general structure enters the eyes. It has great momentum and is superior.

As for the top, the image is very clear. As small as the scales and shapes of Jiaolong, they are very bright, but they are very difficult to reach.

"Wow!" in my mind, I played back the scene just now.

Lin Feng, soon entered the self state.

The whole process of reproduction, every fire stop, every rhythm change and every detail are all in the heart.

"Pre melter."



Lin Feng not only repeats the whole picture, but also simulates the changing shape of his hands.

Step by step, Lin Feng has got rid of his ability to "copy". In this way, what really learns from the body and grasps the essence is his own technology. Perhaps there is no difference between the two now, but what will happen in the future?

Copying is equivalent to taking the road that others have taken.

However, understanding can innovate and take new steps on the basis of replication.

It\'s like seven wood carvings in Yanling mansion.

If it\'s just a simple copy, the strongest move in the end is just the seventh "green smoke shooting".

But he himself created the eighth move, "Yanling shooting".

That\'s the difference!

Looking at Lin Feng, Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes are bright.

Her delicate face looked curiously at her apprentice.

It\'s really better than blue.

I\'ve seen the refining of the Seven Star Lingbao "Shengjiao" of the Defense Department, but I can see through the only flaw in the whole refining process, that small to almost negligible flaw. What kind of eyesight and technology is this?

The refining base of Lin Feng is as stable as a rock.

Compared with her, it is better than her.

"Only half a month has passed. This progress is too rapid." Lin Yumo shook his head gently.

She watched Lin Feng step by step. She didn\'t understand anything. Now, she is an apprentice of a tool smelter

Lin Feng even deserves the title of "master".

"The future is limitless." Lin Yumo sighed slightly.

For the first time, she admired a person from the heart.

(second change ~ ~)