Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 767

Apprenticeship workshop, second floor.

"Breathe, breathe ~ ~" the symmetrical breath filled the hundred fold \'array of time engraving lines\', and the faint silver light fell on Lin Yumo\'s perfect face, flashing a glittering and translucent luster. Snow skin and jade muscles move gently, bringing up a woman\'s unique tenderness.

"It\'s almost time." Lin Yumo opened his eyes slightly.

The light and beautiful expression flickered like water waves, and Lin Yumo ended his cultivation.

"I don\'t know how he is now?" Lin Yumo gently got up, and his form and behavior were full of a soft breath. Opening the star crystal watch was to see the time, but he suddenly smiled and frowned. Lin Yumo was very surprised. "Patriarch, yanlao... A lot of information messages."

"Time, all in this half hour?"

"What happened?"

Lin Yumo was surprised. Her intuition told her that it must be a great thing.

If not, how can it be so urgent as a patriarch!

Open message, instant——

Lin Yumo was stunned.

"Impossible?" the first reaction came to mind.

But for a moment, Lin Yumo was like a breeze, and disappeared into the array of carved patterns in the blink of an eye.

In the primary fire control space.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining, and his hands danced with butterflies and caught fire.


No, it\'s quite fast!

It\'s even faster than one handed fire control.

Because of familiarity.

"That\'s the feeling."

"In fact, if practice makes perfect, it can be faster."

"But after all, it\'s just a test. If it\'s a real smelter, it\'s different."

Lin Feng thought in his heart, but the movement on his hand did not slow down at all.

The digital symbols on the left and right light screens are constantly displayed, and a full million "fire stalls" are disrupted and appear in an irregular form in the two light screens. Compared with the one handed test, the two handed test requires not only physical memory and reaction based on "fire control", but also high requirements for one mind and two purposes!

Don\'t mention the results. Many people believe that the first-class weapon refiner can\'t complete this level test at all.

It\'s more than ten times more difficult than controlling fire with one hand!

"Jiong!" "Jiong! ~"

The flames rose and fell, and Lin Feng looked calm.

The faster the speed, the more frequent the numbers displayed on the light screen.

"This time, it should be able to improve a lot."

For myself, there is no difference between two hand control and one hand control. I have been used to one and two purposes since I urinated. This time, because of the last one handed test, I was more proficient, and the speed naturally accelerated a lot.

As for making mistakes

Is it possible?

Concentrate on the test.

Lin Feng did not find that at this time, outside the energy equipment, a pair of starlit eyes were completely stunned.

Lin Yumo!

There was incredible amazement on the face of the sinking fish and falling geese.

She didn\'t read it wrong!

"How can it be? He has only studied for seven days."

"And it\'s not a one handed test, but a two handed fire control test..."

Lin Yumo whispered softly, opening his eyes wide for fear that he might be wrong.

But the truth is before us!

"So fast, so skillful."

"He can control the fire with both hands faster than I can control the fire with one hand..."

"How possible!"


Since childhood, Lin Yu Mo has been one of the "rising stars" of the Lin family. Lin Yu Mo has almost no rival among his peers.

She is the best in both martial arts and weapon refining. In just three months, he has passed the test of one hand fire control with excellent results.

Her achievements are proud enough!

But right now

Lin Feng, it only took seven days!

But it completely surpassed her, and it was a great leap!

Lin Feng not only completely remembered the million fire stalls, but also used difficult skills such as controlling fire with both hands.

It\'s incredible!

"Phoenix, is he the son of our Lin family?" Lin Zhen frowned.

"No, he is not my Lin\'s son." Lin Zhen shook her head and rejected.

He had been suspicious before, but he heard Lin Yumo tell him about the situation that day.

But Lin Feng himself denied it.

The surname "Lin" is purely a coincidence. In the fighting spirit world, the surname "Lin" is not in the minority. As for Phoenix, it belongs to one of the twelve constellations in the south. In the nine continents of the south, nearly 10% of the martial life constellations are "phoenix". What\'s strange about the same?

What\'s more, Lin Zhen has already checked Lin Feng.

It really came from the wild land \'Yanling house\'.

It is close to dayanzhou, and there is no branch of the Lin family.

Lin Feng\'s identity is not suspicious.

"Then he is..." Lin\'s eyes flickered.

"Crack ground, you just came back, so you don\'t know." Lin Yan nodded slowly. "This little guy is one of our group of \'weapon smelter apprentices\'."

"Oh?" Lin Yi raised his eyebrow.

"No wonder master Yanqing wants to accept him as his successor. Even I am moved." Lin Yan\'s eyes flickered and stroked his long beard. "This ability to \'control fire\', whether as a pattern engraver or a tool refiner, is twice the result with half the effort and has almost perfect potential."

"Master Yanqing, heir?" Lin Zhen was lightly surprised. "What\'s going on?"

Lin Zhen smiled, "it\'s like this..."

Time, minute by minute.

Lin Feng\'s test is also gradually coming to an end.

"Pa!" "pa!" two clusters of flames in both hands almost stopped and fell at the same time, and Lin Feng\'s eyes gradually returned to normal.

And now——

"Ding ~ ~" a clear and pleasant voice sounded.

On the screen, there is a bright luster with a joyful color.

"Perfect pass." Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"6006 seconds, 1000 seconds progress."

Just one step away, I can squeeze into less than 6000 seconds.

Lin Feng smiled, but he didn\'t care too much. The important thing is himself. Now he has mastered these one million fire stalls perfectly.

It means that the first major foundation of the weapon refiner apprentice level has passed smoothly!

"Hmm?" at this time, Lin Feng noticed the existence of Lin Yumo.

Looking around, Lin Yumo looked a little stunned. Lin Feng smiled and immediately pushed the door out.

In the hall.

The three people looked at each other.

His eyes were filled with extreme disbelief, and the air seemed to suffocate in an instant.

"Crack ground, what\'s your best score?" Lin Zhen said in a deep voice.

"6360 seconds." Lin\'s eyes sparkled.

"I\'m 6612 seconds." Lin Zhen looked at Lin Yan. "The whole Lin family, \'Lin Feng\', the little guy\'s ability to control fire with both hands, is only below Yan Lao."

Lin Yan shook his head. "That\'s because he\'s just a star master."

It was quiet.

In the air, there is a heavy depression.

Indeed, as Lin Yan said, Lin Feng is only the star master level!!

Not to mention the ability to control fire with both hands, it is only the ability to control fire with one hand. No one in the whole Lin family has reached this time at the star master level.

Including Lin Yan!

"Real genius." Lin Zhen\'s eyes flashed.

"I don\'t know the qualifications of other martial artists." Lin Zhen opened his mouth.

Lin Yan nodded.

Indeed, fire control alone has doomed Lin Feng to have a bright future in the future. As long as the martial arts master\'s qualification is qualified and his strength can be upgraded to the star domain level, his weapon refining ability can not only enter the category of "earth level weapon refining master", but also become the best among them!

But only if

"Loyalty." Lin Zhen frowned. "It\'s not my race, its heart must be different."

"We really have to find a way. It\'s a pity if such talents are released." Lin Zhen sighed.

It\'s gold. It shines everywhere.

Now, not only the Lin family know Lin Feng\'s talent, but also Yan Qing knows it.

With the improvement of Lin Feng\'s strength, more and more talents will be displayed. If the Lin family doesn\'t want it, other forces will rob it!

"Don\'t worry, investigate carefully again. There\'s still time." Lin Zhen nodded.

"Yes, it\'s not too late to solicit at that time," agreed Lin Yan.

Lin didi didn\'t say anything, but looked at the big screen with sparkling eyes.

Lin Feng\'s figure fell into his eyes. Lin Dadi\'s look was not like Lin Zhen and Lin Yan, but there were many hesitations and inexplicable uneasiness.

Very much!

Especially the eyes, more like!

"Lin Feng, Lin Feng? Shouldn\'t it be..." Lin Fudi bent his index finger on his right hand, gently pressed his lips and frowned.

"No way, he should have died."

"There are so many coincidences."

Lin Dadi thought to himself, but he recalled the past.

Then he looked at Lin Feng, his eyes sparkling, but he didn\'t know what he was thinking.

"Feather ink."

"Feather ink?"

Lin Feng called softly, but he saw that Lin Yu ink was like clay sculpture and stone carving, and did not move.

I felt puzzled.

"Yes." Lin Yu Mo whispered softly and came back to himself.

The shock in his heart can\'t be expressed in words, but Lin Yumo\'s expression has returned to normal.

At this moment, she knew what a real genius was like.

"In seven days, you can achieve perfect fire control at the apprentice level of a tool refiner in only seven days. Even the \'Pang family\' of the first tool refiner family in Shiluo County, pangyan, who is known as the \'demon genius\', can\'t compare with it." Lin Yumo was very surprised.

Although she doesn\'t know what the records of the Lin family are, she can be sure——

This achievement is absolutely Epic!

"I now understand why master Yanqing wants you to be his successor." Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes twinkled and stared at Lin Feng. In the pure and beautiful eyes, there is the ultimate light, curiosity, mystery and envy.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng smiled.

He glanced back slowly along Lin Yumo\'s eyes and understood a little in his heart.

His performance this time seems very good?


Not enough.

"Whether it\'s the strength of the engraver or the strength of the tool refiner."

"As long as I perform better, I will enter the Lin family more smoothly. At that time, I will get a higher status."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and looked at Lin Yumo with a clear smile.

"After a few days of classes, it\'s time to make up, tutor?" Lin Feng smiled.

"Good." Lin Yumo\'s beautiful pupil is dazzling.

Controlling fire is only one part of the smelter.

She also wants to know how strong Lin Feng\'s weapon refining ability is!

(first change ~ ~)