Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 761

Lin family.

"Ah Zhong, what\'s going on?" Lin Yan frowned.

"I\'m also curious." Lin Zhen smiled brightly. "Ah Zhong, you\'ve always been calm and calm. If you told me that it was your mistake to rank a tool smelter apprentice who should have ranked nearly 4000 in the 100th place, I wouldn\'t believe it."

Lin Zhong smiled, "the patriarch\'s mirror."

Looking at Lin Yan, Lin Zhong nodded and said, "master, this is the disciple\'s own opinion. Please don\'t be surprised."

"Well." Lin Yan stroked his long beard, "ah Zhong, did you find anything?"

In Lin Zhong\'s simple and honest face, a ray of light flashed, "there is something strange, not to hide from the master and the patriarch, because I found that Lin Feng probably... Has the double pupils of the \'imitation department\'

"Oh?" Lin Zhen and Lin Yan were surprised.

"What\'s going on?" Lin Yan suddenly became interested.

"Yes, come on." Lin Zhen nodded.

Lin Zhong was not surprised. He flashed a light in his hand and said, "patriarch and master, you will know after watching this video."

One left, one right.

Lin Zhen and Lin Yan sat side by side, looking at the light screen in front of them.

"Is he the \'Lin Feng\'?" Lin Zhen nodded thoughtfully.

The video position is not good. It only captures the side. Nevertheless, Lin Feng\'s age can still be judged from the skin, corners of the eyes, hairline and other parts. It is really only in his early twenties. Lin Feng in the picture is refining the "sword embryo" at this time, and the action is very "ugly".

"HMM..." he pursed his mouth, and Lin Yan frowned.

This is not the first time he saw this picture. He saw it in Lin Feng\'s assessment that day.

in a complete mess! I don\'t know! On that day, after giving two comments, Lin Yan was angry and left. In his opinion, Lin Feng was wasting his talent!

"Really... Not much." looking at Lin Feng finally refining the sword embryo, Lin Zhen commented lightly.

The Lin family are all tool refiners. Although Lin Zhen is not as accomplished as Lin Yan in refining tools, he also deserves the title of "tool refiner". Seeing Lin Feng\'s inferior technology, he also saved his eyebrows and clustered his forehead. He couldn\'t help sighing gently.

Looking at their faces, Lin Zhong said with a smile, "the technique of refining utensils is not the key point. The patriarch and master will continue to look."

Instantaneous time——

As soon as the picture turned, the process of refining "sword embryo" by a bald man was immediately released.

Lin Zhen and Lin Yan were a little confused at first, but as the bald man began to refine, their eyes suddenly widened and held their breath.

Three seconds, five seconds, seven seconds!

Sword embryo, success!

"Pa!" the picture stops at that second.

With the bald man refining the "sword embryo", Lin Zhen and Lin Yan\'s eyes are bright.

"The temperature, angle and intensity of the flame, as well as every refining process... Are exactly the same." Lin Yan said in a deep voice.

Practice makes perfect. As like as two peas do not make any mistake, they are all alike. "Lin Zhen\'s eyes twinkle, and what he thinks," it\'s too strange.

Even if you study, you can\'t even learn the wrong places together, can you?

A mistake may be a coincidence, but every mistake is the same, that\'s a big problem.

Apprenticeship workshop.

"It\'s true, mentor, I heard it too." the young man on Jing youyou\'s left said positively.

"Me too!" the woman on Jing youyou\'s right also raised her hand.

Everyone echoed, but Li Hao beside Lin Feng seemed puzzled. Has Lin Feng just spoken?

"Maybe I was too absorbed and didn\'t pay attention." Li Hao didn\'t think too much.

"He only chirps at the bottom and pretends to be a hero." Liu Yi hums coldly, but he has lost face compared with Lin Feng twice, and his heart is inevitably angry. "If you have the ability, go up and have a try, and let everyone see if you really have the ability."

"That is to say!"


All eyes were gathered, and Lin Feng couldn\'t help sighing in his heart.

Glancing at the Jing youyou with cunning luster at the corner of his eyes in front, he felt helpless.

Women, it\'s really hard to offend.

"Since you are so confident, come up and have a try." Lin Lengmo is the calmest one, staring at Lin Feng. But she was also curious. What was the ability of the young man who didn\'t look special in front of her?

Is it related to the Lin family or has a special ability?

Why did Shifu insist on elevating him to the first group.

Lin Lengmo also wants to know the answer.

As for whether Lin Feng has said it, it is second.

"No." Lin Feng shook his head and declined.

The voice was very calm, but suddenly there was a roar of laughter.

"Oh, I thought it was so powerful. It turned out that I could only sell my mouth. What a coward."

"That is to say, although Liu Yikai failed, he tried anyway. He gave up without thinking about it. What a coward."

"Don\'t say that. The one who opened the back door and came in compared with Liu Yi, the first in our group, looks down on him too much. Does he deserve it?"


Mocking voices, wave after wave.

Listening to all kinds of voices, Lin Feng smiled and put it away.

I never care about such gossip. Even if I succeed, how can it help me?

Show off?

Does it make sense

"Hum." Liu Yi turned away with disdain.

Jing youyou turned around, twisted her nose and pointed to Lin Feng\'s face.

"Well, be quiet." Lin Lengmo looked around the crowd and said faintly, "what qualifications do you have to say others? Whether you are the first or the 100th in the assessment, you are treated equally here and will not have any privileges. Only apprentices who perform well can have special rewards."

"In the first round, the first one who passes the test, half of the remaining time in three months can enter the hundred fold \'time engraving array\' practice."

"In the other half of the time, the assistant tutor will give one-to-one guidance to improve the level of the smelter."

For a moment, everyone was in an uproar.

Even Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and his heart moved.

Hundredfold\'s\' array of time engraving \'?!

I\'m afraid the cultivation effect is better than when I was in the "land of wood spirits" of Yanling mansion!

Maybe the time multiple is a little less than that, but the Reiki density here is completely better than that of Yanling mansion. The cultivation effect is different.


"Assistant tutor, one-on-one guidance?" Lin Feng was puzzled.

At this time, other weapon refiners and apprentices with the same question raised their hands and asked, "mentor, who is the Deputy mentor?"

"You will know by then." Lin Lengmo said faintly, "what I can tell you is that the assistant tutor is not inferior to me in terms of refining tool knowledge, ability and foundation. One-on-one guidance can greatly improve your shortcomings and teach students according to their aptitude. You should understand the benefits without me saying more."

Lin Feng nodded.

Like cultivation, one cultivates with the masses.

One, but under the guidance of the master, every point and every place is carefully improved, which is incomparable.

"Mentor, can you test at any time in three months?" Jing youyou stood up and asked curiously.

"No." Lin Lengmo shook his head slowly, "everyone has only three opportunities to apply for \'early test\', not only the first round, but also the second, third and fourth rounds are the same rules." after a pause, Lin Lengmo looked at Liu Yikai, "like him, he has lost his first chance."

"Silk ~ ~" everyone took a breath of air-conditioning.

Liu Yikai turned white and vomited blood angrily.

However, Lin Lengmo\'s words can\'t be taken back.

Only self pity.

The crowd looked at Lin Feng and secretly said that Lin Feng was lucky. He didn\'t break his arm like Liu Yi.

"The second one who passes the test, one fourth of the remaining time in three months, can enter the hundred fold \'time engraving array\' practice."

"There is also a quarter of the time for one-on-one guidance by the Deputy tutor."

"The third one who passed the test..."


Lin Lengmo came out with a light narration, but it made everyone\'s blood boil.

The original low fighting spirit was raised in an instant, and everyone\'s eyes were full of strong sparks.

Quite inspiring!

"Slap a date to eat." Lin Feng smiled.

But I have to admit that this move is very useful. It is not only to convince and frighten these "arrogant" weapon refiners and apprentices, but also to arouse people\'s fighting spirit. Without thinking about it, you can guess that in these three months, no, in order to get a reward in a year, people will try their best to fight for it.

This kind of benign competition is quite helpful to the improvement of strength.

But myself

"Well, should we go or not?" Lin Feng was indecisive and fell into thinking.

Lin Lengmo\'s weapon refining skills just now are hard to see, but he should be 50% sure.

Whether you can succeed depends on trying. The key lies in

It\'s not worth it.

"Lin Feng!" Li Hao\'s eyes lit up and leaned over.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng answered lightly.

"Hey, what about the hundred fold \'array of time engraving lines\'," Li Hao blinked. "I heard that it\'s the authentic work of master Yanqing. I\'d like to have a look!"

"Are you interested in the array of carved patterns?" Lin Feng smiled.

"It\'s not just ~ ~" Li Hao said with a smile, "I\'m involved in alchemist and star talisman. I don\'t have many skills!"

"Be careful how bad you eat." Lin Feng shook his head with a smile.

Sometimes learning more is not necessarily a good thing. It\'s better to achieve as much as specialization.

After all, people\'s time and energy are limited.

"Aren\'t I choosing?" Li haosa ran said. "See which deputy is best for me. Anyway, I\'m still an apprentice. It\'s early."

Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Everyone has his own way to go. It\'s inconvenient for him to interfere.


"It\'s true that many skills don\'t press the body. The hundred fold \'array of time engraving patterns\' is not only the masterpiece of master Yanqing." Lin Feng\'s eyes are sparkling and nodded thoughtfully, "if you can learn it, it has all advantages but no disadvantages."

Others take time, but they are different.

Moreover, compared with other deputies, the carving array is not different.

As long as you see the array of carved patterns, you can \'copy\'!

At this time——

Lin Lengmo\'s voice sounded slowly, "well, these are the rules of the apprenticeship workshop. Anyone else has any questions, if not..."

"Training, officially started."

(first change ~ ~)