Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 596

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Lin Feng himself fell into a deep shock at this time.

"What\'s going on?!" seeing that the absorption and refining was about to end, Lin Feng felt that his left hand suddenly changed.

For a long time, the energy absorbed by the left hand is so much that I don\'t care much. Because compared with the right hand, the left hand\'s meridians are fully open, the spirit has been completely stimulated, and the strong absorption ability is a fact. But now it seems that he has absorbed a bottleneck, and Lin Feng feels the palpitation of his heart.

His left hand feels very strange.

"More and more numb." Lin Feng frowned tightly.

The left hand seems not to be a part of your body. This feeling has never been felt before.

Even if the injury is serious, it won\'t be so, let alone——

His body has fused the blood of the Phoenix.

It\'s weird.

"Totally out of control."

"What the hell is going on?!"

Lin Feng clenched his teeth and felt a hesitation.

Immersed in it, I felt the pulse of my left hand, as if I had been separated.

"Seven orifices rolling shutter."

"It\'s really a seven orifices roller shutter."

Ji Rushan and Zhu zero looked at each other and saw the shock from each other\'s eyes.

"The more the orifices of the martial god are opened, the greater the probability of producing the seven orifices rolling curtain, but..." Ji Rushan said, "the younger martial brother has no orifices reaction. Even if he double cultivates the God of war and the martial god, he should focus on the God of war and have no orifices."

Ji Rushan pondered slowly, but he guessed that he was eight or nine.

At present, Lin Feng is really dominated by the God of war, and Wu Shen is completely covered up because of the existence of the "Phoenix life chart".


This does not mean that Lin Feng has no orifices.

In fact, at the beginning, Lin Feng opened the English wheel and left the acupoint with blood!

"If you can really open the \'seven orifices rolling curtain\', the younger martial brother is really amazing." Zhu zero\'s eyes are bright. "Even Ji Xiu and other talents still can\'t open one of the seven martial god wheels. The martial god with one of the seven wheels is one of the few in the whole Liyan gate."

"Younger martial brother opened......" Ji Rushan\'s eyes were bright.

"It\'s the left hand, the throat wheel."

"What a strange feeling."

"Warm, surging and energetic."

Lin Feng feels incredible. He thought something unimaginable would happen, but

Facts have proved that they worry too much.

"There is plenty of energy in the energy channels."

"Very similar, too similar!"

Lin Feng felt a slight shock in his heart. He felt like "transforming" his body. It was like the integration of his right foot and the "wind vortex" that day, making a part of his body prominent and powerful. At present, his left hand is like this.

Because there is no suitable soul device, although his left hand inspires his spirit, he has not fused the soul device.

Their own strength has not been explored to the extreme.

And now

"It\'s strange that there is no soul device. How did this transformation come from?"

"What does it have to do with \'Qiqiao rolling curtain wine\'?"

There are questions in his heart, but Lin Feng doesn\'t know the answer.

Although I feel troubled, I don\'t have much time to think.

Because the left hand is slowly "cocooning.".

It is like a spring silkworm spinning, growing and growing, slowly condensing into a cocoon and creating a transformation process for itself. Immersed in his left hand, Lin Feng felt very clear. He seemed to see seven light spots flashing and converging into a circular "wheel".

It\'s strange!

"This is..." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

I feel very familiar, and it is slowly becoming clear.

More and more clear!

"Coming!" Lin Feng\'s eyebrows were full of energy.

The feeling of cocoon breaking and rebirth was very clear. There was a huge force in his left hand that burst out in an instant.

Peng! As if something had burst, Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Left hand, instantly regain consciousness!

More than that, at the left elbow, a "wheel" shaped light spot is very clear. His eyes seem to be able to see through. He can see clearly. The seven light spots are like twining stars wrapped around his left hand. He has great power.

Metamorphosis, completion.

"What a strange feeling." Lin Feng gently moved his left hand.

With a fine awn in his eyes, his left hand completely degenerated after breaking the cocoon and rebirth. He felt more freely controlled and clearer than before.

Wheeze! Lin Fengmeng punched.

The fist style is like a shadow. Lin Feng suddenly shoots a sparkling light in his eyes and clenches his left fist.

"Strength, speed, softness, control..."

"Everything has changed!"

"If you count by number, it is more than twice!"

Lin Feng\'s heart was full of joy, but it was an unexpected surprise.

His left hand, which is not fused with a soul instrument, is no inferior to his right foot.

"Pa, PA!" clapped his hands.

"Congratulations, junior brother." Zhu zero came with a smile. Ji Rushan was clapping his hands with a simple and honest smile. Looking at the two senior brothers, Lin Feng suddenly smiled, "thank you for your cultivation. What was the wine I drank just now?"

"Seven orifices rolling curtain wine, the treasure of senior brother." Zhu zero blinked.

"How do you feel, younger martial brother?" Ji Rushan said.

"It\'s quite good. My physical foundation and physique have been improved by about 20%. Lin Feng didn\'t hide it. He said truthfully, with a slight twist of his eyebrow." but just now, my left hand has changed inexplicably and improved a lot in all aspects. Elder martial brother, do you know what\'s going on? "

"This is the origin of the name \'Qiqiao rolling curtain wine\'." Ji Rushan smiled.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened, "I\'d like to hear it in detail."

Ji Rushan nodded slowly. "Although it\'s suspected of exploring privacy, I still want to ask the younger martial brother." Ji Rushan looked at Lin Feng and said positively, "younger martial brother, do you double cultivate the branches of war god and martial god?"

"Yes." Lin Feng replied without hesitation.

Since you are a fellow martial brother and a family, there is no need to hide.

Although it is indeed private, in the world of fighting spirit, although the number of double cultivation of heavenly martial arts is small, it still exists.

It\'s not too special.

"That\'s right." Ji Rushan\'s expression said, "the reason is very simple. Younger martial brother, your left hand, that is, the \'throat wheel\', is now fully turned on. Qiqiao rolling curtain wine can not only enhance your physique, but its greatest effect is\' Qiqiao rolling curtain \', but there are not many martial artists who can trigger this effect."

Pointing to Zhu zero, Ji Rushan said with a light smile, "well, your second senior brother can\'t trigger it."

Zhu zero blushed and muttered, "well, even if I don\'t trigger the \'seven orifices rolling curtain\', I have also rushed through six orifices, and only one can open the heart chakra!"

i see!

Lin Feng nodded and finally understood.

Now he doesn\'t know anything in the past, but he knows a lot about Wushen himself.

The God of war has seven "spirits of the God of war", and the God of war also has seven "wheels of the God of war", which correspond to each other and are difficult to distinguish. The difference is that the spirit of the God of war pays attention to the "outside", while the "wheel of the God of war" pays attention to the "inside", and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The human body has seven Wushen wheels, and each Wushen wheel has seven orifices.

Lin Feng himself once opened the Xueli acupoint in the "British Wheel".

Besides Xueli acupoints, there are six other orifices in the English wheel. Only when all seven orifices are broken can the English wheel be truly opened. Just like the "throat chakra" just now, after opening, the meridians are connected, and the abilities of the left hand are greatly improved. This is a process of transformation. It is useless to rush through one or two orifices.

Round, is a whole, Qiqiao points, are indispensable.

"In other words, my throat wheel is open now, isn\'t that......" Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly brightened.

"You can cast \'orifices burst\'!"

The outbreak of orifices and acupoints is a unique skill of the martial god, which can enhance the ability of every aspect in a short time. Compared with the persistence of the "spirit of war", the wheel of the God of war is far better than the "explosive power", but there are restrictions on the use of orifices and acupoints.

First, the time limit, the outbreak time is not long.

Second, and most importantly, orifices alone cannot coexist with astral forces.

Orifices and acupoints are actually very fragile. Once they break out, they are extremely fragile. The star power and the orifices are both born from the "inside". If they are used together, the star power will break the orifices. The light ones will be disabled and seriously injured, and the heavy ones will die directly.

To lift this limit, or raise the star control force to above seventh gear, the control force becomes very strong.

Or it can open a whole "wheel of martial god" to form a perfect whole, independent of the body.

At that time, the wheel itself will "protect itself".

"Soul and wheel can\'t coexist. I\'m......" Lin Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

The spirit has not disappeared, but now it is occupied by the "throat wheel". It\'s like an empty house, which should be occupied by people, but now it is filled with all kinds of sundries. It also occupies the whole house and can\'t live any more.

"Is it another way of coexistence?"

"It\'s not a good thing."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are burning. At least he doesn\'t need to worry about the fusion of spirit.

Moreover, at that time, they will be able to display their own strength and go to a higher level!

Liyan gate, inner gate.

"Lord, the old fox has doubted. How can we go next?" Han Lu knelt on one knee and arched his hand.

In the dark, a vicissitudes figure was carrying his hands, and a cold voice slowly sounded, "Ji Jin is indeed a talent, but this situation has been laid for tens of thousands of years, and now it is almost a foregone conclusion. His master can\'t clean up this mess, let alone him? But now the time is not up, don\'t act rashly, so as not to scare the snake."

"Yes, Lord." Han Lu looked solemn and respectful.

"Go back." the voice of vicissitudes rang out slowly, "don\'t come to me again for the time being, so as not to arouse suspicion. I\'ll inform you if there\'s anything."

"Yes, I see." Han Lu slowly got up and arched his hands. "My subordinates are leaving."

"Well." the cold voice had no emotion.

As Han Lu\'s figure gradually disappeared, a touch of cold laughter rang out in the empty room.

Filled with cold, laughter condenses strong confidence.

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