Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 568

The ten day deadline has come.

Although it\'s not time yet, it\'s already overcrowded outside the gun rock.

"By the way, do you know who Lin Feng lost in the talent trial?"

"I don\'t know. I don\'t have any impression. Maybe he joined Li Yanmen earlier than us. I don\'t know."

"No, I checked. Lin Feng, like us, joined on the day of the talent trial. But... Why can\'t I find his game record? It\'s a strange thing!"

"What do you want to do so much? After a while, he will be defeated by our goddess!"

"That is to say, he just depends on a little luck. How can he compare his strength with water Linglong!"


People almost support shuilinglong on one side, but no wonder.

Shuilinglong enjoys a great reputation and is as delicate as water. It is the lover of everyone\'s dream.

However, people are inevitably jealous of the sudden Lin Feng.

The two-phase choice is naturally that water is exquisite and popular.

In the crowd, the newcomers had a fierce discussion.

Many "old people" quietly mingled with the crowd and did not speak.

It doesn\'t matter to them who loses and who wins.

The important thing is——

How strong is the owner of No. 12!

"Hum, if the little girl wins, the number 12 will belong to the old man in ten days!" a bowing old woman\'s eyes flashed away.

"Just try the bottom of the little guy first to see how much strength he has, Gaga." a little old man scratched darkly at the corner of his mouth.

"No matter who the opponent is, I will win this No. 12!" a tall man\'s eyes are cold and bright.


There are not a few dissidents.

These strong people hidden in the crowd are all within the number 50.

There are unwritten regulations in the hundred domains. Generally, if the number exceeds too much, it will not launch a challenge, but the strength gap is too large. All the strong people in the hundred regions are people with heads and faces. They will not do anything uncertain. If they challenge forcibly, they will slap themselves.

After all, one mountain is higher than another. What if it occupies No. 12?

Without strength, the owner will change in ten days.

At that time, wouldn\'t it be even more humiliating?

Only "newcomers" like Shui Linglong have no scruples. What if they lose?

For her, entering the outer door was to hone herself.

"Wow!" with a mist.

Shuilinglong came in white.

Without any makeup, it is as elegant and refined as a fairy in the sky, which is refreshing.

In particular, the light water light scattered outside the body is better like a water elf, with a kind of pure and beautiful feeling, as beautiful as a lotus.

"How beautiful!"

"How nice!"

"Really worthy of being a goddess ~ ~"


The appearance of water Linglong caused a cry of surprise.

Such beauty is rare in the world.

However, no one will underestimate this bright woman like water. Her strength is not boasted. But after many tests and selection, he stood out among more than two million newcomers and became the champion of the talent trial.

The eyes are sparkling, like lotus blossoming.

Shuilinglong\'s expression didn\'t change, but he galloped quietly to gun rock, and his mood was flat.

The materialized mask is gradually becoming virtual at this time.

Ten day cooling off period, it\'s time.

"Come on, goddess!"

"You must win, shuilinglong!"

"Don\'t be merciful and beat Lin Feng happily!"


A wolf howled and watched shuilinglong enter gun rock. Everyone shouted hysterically. It was like waves after waves, especially the burly young man who bet with Bai Yi. He was red in the face and shouted at his throat.

In the crowd cheering, Shui Linglong showed a shallow smile.

The token flashed in his hand, even if he entered the gun rock.

She has been waiting for this war for ten days!

play off for the victory!

Wheeze! Wheeze!

The ember magic gun danced, and Lin Feng\'s eyes closed slightly.

Feel the rhythm of the ember magic gun with your heart, feel the rhythm of each gun, and enhance the fit with the ember magic gun.

It is a close connection from the heart.

The stronger the fit, the deeper the induction!

Stabilize the artistic conception of shooting!


"Hmm?" Lin Feng opened his eyes with a pure light.

A familiar smell came. Lin Feng had a good memory. A beautiful shadow soon appeared in his mind, and his eyebrows clustered gently.

"What is she doing here?" Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart.

Pop! Settle down.

Lin Feng held a gun in one hand and stood steadily.

Looking straight into the distance, the strong water element fluctuated extremely strongly, and a beautiful shadow came in a flash.

It was the smooth woman who "hindered" herself that day.

Step! The water is exquisite and falls in the distance.

As a water spirit division, you must keep a certain distance from the enemy and fight.

"I\'m coming." Shui Linglong\'s eyes sparkled, reflecting a sense of war.

Lin Feng was stunned, but he didn\'t know why. "What are you doing?"

Water Linglong was stunned, but he didn\'t expect Lin Feng to say this. He thought he was looking down on himself and didn\'t take her seriously at all. His face turned red with anger. Bite the vermilion lips, the water is exquisite, the war spirit increases sharply, and the strong water elements agglutinate in an instant!

"Water dragon roar!" Jiao shouted.

The water is exquisite and half merciless, and the small face is just right.

In the change of hands, dragons with strong water elements soared up one by one, and the sound of dragons chanted in bursts. Each dragon seemed to be endowed with life and roared at Lin Feng. Its power and speed were improved compared with those before.

"Eh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes changed.

The body suddenly habitually retreated back, and the ember magic gun in the hand was sonorous.


"Well come!"

The corner of Lin Feng\'s mouth was indifferent and drawn, and he felt a little happy.

Fei Jin had just gone. He was worried that he didn\'t practice his opponent. It was good to send one to the door for nothing.

And it is a rare starsea level water spirit Master.

Ten days ago, I wanted to experience the strength of Xinghai level water spirit Master. I just missed Fei Jin because I had to compete with him. Now she came back, but she was eager to not only test the power of the new shooting technique, but also understand the fighting means of Xinghai Tianling master.

It\'s very helpful to yourself!

"Xinghai level 5."

"Slightly inferior to brother Ji."

From the breath alone, Lin Feng has estimated the strength of his opponent.

In front of us, dragons roared in, powerful!

"Bow from left to right, there is nowhere to hide." Lin Feng judged instantly.

Whether you go left or right, you can avoid it