Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 567

In the wrong direction?

Linton was stunned by the time.

"Please give me some advice." although he was puzzled, Lin Feng asked modestly.

Fei Jin was above himself in his attainments in shooting.

What he said must have its reason.

Fei Jin nodded and was very satisfied with Lin Feng\'s attitude. Although it is a duel, in fact, he is guiding Lin Feng. If Lin Feng thinks highly of himself, he will not stick his hot face to his cold ass. As Lin Feng is so open-minded to ask for advice, he is really willing to teach and will not hide.

"The state of shooting is inseparable from the shape and intention of shooting." Fei Jin Xu said slowly.

Lin Feng whispered, "um," and the first three realms were the combination of gun shape and gun meaning.

On that day, in the tianwu mainland, the third realm of "the combination of form and meaning" has slowly turned into a fork in the road. As a result, the gun moves only focus on the exertion of strength, but ignore others.

"To break through the \'combination of form and meaning\', the fourth realm is the \'unity of man and gun\'."

"This state, the average gun learner can\'t reach this level without decades of immersion."

Fei Jin\'s eyes were burning, and he looked at Lin Feng with a little appreciation.

Marksmanship is easy to learn but difficult to master. It requires more patience than learning Dao and sword.

It\'s rare that Lin Feng has such qualifications.

"After the fourth realm, there is a bifurcation," Fei Jin said.


Lin Feng suddenly pricked up his ears.

"Two roads." Fei Jin said cautiously. "One, starting from the unity of man and gun, focuses on the meaning and shape of gun, which is simplified into complexity, which we call" have moves ". The other, starting from" returning to nature ", which is simplified into simplicity, which we call" no moves\'. "

"There are moves, no moves..." Lin Feng thought silently, as if he understood something.

In his heart, an invisible door was pushed open. Lin Feng nodded gently with a little thought in his eyes.

"Having moves is the fighting method of the God of war with moves as the strength and vigorous Qi as the promotion." Fei Jin stared at Lin Feng and said slowly, "without moves, it is the fighting method of the God of war with the origin of heaven and earth as the strength and moves as the carrier!"

Bang! His head seemed to burst.

Suddenly, Lin Feng suddenly realized.

All doubts are clear at this moment.

All along, I have been improving based on the realm of "returning to nature".

However, I understand it with pure God of war power!

The two are not the same kind!

"The exertion of the God of war\'s strength depends more on the power of the gun move. The gun idea, gun shape and vigorous Qi are indispensable. They are the purest way of fighting."

"But the exertion of the strength of the martial god depends more on the exertion of the original power! The simplified gun move of returning to the original and returning to the original will eliminate all other superfluous forces. Instead, it is the ultimate cohesion of the original power, which is the origin of no move."

Fei Jin said slowly and fell in Lin Feng\'s ears, like thunder.

The original crooked road suddenly returned to the straight line. Lin Feng was completely clear at the moment.

Vaguely, I seemed to see the end.

"So it is."

"I finally understand..."

Lin Feng\'s eyes became very clear.

What I have to do now is to improve based on the integration of people and guns!

"Thanks for reminding me," said Lin Feng.

If it hadn\'t been for Fei Jin\'s words, I don\'t know how long I would have been "lost".

Gratitude comes from the heart.

"A little effort." Fei Jin smiled calmly.

He has no apprentice. He is usually alone. For hundreds of years, only Lin Feng agrees with him, so he will speak.

"Elder, please teach me again!" Lin Feng\'s ember magic gun clanged in his hand and his eyes were bright.

Give up and return to nature, return to the realm of shooting, and return to the unity of man and gun. Lin Feng seems to be connected with the gun.

There\'s a way!

"OK!" Fei Jin smiled calmly.

For a long time, he had never had such an "unscrupulous" competition with a strong gun learner.

This feeling is quite comfortable!

In the gun rock, two figures crisscross.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are sparkling, and he is at a disadvantage most of the time. After all, the shooting realm is inferior to that of Fei Jin.

Although the power of shooting is weaker than before, but

This is the real artistic conception of God of war shooting!

"That\'s the feeling!"

"Very moment, very clear."

The more Lin Feng played, the easier he was. The whole person seemed to be reborn.

It\'s like the fuzzy scene in front of me, gradually becoming clear, and I\'m getting closer and closer.

Getting closer!

Within reach!!!

"This understanding is really terrible."

"In just six days, there are models and samples."

"This little guy\'s intermediate man gun integration level is an entry point."

Fei Jin\'s heart was slightly bright, but suddenly there was a feeling of vicissitudes.

But I didn\'t expect that Lin Feng would catch up with him so soon.

"Candidate disciples of the outer gate?"

"Ji Jin is really blind."

Fei Jin felt helpless. Lin Feng\'s qualifications seemed to him

Like a monster.

"Through the promotion ceremony, he became an ordinary disciple of the outer gate."

"Lin Feng\'s strength will surprise everyone."

Fei Jin thought to himself that it was funny to think of the dull look of the people at that time.

Such a talent, such a tyrant!

Day 10.

"Peng!" with the same move, the power blooms.

Fei Jin retreated ten meters, while Lin Feng retreated twelve meters.

It\'s a little worse, but it\'s totally different from ten days ago.

The two were staggered.

After fighting for seven days in a row, Rao Shifei Jin was a little tired no matter how strong he was. On the contrary, Lin Feng was still energetic.

"That\'s it, little monster." Fei Jinchang sighed with relief and wiped the sweat off his forehead with his wrist.

"Thank you for your teaching," said Lin Feng.

Without Fei Jin\'s teaching, he would never have mastered "the integration of intermediate people and guns" in a short time.

Although it is only the beginning, it has embarked on the right path.

"I didn\'t teach you. We\'re just fighting." Fei Jin said with bright eyes.

Lin Feng smiled and knew that Fei Jin didn\'t want to feel owed to him.

"Thank you." Lin Feng whispered.

Fei Jin smiled, "return your love."

Lin Feng was slightly stunned, and suddenly it was clear.

What Fei Jin said was that he did not publicize his defeat that day.

"I can only help you here. I have a lot to do when I first enter the inner door. It\'s up to you in the future." Fei Jin nodded and smiled, "little monster, shoot out the bird with a gun. Be careful yourself." after talking, without waiting for Lin Feng\'s reply, Fei Jin broke through the air.

Shoot the bird out of the head?

Lin Feng savored this sentence and a question mark appeared in his mind.

"This fee elder, the speech is really endless." Lin Feng shook his head and smiled.

Immediately holding the ember magic gun, I felt the palpitation from my heart. People and the gun were completely integrated.

Compared with the integration of primary people and guns, the integration of intermediate people and guns is an advanced improvement, not a change. Nevertheless, the control and mastery of guns and the application of gun moves are all a new leap, and the most important thing is——

The change of gun intention!

More profound gun intention to play!

"This is the reason why elder Fei\'s crazy bully shot." Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

"According to what elder Fei said, if the entry-level intermediate people integrate their guns, their gun intention will be doubled; if the intermediate people who are proficient in level training integrate their guns, their gun intention will be increased by four times; while for the proficient intermediate people, their gun intention will be ten times that of the junior people!"

"Master Fei only reached the level of proficiency, and the gun intention is so amazing."

"If you reach the mastery level, I don\'t know how terrible it is!"

Lin Feng\'s heart was full of expectation, and his expression was full of strong excitement.

At this moment, I fully understood the improvement of the realm of shooting.

Know how to go this way!

"Keep practicing!"

"Riding hand heat, fully familiar with the introduction of intermediate people, gun in one!"

Lin Feng was determined, but he didn\'t waste half his time.

Immerse yourself in practice again.


Shoot the head bird!

Lin Feng doesn\'t know, but why doesn\'t Fei Jin know?

At this time, all the remarks in the central area of the nine districts are directed at Lin Feng.

It can be said to be standing at the tip of the wave mouth.

It\'s not just shuilinglong who keeps an eye on him.

Basically, those with the number in front focused their eyes on Lin Feng and made his idea.

A new man!

Occupying gun rock No. 12, does he deserve it?

The number not only represents the region, but also represents the identity and status!

"You say, who is more powerful, shuilinglong or Linfeng?"

"It\'s needless to say that our goddess must be much more powerful." a young man in blue looked up and said proudly, "Lin Feng was lucky. He just met Fei gun king and left, so he gave him a No. 12 area. I was still surprised that he lost to Fei gun king four times in a row, and somehow won the fifth time."

"Yes, we would have been kept in the dark if it hadn\'t been mentioned by people such as less flowers and fierce fire."


Everyone said a word to me, but the discussion was very happy.

The ten day period is approaching. Shuilinglong\'s challenge to Lin Feng has already been boiling.

New people in the Ninth District, who knows!

"In my opinion, Lin Feng is an embroidered pillow." a burly young man patted his chest and said proudly, "he looks as thin as a woman. Just like him, don\'t let me die. He will be defeated by Shui Linglong later."

The crowd echoed, and the burly young man looked complacent.


"What if Lin Feng wins?" the voice came quickly.

The burly young man was stunned and disdained to say, "if he wants to win, I\'ll run naked in the central area!"

After that, the burly young man laughed, and the people laughed together, but the laughter gradually weakened.

Because the man who spoke was recognized.

"Don\'t forget what you just said." Bai Yi stood up from the nearby wine table, with a gentle and freehand smile on his face, passing by the burly youth. "If you break your promise, I will personally strip off your clothes and hang you on the restaurant."

Bai Yi\'s mouth is indifferent and smiles, with a cold meaning.

He and Lin Feng are friends. Anyone insulting Lin Feng is tantamount to insulting him.

The crowd was quiet and the atmosphere was depressed.

Bai Yi walked to the door, turned around and said calmly, "I forgot to tell you that Lin Feng\'s strength... Is more than ten times stronger than me!"

The voice fell, and everyone was stunned. They couldn\'t believe it and looked blankly.

The burly young man turned white and perspired.