Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 565

At that moment, time seemed to stop.

Heaven and earth roared, and the power of battle spread to the whole area.

Flying sand and stones, a desolate silence.

Who won?

Sima Feng and Qin Qianqian stared and held their breath.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the two figures looked at each other, which was very shocking.

"He lost..." Sima Feng murmured.

Looking at them, Qin Qianqian\'s worried face burst into an excited smile for a moment!

Her brother Lin, won!

"Thank you." the voice is full of vicissitudes and loneliness. The shoulder of Fei Jin\'s right hand was dripping with blood and flesh. But he still held the gun tightly. Although it was covered with blood, he didn\'t let go. People and guns seem to be one.

"Yes, sir." Lin Feng bowed his head gently.

Staring at Fei Jin, Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered constantly.

Fei Jin\'s last shot just now is unforgettable!

"What a powerful shot!" Lin Feng\'s heart beat again and again, and his mind seemed to replay Fei Jin gangcai\'s shot. The subtle changes from stepping to holding the gun in the right hand, and even the breathing and air squeeze when the gun is out, are clear and free.

"There is a deep domineering spirit, as if it swallowed people."

"It\'s amazing that gun intention has reached such a situation!"

Lin Feng felt a thrill, but he was not afraid, but excited.

A powerful move!

If his strength had not been far better than Fei Jin, he would have lost at the moment.

"I didn\'t let you." Fei Jinxiang smiled. "Your strength is really stronger than me by more than one grade. I\'m convinced to lose."

Lin Feng arched his hands and said, "the elder\'s attainments in shooting also convince the younger generation."

Not modest, I really admire Fei gun king himself.

This understanding and dedication to the "gun" is very rare.

Four eyes looked at each other. For a moment, they both showed a smile and were very happy.

It\'s no fight, no acquaintance!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two figures galloped in.

"Brother Fei!" brother Lin! ~ "Sima Feng and Qin Qianqian smiled.

"Ha, what brings the Sima Dharma protector?" Fei Jinsha smiled. Suddenly, he looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "I don\'t think the Sima Dharma protector came to see brother Fei?"

"Ha ha." Sima Feng stroked his long beard and said with a smile, "Lin Feng really has something to do with me." he paused and looked at Fei Jin. Sima Feng\'s eyes flashed, "but I\'m really here for you, brother Fei."

"Oh?" Fei Jin\'s eyes lit up.

"Well, brother Fei, although you have some doubts about your origin, everything has been investigated over the years." Sima Feng nodded.

"What does Sima protector mean?!" Fei Jin\'s face changed continuously and his chest fluctuated continuously.

Sima Feng said with a smile, "yes, the announcement has been made. I\'m here to inform brother Fei that you can enter the inner door to report from now on."

"Great!!!" he clenched his fists, and Fei Jin\'s eyes glittered.

He is not a disciple trained by Li Yanmen, but joined halfway. Therefore, there are many difficulties in entering the inner gate.

Identity alone is complicated.


Finally, as you wish!

"Congratulations, master." Lin Feng and Qin Qianqian congratulated.

From Fei Jin\'s expression, we can see how important it is for him to enter the inner door.

Smiling and nodding, Fei Jin was incomparably excited.

"Whoosh!!" Fei Jin immediately stepped on the ground.

There was a bright look in his eyes, but he didn\'t want to waste half a minute.

He can finally enter the inner door!

The figure flashed quickly. Fei Jin seemed to think of something and suddenly stopped in the air.

"What\'s your name?" Fei Jin\'s eyes sparkled.

"Lin Feng." Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Fei Jin looked at Lin Feng with a rare smile and said, "three days later, I\'ll come to you."

"Good!" Lin Feng was delighted.

Fei Jin did not forget what he said before the duel.

Exchange gun skills together!

No, it should be said that Fei Jin guided himself.

In terms of shooting skills and understanding of guns, Fei Jin is indeed much stronger than himself now.

With his guidance, I will be able to avoid many detours on my way of shooting!

Fei Jin looked at Lin Feng and smiled happily.

He is not the kind of chicken belly man. On the contrary, he appreciates Lin Feng\'s persistence of being deeply fascinated by guns.

Because he is the same persistent!

"Whoosh!" Fei Jin cut through the sky and left immediately.

Body injuries, just some skin injuries, no big deal.

It was like a light and shadow passing by, but he passed by Bai Yi, Hua Shao, fierce fire and others, but Fei Jin didn\'t stay half a minute.

Now the owner of this gun rock is no longer him.

"Just now that was..." he said angrily.

"It\'s the king of Fei gun." Hua Shao\'s eyes twinkled and his feather fan snapped open. "I won\'t be wrong."

After death, all the disciples of the inner sect became breathless. Fei Jin\'s departure made them seem to understand something. Everyone\'s eyes were full of surprise and disbelief. In particular, Bai Yi, like an arrow off the string, suddenly rushed out.

"Brother Lin, did he really win?"

"Sure enough!!!"

Bai Yi\'s right fist was unconsciously clenched, and the speed accelerated.

Bai Yi, who saw less flowers and fierce fire behind him, accelerated and immediately followed up.

"Brother Lin, you\'re awesome!" Qin Qianqian looked at the stars and grabbed Lin Feng\'s hand.

Many days I haven\'t seen Lin Feng, but she misses her.

If Sima Feng had not been present, Qin Qianqian would have rushed to Lin Feng and described his missing.

"Lin Feng, you\'re hiding so deep!" Sima Feng said positively, "I was skeptical when Xia Er told me, but now I\'ve seen it with my own eyes. It\'s really extraordinary!" he shook his head and Sima Feng said with a bitter smile, "if I were your master, I\'m afraid I\'d have nothing to teach you."

"Your words are important," Lin Feng said.

I respect Sima Feng from my heart.

It\'s not how strong his strength is, but his enthusiasm for others and himself, which moves me.

This is enough.

"Originally, I wanted to recommend you to my good friend, Dharma protector Jin." Sima Feng smiled and said, "but now it seems that it\'s a little wrong. Lin Feng, your strength is compared with Lei BA\'s among your peers, and you can worship the elders."

"Leiba?" Lin Feng was stunned.

This is another name I\'ve heard since "Jixiu".

"He is the disciple of the three elders." Qin Qianqian nodded his head, "his strength is extremely strong, far stronger than senior brother Ji, and only inferior to the demon genius\' Ji Xiu \'among his peers."

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

Looking at Sima Feng, he said slowly, "according to the elder, my strength... Is not as good as Ji Xiu?"

"Yes." Sima Feng didn\'t hesitate, "I know what you\'re thinking, Lin Feng. Ji Xiu\'s monster qualification is rare for thousands of years. The leader has long affirmed that he will break through and enter the star master level before he is 100 years old. It\'s normal to be inferior to him."

"Ji Xiu." Lin Feng thought lightly.

It makes master Sima admire him so much, and he doesn\'t hesitate to evaluate himself as inferior to Ji Xiu, which shows that

The gap between them is quite large.

"Interesting." Lin Feng smiled.

Not only did he not feel discouraged, but a strong fighting spirit emerged in his heart.

Compete with each other, this is the way of martial arts!

"Hmm?" Lin Feng suddenly changed his eyes and looked into the distance.

I saw several figures galloping in, and suddenly felt a burst of inexplicable confusion.

And the first one

"Lin Feng!" a joyful cry sounded in the distance.

Lin Feng suddenly saw Bai Yi, still the white dress, elegant and gentle.

"Bai Yi?!" Lin Feng was also happy. He really didn\'t expect to see Bai Yi here on that day.

It\'s quite fate.

"Ha ha!" Bai Yi falls to the ground and glances at Qin Qianqian beside Lin Feng, who is holding Lin Feng\'s hand at this time. Bai Yi is surprised, "brother Lin, you are really sharp! You have just come to liyanmen for more than a month and managed to get one of the top ten beauties!"

Behind Bai Yi, Hua Shao, fierce fire and other inner disciples also fell to the ground.

Looking at Qin Qianqian and Lin Feng\'s light cloth, they all showed a look of envy and jealousy.

Each of the top ten beauties of liyanmen looks like an immortal.

But I didn\'t expect one of them to be solved by the rumored "fool".

"What\'s done!" Qin Qianqian blushed and said angrily, "brother Lin and I have known each other for a long time." as soon as the voice fell, Sima Feng nearby smiled bitterly. How can a girl be so ashamed to say so.

Bai Yi has a bitter face, but he doesn\'t dare to offend Qin Qianqian. He secretly gives Lin Feng a thumbs up.

Lin Feng smiled slightly, "brother Bai, what are you looking for me?"

"Nothing, nothing." Bai Yi smiled and whispered, "by the way, brother Lin, the king of Fei gun just left, but lost to you?"

The voice fell, and the flowers behind him, fierce fire and others immediately pricked their ears.

Lin Feng\'s expression remained unchanged, and his eyes glittered slightly.

"Nothing." Lin Feng smiled calmly, pointing to Sima Feng and said with a smile, "it\'s senior Sima who came to inform him that Fei gun king has passed the test and audit, and can be added as an inner door from now on. The announcement has been made." senior Fei hasn\'t been defeated for hundreds of years. At present, he just joined the inner door. It\'s really harmful to his reputation, but he doesn\'t care.

"So it is!" Bai Yi nodded suddenly.

After death, few flowers, fierce fire and others also showed a look of relief.

Many times people are like this. They can\'t see others well, especially those of their own generation.

After picking his eyebrows, Bai Yi said in a low voice, "brother Lin, your strength seems to be more than that. You really didn\'t discharge water?"

"Fei gun King\'s shooting realm is far from what I can compare." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and convinced.

Bai Yi nodded, looked at Lin Feng and Qin Qianqian, and said with an uproar, "that won\'t delay brother Lin\'s time. You\'re in the ninth district. We\'ll talk again next time."

"OK." Lin Feng smiled.

Soon, the crowd left.

Even Sima Feng\'s "interest in knowledge" disappeared.

Only Lin Feng and Qin Qianqian are left, but they haven\'t been together for a long time and have endless words.

Even if this is just a desolate gun rock, it is full of affection.

(two more chapters)