Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 564

Outside the gun rock.

As Shui Linglong left, Lin Feng entered gun rock, and the people dispersed immediately.

Seeing the water\'s exquisite and powerful strength, there is no secret about the true face of the "fool". I have seen all the excitement that should be seen, and I have nothing to miss.

In their opinion, the only loser will be the fool anyway.

Only a few martial artists remained.

These people really "understand" the battle between Lin Feng and Shui Linglong, including Bai Yi.

"I think... Lin Feng is not weaker than water Linglong." Hua Shao holds a feather fan in his hand and gently clusters his eyebrows.

"Put your fart, the water is exquisite, which is definitely better than that weak little guy!" angrily scolded with a tiger\'s face.

"Really?" Hua Shao glanced askance, "what are you doing here?"

His face turned blue and he was shut up.

Bai Yi looked at the crowd and gently shook his head.

He was curious. Although Fei gun king was really strong, he felt that Lin Feng was stronger.

"It doesn\'t make sense."

"Brother Lin, are you hiding yourself?"

"But then, what did he do for?"

Bai Yi thought in his heart, but he couldn\'t get the result, and his face was dignified.

And now——

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two figures galloped past.

All the people left were stunned. They saw the two figures quickly enter the light mask without blocking.

"They are..." Bai Yi was surprised.

"Sima Feng, the chief tool refiner, and Qin Qianqian, one of the top ten beauties." Hua Shao gently shook the feather fan and his eyes glittered.

"What are they doing here?" the fire doubted.

"I don\'t know." Hua Shao shook his head and his eyes flashed for a moment. "Are they here to watch the war? Why don\'t... We go in too?"

They are all disciples of the inner gate. They have the identity token of the inner gate. Naturally, they are free to go in and out.

Don\'t enter, just for fear of annoying Fei gun king.

"This... Is not very good?" the fierce fire hesitated.

"Cut, don\'t have the courage." Hua Shao looks back at Bai Yi with bright eyes, "brother Bai, what about you?"

Bai Yi\'s eyes changed slightly, and he also fell into hesitation.

For a long time

"Let\'s go!" Bai Yi\'s eyes deepened and hurried forward in an instant.

The question in his mind is really hard to solve without seeing the battle.

Lin Feng, what\'s going on!!

"OK!" Hua Shao followed up with happy eyebrows.

Fierce fire and several other inner disciples looked at each other when they saw them enter.

But now that I have learned from the past, I don\'t have too many concerns. I immediately followed up one by one.

Gun rock.

"Here you are." Fei Jindan stood in the wind.

"Yes, sir." Lin Feng nodded gently.

The elder shouted willingly. Fei Jin acted aboveboard and deserved these two words.

Moreover, they fought for four times, and they were both obsessed with shooting. Lin Feng was quite fond of Fei Jin.

"I\'ve been thinking about a problem for more than a month." Fei Jin looked at Lin Feng and talked about the rare Kaikai with sparkling eyes. "You didn\'t fight with me just for \'gun rock\'."

Lin Feng looked calm. He had already predicted that this day would come.

After all, Fei Jin is not a fool.

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded.

"So you deliberately left your hand?" Fei Jin\'s eyes shot a cold light.

This is the biggest question in his heart!

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

I know clearly why Fei Jin asked.

It is disrespectful to the opponent to stay in this duel and even lose deliberately!

"Master, calm down." Lin Feng looked calm and bowed his hands. Since Fei Jin asked this question, it means that he already has an answer in his heart. If he deceives again, it will undoubtedly add fuel to the fire. Rather than so, it\'s better to be honest.

"I have no other intention. I just want to compete with my predecessors with a gun without involving any other aspects." Lin Feng added the word "any".

As the voice fell, Fei Jin\'s face relaxed a little.

As a martial artist obsessed with guns, he still agrees with Lin Feng\'s words.

"What you said is true?" Fei Jin said slowly.

"What do you think?" Lin Feng smiled quietly, and suddenly pulled out the ember magic gun, with a clanging sound.

I really want to compete with Fei Jin simply with a gun.

Fei Jin\'s eyes flickered and nodded.

He appreciated Lin Feng\'s love for guns.

It is the gun that meets a bosom friend.

"I want to know your real strength." Fei Jin stared at Lin Feng and spoke slowly.

If you don\'t know, you can make do with it, but since you know that Lin Feng hides his strength, you can\'t treat it as nothing.

If you take advantage of the younger generation, where will his old face go?

"This......" Lin Feng frowned and hesitated.

To tell the truth, I fought with Fei Jin four times and knew his strength clearly.

Compared with Ji Xia, Fei Jin should still have a card in hand, and his real strength should not be much different from Ji Xia.

But even so, it is far from its own opponent.

"If you can defeat me, I\'ll treat you as a friend." Fei Jin\'s eyes twinkle. The world of martial arts respects strength, which has nothing to do with age. If Lin Feng really has this strength, he doesn\'t mind making friends with Lin Feng. Through four exchanges, Fei Jin knows that Lin Feng is the same as him——

Also a gun lover.

"Master means..." Lin Feng was delighted.

"I can teach you how to shoot, or... Let\'s discuss it together." Fei Jin smiled calmly, not in that superior tone. Although he was really above Lin Feng in terms of shooting, he still appreciated Lin Feng after these four battles.

Every battle, not only Lin Feng benefited a lot, but he also had a lot of inspiration.

"You can\'t get it." Lin fengsa said with a smile.

Being able to discuss shooting skills with Fei Jin is far more helpful than dueling.

It\'s like practicing martial arts. One practices and gropes by himself, while the other is taught by a teacher.

Not only learn faster, but also avoid going wrong.

"OK, happy!" Fei Jin nodded with satisfaction. "Then be careful. I won\'t keep my hand this time."

In Fei Jin\'s opinion, even if Lin Feng hides his strength, he can win Lin Feng!

Because of him, there is still one of the strongest cards left!

Suddenly I didn\'t know——

He underestimated Lin Feng.


The surging flame is bright.

Fei Jin was holding a balance gun and his eyes were sparkling.

Gazing at the forest wind not far away, I feel more and more heavy in my heart.

"It\'s totally different." Fei Jin tightened his right hand holding the gun.

The forest wind in front of me is like a giant lion waking up, and the momentum climbs to the peak in an instant!

Quite strong!

"I haven\'t felt this pressure for a long time." Fei Jin\'s eyes brightened, and his evaluation of Lin Feng suddenly changed. The lonely breath burst suddenly, and the star power was transmitted, spreading all over the body. At this time, in Fei Jin\'s heart, Lin Feng in front of him was no longer a junior, but a real strong enough to compete with him.

go to all lengths!!

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

It\'s like going back to the time when you entered liyanmen